
Disgusted with Progressives

  • QuakerOats
    isadore;1867322 wrote:or you will drive a car through the demonstrators.

    ....with my Trump mask on

    Christ you have a ton of media-hyped hatred coursing through your system.

    How about if I say an Our Father, a Hail Mary, and a Glory Be for you.
  • CenterBHSFan
    QuakerOats;1867344 wrote:How about if I say an Our Father, a Hail Mary, and a Glory Be for you.
    Just throw in a "Peace be upon you" for good measure!
  • isadore
    jmog;1867303 wrote:I said he held abolitionist views. He said slavery is morally and politically evil, that is the only proof I need for the statement I made.

    You are, quite obviously, wrong here. Do some actual research on Robert E Lee rather than just spout crap you can find on Occupy Democrats FB page.

    The three most interesting eras/wars in US history (at least to me) are The Revolutionary War, The Civil War, and WW2. In all 3 cases "we" were fighting against some form of oppression (King of England, Slavery, and Nazi Germany).

    I have read as much as I can on these 3 eras and the Civil War era being the one I have spent the most time reading (mainly because it almost ripped this country apart). In my studies I would definitely say that while most of the southern generals/politicians were most undoubtedly racist men (Jefferson Davis was quite the racist, he wanted to just annex most of Mexico so they had more slave states), Robert E Lee was a good man who definitely held abolitionist views.

    I mean he was almost the leader of the Union Army, President Lincoln had Lee as his first choice and gave him the offer first. Lee was a much better strategic battle minded General than Grant was. If Lee had gone with country over state, the Civil War probably would have ended MUCH faster than it did.

    Some of the Lincoln letters to Lee before the war and to his own generals during the war were very interesting and telling stories from that era.

    One of my favorites was a guy (going off memory on which battle) that fought for the US in the War of 1812 and in the Mexican-American War, who was very old come the Civil War. He lived in Pennsylvania and Gettysburg was his back yard. He found for the Union with literally his musket from the war of 1812, as a 70 year old man.
    His statement is just an example of hypocrisy. The only truth in the statement is the part I quoted. He did believe slave owners were doing Africans a great service by enslaving. Every claim I made about him is verifiably true. Don’t waste your time on Douglas Southall Freeman’s outdated “Lost Cause” version of Lee. Every claim I made about Lee is verifiable from a number of sources.
    When 1857 in his father in law George Washington Parke Curtis died he manumitted his slaves. Lee who took leave from the army at this time, refused to free them. And while operating the plantation had slaves beaten.
    When his army entered Pennsylvania in 1863, he had captured blacks sent South into slavery. These are not the actions of an abolitionist.
    You are using the term strategic incorrectly. In Battle Lee was not a great strategist but a great tactician. His many successes at places like 2[SUP]nd[/SUP] Manassas and Chancellorsville demonstrate it. But of course he failed as a tactician at Gettysburg. Grant was the greater strategist, using the army to work toward more long term goals as in the Vicksburg campaign and to final victory.
    You have picked some worthy subjects for your readings I hope you get enjoyment from them.
  • BoatShoes
    CenterBHSFan;1867308 wrote:BS, they've already started doing it? If you don't believe me, ask Bernie Sanders. After all, they de-platformed him. Twice. Milo isn't exactly the sharpest tool in the shed but he has been deplatformed by the left, including BLM also.

    These two are politically polar opposites. What do they have in common? Maybe some whiteness going on? lol
    Oh and Martin O'Malley was deplatformed by BLM too.


    And when you have even TYT calling them out on it you've GOT to start understanding the nuances of denying speech is a part of subjugation, right??

    It's interesting to note that Bernie Sanders fought within the vicinity in one way or another for 50 solid years. I personally think he's a whacko but I can't discredit that kind of sustained dedication. But BLM didn't think twice about shutting down his speech and one activist within BLM even said that he had to "go home and do some homework"... wut

    Obviously what BLM has in written word is going to be much different than their actions. I do find it suspect that you continued pointing out the creed of BLM when the news on the above incidents where published EVERYWHERE that absolutely disclaim what BLM has written down.

