Have The Majority of American Men Become Wusses?
MANAZEGo to work in a power house, any kind of mill, construction sites etc. These jobs are hard on the body and dangerous. Work there a week and tell me that they don't deserve more respect than they get. Because in the end if there is no power to light out streets or our homes this country will be so shocked it won't matter how many police there are because they'll all be home defending their family while your shit out of luck. It starts with those men and women first, the ones who keep this country really running.
MrPokeMANAZE wrote: Go to work in a power house, any kind of mill, construction sites etc. These jobs are hard on the body and dangerous. Work there a week and tell me that they don't deserve more respect than they get. Because in the end if there is no power to light out streets or our homes this country will be so shocked it won't matter how many police there are because they'll all be home defending their family while your shit out of luck. It starts with those men and women first, the ones who keep this country really running.
So you're a pissed off union worker? -
StiffmanHmmm............I prefer Miracle Whip over manaze too! I sure hope you get the help you need manaze. I can't figure out what the point of this thread is after reading every post that you made. You seem to be upset about something, but you won't or don't elaborate on it very well. Why don't you start another thread and tell how you really feel and what really has that corn cobb stuck up your ass!
I'm gonna say yes..and the only thing the Union is good for anymore is protecting the lazy mother f*ckers!MrPoke wrote: So you're a pissed off union worker? -
MANAZEHow much info do anyone of you have on unions. none other than what your welfare father probally is telling you. go ahead work at walmart for 8 dollars and hour.
Glory Dayshow much info do you have on unions that hasnt come from the union leaders?
MANAZEAlot. And if it wasn't for the union no one would be enjoying their current life style. Its Americas history if you don't think so look it up.
GoChiefsI currently work for the union..at $22.00 an hour..before you say 'Thank your Union for that'..BS..I worked for $25.00 an hour at a NON Union job. I've worked for both sides. As I said..the Union is for the lazy man...this isn't 30 years ago. You do your job..you do your job right..you have nothing to worry about..yet..you get this schmuck over there that sits on his ass doing nothing all day long..and they can't do a thing to him..or that worthless guy that gets the job over you just because he's been there six months longer..yet..you work harder and are more qualified. Yes..aren't Unions great?
Like this!gochiefs wrote: I currently work for the union..at $22.00 an hour..before you say 'Thank your Union for that'..BS..I worked for $25.00 an hour at a NON Union job. I've worked for both sides. As I said..the Union is for the lazy man...this isn't 30 years ago. You do your job..you do your job right..you have nothing to worry about..yet..you get this schmuck over there that sits on his ass doing nothing all day long..and they can't do a thing to him..or that worthless guy that gets the job over you just because he's been there six months longer..yet..you work harder and are more qualified. Yes..aren't Unions great?
It's gotten as bad as affirmative action. -
ernest_t_bassTalk to employees at Honda of America. They don't have a union there, and they are paid tremendously.
GoChiefsI also had great benefits and insurance at that NON Union job as well.
Glory Daysbut gochiefs, what do you really know? we are all wusses remember?
GoChiefsWhoops! My bad! I forgot that part! I guess if OWNING your own home, 3 cars, being married for 7 years and raising my 8 year old son is being a wuss..then..COUNT ME IN!
MANAZEI agree there are problems with some unions. And there are people like that at every job non union or not. I feel the main problems with the unions right now is that they are to contractor friendly. Also another problem with this country in general is that bs that goes on where you work if you were to say something you are the asshole rat and that you should you be understanding of why it is that person is not doing his/her job that they are getting paid good money for. The reason union wages also may not be great as non union workers is the people who do your contracts. Get better people in the office and you'll get better work conditions and better money.
GoChiefsI have no complaints with the wage at my Union job..even though the pay was greater with the NON Union job. Problem is..money talks..company pays any Union a little money..and they can get away with anything they want.
MANAZEya I found that out the hard way. I promise you this if you ever get hurt on your job never let any of the company men talk to you. leave in an ambulance and get a lawyer. I was hit by a 1,500lb pipe and was really hurt. The things I had to go through I wish on no person. But the way my life is now the relationship with my wife and kids because I was home for two years no amount of money could never buy..
I will also say this about the guys I worked with someone paid all my dues while I was hurt and they had a major fund raiser for me and I was able to live off of that until my comp started. They showed me how great the man kind can really be when you are down on your luck. -
GoChiefsSo your defending the Union why?
MANAZEI re-edit my post to talk about the union members. As a union the men and women stood behind me. Now it is my generations turn to change what is wrong with the union and its elder members. We need more people like my great-grandfather who helped start the union and wasn't affraid of what might happen to him if he took a stand.
GoChiefsI'm not saying the Union is COMPLETELY useless..but in my experiences..the negatives FAR outweigh the positives. Another example..new hires where I work..you have to work 180 days before you get into the Union..BUT..you pay Union Dues from DAY 1!! You pay Union Dues..but..you have no rights to the Union? Sorry..something is not right about that IMO.
Don't want the consequences of being in the military? Don't sign up. They get paid FAIR MARKET VALUE for their work, so no need to overglorify them for doing THEIR JOB.TBone14 wrote: When was the last time you had to look for mines that would blow you to pieces on your way to work? Or just as bad, when was the last you watched as one of your friends and coworkers got blown up by said mine or held a man in your arms as he bleed to death from gunshot wounds?
What jobs are you talking about where people may not come home that don't get respect? I know firefighters and police get a lot of respect from people I know and when they save people from burning buildings they are heros and are treated as such. -
thewildcatSociety always changes, older generations always think their way is the best way to do things; newer generations think their way is the best. Has been like this, and forever will be!
Fair Market Value??? You have GOT to be kidding??!!?? Do you know how much our soldiers over there make? Not much at all! To say they are making 'fair market value' is quite idiotic. And if it wasn't for them signing up..you could be speaking another language right now. They protect you. Get over yourself and give a little respect where it's due.sleeper wrote: Don't want the consequences of being in the military? Don't sign up. They get paid FAIR MARKET VALUE for their work, so no need to overglorify them for doing THEIR JOB. -
MANAZEThere is no such thing as fair market value on a life or limbs.
slide22My dad makes $35/hr at a non-union factory.
Him and I both say screw unions.