
Random political chatter....

  • gut
    TedSheckler;1565080 wrote: Christie fired someone a day after finding out. 16 months after Benghazi, no one has been fired.
    Has Obama fired anyone for anything? A few people have been transferred or re-assigned, but Obama seems to be from the school that firing someone is bad because it acknowledges mistakes were made - firing people just wouldn't jive with the bullshit he's shoveling.
  • HitsRus
    Has Obama fired anyone for anything? A few people have been transferred or re-assigned, but Obama seems to be from the school that firing someone is bad because it acknowledges mistakes were made - firing people just wouldn't jive with the bullshit he's shoveling.
    this was just a story on the Today Show...this is the worst "scandal" ever. There's probably a dozen stories out there that they could have ran with, if they wanted political corruption, but instead they ran with the Republican governor from NJ shutting down a few highway lanes into NYC.
    It'll be interesting to see how the MSM handles Christie's 'scandal', compared to how they circled the wagons for Barry's plausible deniability and lack of taking responsibility.
  • like_that
    TedSheckler;1565066 wrote:Press conference now.

    The guilty part has been fired. He was lied to.

    Christie, a politician, actually taking responsibility, because it happened under his watch. I wonder if a certain person in Washington is watching this.

    "I am ultimately responsible for what happens on my watch, the good and the bad" I'll take Things Obama Never Says for $200, Alex.

    He got out in front of this thing, handled it properly and shut down the story. I doubt this will hurt him too much if he runs for president. I used to be a fan of his, not so much anymore because of the past couple years. I give him credit for getting out there and facing it.
    Christie has voluntarily taken more blame and responsibility over a bridge than Obama has on anything in 5 years. Pretty sad.
  • Belly35
    Christie stops a few car .... Hillary has 4 dead Americans
  • ptown_trojans_1
    In the grand scheme of things, the Christie "scandal" doesn't matter.
    The election is just short of 2 years away. The way the news goes, this story will be forgotten in a 6-8 months.

    If this happened closer to 2016, then it would be a bigger issue. Until then, Christie is still a frontrunner if he wants to join.
  • believer
    ptown_trojans_1;1565884 wrote:In the grand scheme of things, the Christie "scandal" doesn't matter.
    Correct. I wish the liberal media would figure that out. I'm amazed at the amount of resources they're willing to expend on this non-story while conveniently ignoring the real scandals. Oh I forgot, Christie claims to be a Republican.

    ptown_trojans_1;1565884 wrote:Until then, Christie is still a frontrunner if he wants to join.
    Christie has NO CHANCE at becoming the Repub nominee let alone becoming POTUS.
  • gut
    I don't know, I think this is a pretty big scandal. It indicates that Christie surrounds himself with people lacking integrity. IMO he should be absolute toast as a presidential candidate.

    Although watching a Christie/Clinton debate would be entertaining now with both having plenty of ammo.
  • believer
    gut;1565922 wrote:I don't know, I think this is a pretty big scandal. It indicates that Christie surrounds himself with people lacking integrity. IMO he should be absolute toast as a presidential candidate.

    Although watching a Christie/Clinton debate would be entertaining now with both having plenty of ammo.
    I'm glad he's toast. I don't want the man anywhere near the WH.
  • gut
    believer;1565946 wrote:I'm glad he's toast. I don't want the man anywhere near the WH.
    Yeah, he doesn't really conduct himself in a Presidential manner, either. Otherwise, the only thing I liked about him is fiscal conservative.

    I'm hoping Brian Schweitzer could somehow get the nomination on the Democratic side. Not sure populism makes for good POTUS policy, but I like Schweitzer a whole lot better than most of the clowns on the left...I'd even consider voting for him.
  • HitsRus
    I never thought Christie had much of a shot for the nomination, but the fact that heactually has leadership abilites and takes responsibilities contrast directly with what we have in the WH today, as well as with the former Sec of State. The electorate should not be allowed to forget that.
  • believer
    HitsRus;1566141 wrote:I never thought Christie had much of a shot for the nomination, but the fact that heactually has leadership abilites and takes responsibilities contrast directly with what we have in the WH today, as well as with the former Sec of State. The electorate should not be allowed to forget that.
    There's truth in what you say. It would be refreshing to have a POTUS who leads and takes responsibility for his or her actions.

    While Christie may possess those qualities he also, unfortunately, demonstrates a lack of good judgment at times. His collaboration with Bumbling Barry and the bridge - um - "scandal" are just a couple of examples.