    I've already stated that I don't think their general worldview as it relates to power/freedom wherein they think "deplatforming" or disrupting the expression of others - particularly white folks - is productive or conducive to a more liberal and better society. However, I don't think being rude or trying to disrupt the speech of whites and disrupt public forums constitutes evidence of the movements' desire to suppress, subjugate, subordinate or otherwise oppress whites.

    What is their premise? That people of color suffer from much more inequality or oppression than whites, etc. As such, they believe disrupting the expression of whites does not subjugate whites but rather gives them a voice toward equality etc. That is why they say things like "Are attempts to demand equality only looks like oppression to whites because they're used to oppression" etc.

    And so again, while I don't agree with "deplatforming" - IMHO doesn't mean they want to oppress whites.
  • isadore
    QuakerOats;1867344 wrote:....with my Trump mask on

    Christ you have a ton of media-hyped hatred coursing through your system.

    How about if I say an Our Father, a Hail Mary, and a Glory Be for you.
    Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord;
    He is trampling out the vintage where the grapes of wrath are stored;
    He hath loosed the fateful lightning of His terrible swift sword:
    His truth is marching on.
  • QuakerOats
    CenterBHSFan;1867349 wrote:Just throw in a "Peace be upon you" for good measure!

    How about the anointing of the sick and last rites :)
  • gut
    BoatShoes;1867352 wrote: And so again, while I don't agree with "deplatforming" - IMHO doesn't mean they want to oppress whites.
    I don't think it's oppression or even racism. I think they're just embracing their victimhood. I wonder if people who externalize all their failings and shortcomings are capable of self-improvement. I don't think they are. Same would apply to the white supremacists - I'd bet most of them are trash and losers, and they're racism really stems from externalizing their own failures.

    On Bill Maher a few weeks ago someone said something like "we need to stop talking like elites" or "intellectualism threatens the ignorant". And I was thinking, what a profound load of bullshit. It's not elitism or intellectualism - you're chumming the waters of identity politics and victimization. And if you were to talk about personal responsibility or "bootstrapping" oneself, you'd be shunned (booed on that show)....because that doesn't fit the narrative of a rigged game and glass ceilings, eventhough it's not mutually exclusive.

    When did this guy start writing the Democratic platform?

  • iclfan2
    You literally can't make this shit up. CNN saying ramming a car into a guy in Barcelona could be a copy cat of Charlottesville. Ummmm Islamic terrorists have been doing this for years. Such terrible reporting.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  • superman
    iclfan2;1867426 wrote:You literally can't make this shit up. CNN saying ramming a car into a guy in Barcelona could be a copy cat of Charlottesville. Ummmm Islamic terrorists have been doing this for years. Such terrible reporting.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    Apparently I have given out too much reputation in the last 24 hours.
  • gut
    iclfan2;1867426 wrote:You literally can't make this shit up. CNN saying ramming a car into a guy in Barcelona could be a copy cat of Charlottesville. Ummmm Islamic terrorists have been doing this for years. Such terrible reporting.
    They SOOOOO wanted that to be the case, too.

    I don't consider Charlottesville terror because I figure as long as I don't join an Antifa anti-supremacy rally I won't be struck in a crowd by a car driven by a nazi.

    I wonder if the left REALLY wants to support Antifa, because they don't strike me exactly as the sort to remain loyal to the liberal agenda.
  • CenterBHSFan
    @Isadore: I think you're starting to get behind the curve.

  • fish82
    I simply appreciate the irony that the group styling themselves as "anti-fascism" are the only ones actually practicing fascism.
  • QuakerOats
    Blacks who were never slaves, fighting whites who were never Nazis, over a statue erected by democrats ...........and it's all Trump's fault.

    Makes sense.
  • Heretic
    CenterBHSFan;1867349 wrote:Just throw in a "Peace be upon you" for good measure!
    Or if you want something based in something a bit closer to reality: ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn
  • Heretic
    gut;1867429 wrote:They SOOOOO wanted that to be the case, too.

    I don't consider Charlottesville terror because I figure as long as I don't join an Antifa anti-supremacy rally I won't be struck in a crowd by a car driven by a nazi.

