
Disgusted with obama administration - Part II

  • sleeper
    My insurance is up about 15% since Obamacare. Up another 5% for next year.
  • Belly35
    Every time Obama uses Executive action I call Sherrod Brown Dem Senator and remind him that this type of action is only damaging his career ... Midterm results

    The individual that takes my call reminds me that Executive action is part of the process and the President has this right .. Bush did it

    Wrong is wrong and abuse is abuse and the bottom line is you and Sherrod Brown are jumping on the sword… That nose ring will only get heavier with time.
  • gut
    Obama doubling-down on the tough talk, I see. Remains to be seen what he actually does. Is he going to fight the good fight and be unreasonable to paint the Repubs as obstructionist, or is he going to actually care about a legacy and work with them to get things done (ala Clinton)?

    I tend to think if he actually does pass a bunch of BS by executive action that the voters will punish Dems and the much of what he does will be undone. Maybe he goes full-tilt to appease his base so liberals provide a cushy soft-landing for him post-presidency. But I'll still be surprised.
  • QuakerOats
    Unless you regularly follow conservative media, you may not have heard what one of the architects of the Affordable Care Act (aka ObamaCare) thinks about you.

    Jonathan Gruber is a Massachusetts Institute of Technology health economist who helped craft ObamaCare. In a rare moment of unvarnished candor, Gruber told an audience last year at the University of Pennsylvania the law passed because of the “stupidity of the American voter.”
    In what can only be described as a smoking gun — meaning there is no way to spin his remarks as “out of context” — Gruber told his audience:
    “The bill was written in a tortured way to make sure the CBO (Congressional Budget Office) did not score the mandate as taxes. If CBO scored the mandate as taxes, the bill dies. OK, so it’s written to do that.” Gruber added, “... if you had a law which said that healthy people are going to pay in — you made explicit that healthy people pay in and sick people get money — it would not have passed.”
    Gruber continued digging his hole even deeper: “Lack of transparency is a huge political advantage. And basically, call it the stupidity of the American voter or whatever, but basically that was really, really critical for the thing to pass.”

  • superman
    Nancy Pelosi is now claiming she has never heard of Gruber.
  • gut
    superman;1674048 wrote:Nancy Pelosi is now claiming she has never heard of Gruber.
    Why would she? It's not like she read and researched the bill before passing it.
  • like_that
    LOL gotta love how romney gets blasted by every media outlet for his 47% comment, yet fox will be the only station to report Gruber's comments and pelosi's denial. What a joke.
  • FatHobbit
    superman;1674048 wrote:Nancy Pelosi is now claiming she has never heard of Gruber.
  • gut
    If Pelosi and Reid weren't such vile boobs Obama might have had some success in spite of himself.

    I always laugh when people talk about idiots in the Repub party like Bachman. Look at who is actually RUNNING the Dems.
  • QuakerOats
    Students tell Moochelle to go eff herself.

    The comments at the end of the article are pretty good too.
  • QuakerOats
    From Fox News:

    • INTERNET USERS would be forced to pay a new federal tax on their monthly bills if the government approves regulations endorsed by President Obama, a member of the Federal Communications Commission predicts.

      What will he not fuck up by the time his authoritarian reign comes to an end?
  • BR1986FB
    HitsRus;1673520 why would anyone vote for these people?

    The amazing thing to me is not that Republicans won big, but that 35% + still voted Democrat! Whether you agree with the politics or not why would you vote for anyone that has such disdain for the electorate that they would willing be dishonest.
    Well, duh....because they give free handouts! This country has become lazier & lazier and wants the "gub'ment" to take care of them. They don't care whether they lie or put the the nation at risk as long as they are getting "theirs."
  • QuakerOats
    President Obama will announce Thursday at 8PM ET the details of an executive order on immigration that will expand temporary protections to millions of undocumented immigrants.
  • TedSheckler
    But, but Reagan and Bush did the same thing....

    They let in 150K. Look how much better Obama is that he's letting 5 million in.
  • gut
    QuakerOats;1676087 wrote:President Obama will announce Thursday at 8PM ET the details of an executive order on immigration that will expand temporary protections to millions of undocumented immigrants.
    Honestly, something needs to be done and I don't think either Dems or Repubs really want to touch it - an issue where you lose no matter what side you come down on. Allows boths sides to grandstand without a vote actually holding their feet to the fire. Arguably EXACTLY the sort of executive action a 2nd-term POTUS should take.
  • believer
    gut;1676158 wrote:Honestly, something needs to be done and I don't think either Dems or Repubs really want to touch it - an issue where you lose no matter what side you come down on. Allows boths sides to grandstand without a vote actually holding their feet to the fire. Arguably EXACTLY the sort of executive action a 2nd-term POTUS should take.
    Here's what Barry's unconstitutional "executive action" on amnesty will accomplish:

    1. It will dilute already toothless Federal immigration laws. Do we really think a single stroke of the pen giving amnesty to 5 million illegal immigrants will magically clean the slate? I don't. It'll only encourage more of it.
    2. Those 5 million illegal immigrants are here arguably doing labor legal Mericuns refuse to do. If they are granted amnesty would they not be subject immediately to minimum wage and tax laws and; therefore, seek refuge in the welfare state? Of course they would. Millions more on the welfare rolls creating a void of cheap labor and encouraging even more illegal immigration.
    3. Make no mistake...amnesty creates a legal and fast-track path to full citizenship which is precisely what Democrat politicians want. Millions more Dem votes which translates to an artificially created hold on political power particularly in states with high concentrations of Latino voting blocks.
  • TedSheckler
    believer;1676224 wrote:And exactly why Obama shouldn't do it.
  • CenterBHSFan
    Obama: Well, look Jacky, this is something that I’ve struggled with throughout my presidency. The problem is that, you know, I’m the president of the United States. I’m not the emperor of the United States. My job is to execute laws that are passed, and Congress right now has not changed what I consider to be a broken immigration system.
  • believer
    Barry clearly doesn't give a fuck that he's an obvious hypocrite.
  • wkfan
    He said that he is not the emperor of the United States.

    He sees himself as the king.....King Barack the First.
  • QuakerOats
    wkfan;1676459 wrote:He said that he is not the emperor of the United States.

    He sees himself as the king.....King Barack the First.

    The King of Debt
    The Master of Unemployment
    The Messiah of Illegal Aliens
  • Dr Winston O'Boogie
    I appreciate that Obama has taken on something that successive administrations of both parties have failed to address in any meaningful way. I am glad that young people who are here through no action of their own will not face deportment. I am glad as a society we will not institute some type of police state in order to attempt to deport millions of people and I truly believe the vast majority of people who have come into the US both legally and illegally seek legitimate opportunity and will ultimately add to the greatness of our country. The same fears being expressed today have been voiced ad infinitum while earlier generations came into this country. The Irish, Jews, Italians, Asians, etc were all going to take jobs from Americans and live entirely on the dole. Instead these groups have helped make America what it is today.

    Executive action was required. It's been done many times before, so the "emperor" accusation doesn't hold water.
  • QuakerOats
    When you are the 'leader' and you cannot lead, and you cannot unify, and you cannot gain consensus, and you cannot manage successfully; then you really are not a leader, and you should step aside for the greater good.