    He will NOT get the Repub nomination. Book it.
  • believer
    HitsRus;1566141 wrote:I never thought Christie had much of a shot for the nomination, but the fact that heactually has leadership abilites and takes responsibilities contrast directly with what we have in the WH today, as well as with the former Sec of State. The electorate should not be allowed to forget that.
    There's truth in what you say. It would be refreshing to have a POTUS who leads and takes responsibility for his or her actions.

    While Christie may possess those qualities he also, unfortunately, demonstrates a lack of good judgment at times. His collaboration with Bumbling Barry and the bridge - um - "scandal" are just a couple of examples.

    He will NOT get the Repub nomination. Book it.
  • queencitybuckeye
    believer;1566163 wrote:
    His collaboration with Bumbling Barry
    Yeah, putting his constituents ahead of politics in times of crisis make his horrible.
  • believer
    queencitybuckeye;1566170 wrote:Yeah, putting his constituents ahead of politics in times of crisis make his horrible.
    Acceptance of Obamacare, gun control, global warming, and a willingness to run to the Feds with his hand out all tell me this guy is no true conservative.

    The fact that he's willing to stick his head up Barry's ass for political expediency says all I need to know about Christie. Can anyone or everyone say, "RINO"?

    Plus I have little love or trust for anything coming out of leftist New Jersey.

    I'll unapologetically vote for someone else.
  • believer
    ccrunner609;1566175 wrote:I would take him if he can keep HC out of there
    Well if the establishment Repubs manipulate the primaries and Christie somehow manages to weasel his way into the nomination, then - yeah - it's Christie over Hillary. Not much difference though.

    The more I think about it, the more I may be wrong about Christie's chances. The Repubs in their infinite stupidity nominated Romney and McCain the past couple of elections. Christie does fit the mold.
  • HitsRus
    it's Christie over Hillary. Not much difference though.
    Huge difference is a moderate...the other out on the left wing.
  • HitsRus
    Sorry for the extra post but the edit function doesn't seem to be working....

    ^^^but I do know what you mean. Having a moderate run as the Republican nominee doesn't seem to have done much good the last two elections.
  • believer
    In much the same manner as people didn't see much difference between a "moderate" Romney vis-a'-vis Obama, a "moderate" Christie is IMHO not a lot different than Clinton. Moderate Repubs are simply RINO's or blue dog Dems with an "R" moniker.
  • gut
    believer;1566185 wrote:In much the same manner as people didn't see much difference between a "moderate" Romney vis-a'-vis Obama, a "moderate" Christie is IMHO not a lot different than Clinton. Moderate Repubs are simply RINO's or blue dog Dems with an "R" moniker.
    LOL, if people don't understand the differences between Romney and Obama at this point they aren't paying attention - one is an absolute moron on economics and fiscal policy, the other is a Mormon.
  • gut
    HitsRus;1566182 wrote:Sorry for the extra post but the edit function doesn't seem to be working....

    ^^^but I do know what you mean. Having a moderate run as the Republican nominee doesn't seem to have done much good the last two elections.
    I'm not sure I buy this popular "wisdom". Reagan would have gotten crushed in 2008 - even a lot of Republicans hated the Republicans after Bush. Maybe a conservative could have netted a few more votes with what Romney lost vs. independents and moderates he gained, but I think that might be dubious. Romney lost because the leftist media did everything they could to prop-up Obama, same thing that would have happened with a conservative.

    I don't think Romney ran a bad campaign, but it could have been better. IMO he tried to stay above the Chicago-style mudslinging, and it was too late and too much damage when he finally tried to fight back.
  • believer

    If only the Dems and the lamestream media were equally as passionate about actual sandals like the IRS, NSA, Benghazi.....
  • BGFalcons82
    believer;1566419 wrote:

    If only the Dems and the lamestream media were equally as passionate about actual sandals like the IRS, NSA, Benghazi.....
    A few short months ago, one political party closed a helluva lot more than bridge lanes. They closed and/or barricaded open-air parks, national parks and museums owned by the people but managed by community agitators from the womb of hardball policies, Chicago. Where were the aggrieved statists then? What side did the state-run media take? Now, we have local state hooligans doing the SAME thing and the agitator gang is calling for an impeachment.

    Yeah, I's clearly Bush's fault.
  • ptown_trojans_1
    believer;1565919 wrote: Christie has NO CHANCE at becoming the Repub nominee let alone becoming POTUS.
    It's 2014, not 2016. No one can forecast the nominees yet with any certainty.
  • HitsRus
    I would really be surprised if the dems nominated anyone else but HRC. Biden may be in the running for a while. Why risk an unknown when the Pubs are in such disarray.