    I wonder if the left REALLY wants to support Antifa, because they don't strike me exactly as the sort to remain loyal to the liberal agenda.
    True, no point in using the actual dictionary definition of terrorism when you can just victim-blame and call it a day!
  • gut
    Heretic;1867540 wrote:True, no point in using the actual dictionary definition of terrorism when you can just victim-blame and call it a day!
    I'm not blaming the victim, I'm blaming the protestors and counter-protestors who contributed to escalation that led to her death.

    As for whether or not it's domestic terrorism, let's look at the STATUTE:
    Under current United States law, set forth in the USA PATRIOT Act, acts of domestic terrorism are those which: "(A) involve acts dangerous to human life that are a violation of the criminal laws of the United States or of any State; (B) appear to be intended – (i) to intimidate or coerce a civilian population; (ii) to influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion; or (iii) to affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination, or kidnapping; and (C) occur primarily within the territorial jurisdiction of the United States.

    I would say it is entirely NOT clear cut that his act was intended to intimidate or coerce. I think the escalating violence provoked him into a murderous act. I have no idea what he was thinking, so I can't say with certainty he had the INTENT to commit "terrorism" vs. he was angry and decided to run over the people he was angry with.

    If you can't make that distinction, then you really aren't making a distinction between murder and domestic terrorism when, legally, there IS a distinction. We're both making assumptions about intent. Without knowing more, this looks like an act of revenge to me, and not terrorism. That's the difference, and why someone shooting up their former employer might be "workplace violence" and fall short of the legal definition of domestic terrorism.

  • gut

    So that "statute" I quoted is just a definition under the Patriot Act giving broad powers of investigation. There is no law or crime for "domestic terrorism".

    But intent and motivation matter, even to escalate the charges to a hate crime.
  • Heretic
    Yeah, intent would be tricky to legit prove, although dude looks dumb enough to have a crazy-ass manifesto somewhere like Dylan Root did. It's not like anyone he would have hypothetically told intentions to would say anything, since they'd be in his little Klan Klique.
  • CenterBHSFan
    Heretic;1867531 wrote:Or if you want something based in something a bit closer to reality: ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn
    haha! I'm well versed in Cthulhuism!
  • QuakerOats
  • gut
    Heretic;1867550 wrote:Yeah, intent would be tricky to legit prove, although dude looks dumb enough to have a crazy-ass manifesto somewhere like Dylan Root did. It's not like anyone he would have hypothetically told intentions to would say anything, since they'd be in his little Klan Klique.
    I think that's exactly how you prove it. He will have made statements to the police in the aftermath. They'll search his hard drive and interview friends and associates. Check social media. Unless he was one of the uber-paranoid types, there's almost always a trail of evidence.

    I'm not sure of the legal standard of intent - I don't believe it requires evidence of planning and can, in fact, be spontaneous. But there's no legal standard here because domestic terrorism is not a real thing in criminal law. Going and getting a car is certainly more deliberate and "non-spontaneous" then pulling a gun.

    I don't know if it was the article I linked, but somewhere mentioned there are 60 organizations on the terrorist watchlist - mostly Muslim and all foreign. It wouldn't surprise me if this is the beginning of the push to put white supremacist groups on the terror watchlist. That would bring the luls from the NRA and ACLU response.
  • Spock
    QuakerOats;1867512 wrote:Blacks who were never slaves, fighting whites who were never Nazis, over a statue erected by democrats ...........and it's all Trump's fault.

    Makes sense.
    Fact right there
  • CenterBHSFan
    I'm sure some of you have already watched this. I can't help but think that 50% of it's truth, 50% of it's hilarity!

  • gut
    Wow. That guy took every batshit crazy conspiracy theory, and related and connected them all in a way that almost made sense.

    "we don't have to lay down with them and make mixed babies".....not that there's anything wrong with that :RpS_blink:
  • CenterBHSFan
    So, a Lincoln statue has had its face burned off, pretty much. There are calls to tear down Jefferson's statues. What's next?

    I'm starting to wonder if the "3/5 Compromise" is being taught correctly in many schools. Because if it was, I don't think you'd see many of these people acting out in this way because they would have a better understanding of the whats, whys and hows and wouldn't be acting out in this manner.