Disgusted with obama administration - Part II
QuakerOatsDEM REP: Writing executive orders for Obama is 'our number one agenda'...
The hijacking of our representative republic by this regime rolls on ... -
Devils Advocate
It is becoming more and more apparent why Lois Lerner plead the 5th.
Put her and her accomplices in jail, and shut down the IRS. Also clear: obama literally lied through his teeth (again) during the Super Bowl interview with O'Reilly. -
Are you honestly surprised Obama would act insulted while he lies thru his teeth?QuakerOats;1577177 wrote:http://dailycaller.com/2014/02/05/email-irss-lerner-treasury-department-secretly-drafted-new-rules-to-restrict-nonprofits/
It is becoming more and more apparent why Lois Lerner plead the 5th.
Put her and her accomplices in jail, and shut down the IRS. Also clear: obama literally lied through his teeth (again) during the Super Bowl interview with O'Reilly.
I've noticed that the attacks from Obama and the liberals on Fox News seem to have been increasing in direct proportion to all the Faux News "manufactured" stories turning out to be, you know, true and accurate. -
QuakerOatsBlack Teen Unemployment Jumps to 38%...
The black prez has been more destructive to the black community than any other in history
Change we can believe in ... -
TedShecklerBut they're willingly unemployed.
Thanks Obamacare! -
isadoreGosh a ruddie into the echo chamber. I know so many people who have continued working because of health benefits. For many of them Obama care is their Emancipation Proclamation. But go ahead with your little exercise in self reinforcement. The delusions it produced helped give America a second term for Obama.
QuakerOatsobamaKare was supposed to provide insurance to the uninsured - right? So how does implementing it mean that over 30 million uninsured people will still be uninsured, and millions and millions more will lose their insurance, and their jobs?
If you still support obamaKare, you are either a complete fool, or a marxist. -
I'll give the guy credit and say he's both.QuakerOats;1577844 wrote:If you still support obamaKare, you are either a complete fool, or a marxist. -
if we had single payer program there would be none which would be better. The CBO study says coverage will increase to 13 million more in 2014, 20 million by 2015 and 25 million by 2015. Of those 31 million uninsured, about half will be either unauthorized immigrants (30 percent) or eligible for Medicaid but not enrolled (20 percent). Most of the rest (45 percent) are expected to be Americans who choose not to purchase insurance. And, the CBO believes, about five percent will not be eligible for Medicaid because they live in a state that has not chosen to expand coverage under the ACA. \QuakerOats;1577844 wrote:obamaKare was supposed to provide insurance to the uninsured - right? So how does implementing it mean that over 30 million uninsured people will still be uninsured, and millions and millions more will lose their insurance, and their jobs?
If you still support obamaKare, you are either a complete fool, or a marxist.
Your millions and millions is just unsubstantiated baloney, by a hater of our first African American President. -
QuakerOatsWhen you lose the debate, play the race card.
Some things never change. -
isadoregosh it is nice of you to argue medical coverage for undocumented aliens, either that or you will twist statistic to attack our first African American President.
- I will have the most transparent administration in history.
- The stimulus will fund shovel-ready jobs.
- I am focused like a laser on creating jobs.
- The IRS is not targeting anyone.
- It was a spontaneous riot about a movie.
- If I had a son.
- I will put an end to the type of politics that "breeds division, conflict and cynicism".
- You didn't build that!
- I will restore trust in Government.
- The Cambridge cops acted stupidly.
- The public will have 5 days to look at every bill that lands on my desk
- It's not my red line - it is the world's red line.
- Whistle blowers will be protected in my administration.
- We got back every dime we used to rescue the banks and auto companies, with interest.
- I am not spying on American citizens.
- Obama Care will be good for America.
- You can keep your family doctor.
- Premiums will be lowered by $2500.
- If you like it, you can keep your current healthcare plan.
- It's just like shopping at Amazon.
- I knew nothing about "Fast and Furious" gunrunning to Mexican drug cartels.
- I knew nothing about IRS targeting conservative groups.
- I knew nothing about what happened in Benghazi.
- I have never known my uncle from Kenya who is in the country illegally and that was arrested and told to leave the country over 20 years ago.
- And, I have never lived with that uncle. He finally admitted (12-05-2013) that he DID know his uncle and that he DID live with him.
- "I, Barrack Hussein Obama, pledge to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States of America."
The destruction is likely to be irreparable. -
QuakerOatsSince when can a radical federal agency do this:
WYOMING OFFICIALS gear up for a potential court battle against the Environmental Protection Agency as they try to reverse a sweeping agency ruling that transferred more than 1 million acres of land — including an entire city of 10,000 — to Native American tribes.
Oh that's right; when they answer to a dictator.
Change we can believe in... -
QuakerOatsObama More Than Doubles Public Debt...
CHINA DUMPS...[HR][/HR]CBO: Minimum Wage Bill Will Cost Jobs...
The Disaster Tour rolls on ........ -
FCC brown shirts coming to intimidate the media.
This regime knows no bounds.
Change we can believe in ... -
QuakerOats[h=3]IRS Goes All-In To Squelch First Amendment Rights Of Advocacy Groups.[/h]In the National Association of Manufacturer’s Shopfloor (3/4) blog Linda Kelly, Senior Vice President and General Counsel, blogged, “Not satisfied with the level of controversy they generated by the targeting of nonprofit groups based on their political leanings, the IRS has gone all-in with a recent proposal to classify many legislative advocacy and civic activities of non-profit groups as ‘candidate-related political activity.’” Kelly also blogged, “The rule moves beyond FEC definitions of political activity and sweeps in such core good government practices as get out the vote (GOTV) drives, distribution of voter guides, and voter registration activities. It seeks to classify any communication containing the name of a candidate (of course, every member of the House of Representatives and a third of all US Senators are candidates in any even year) as political activity if it takes place within 30 days of a primary or 60 days of a general election.”
Change we can believe in ...... -
This is a good idea. And no, sorry, despite your conservative fantasies this would apply to all of these political non-profits that are masquerading "educational" non-profits including ones run by dirty liberal scum.QuakerOats;1586825 wrote:IRS Goes All-In To Squelch First Amendment Rights Of Advocacy Groups.
In the National Association of Manufacturer’s Shopfloor (3/4) blog Linda Kelly, Senior Vice President and General Counsel, blogged, “Not satisfied with the level of controversy they generated by the targeting of nonprofit groups based on their political leanings, the IRS has gone all-in with a recent proposal to classify many legislative advocacy and civic activities of non-profit groups as ‘candidate-related political activity.’” Kelly also blogged, “The rule moves beyond FEC definitions of political activity and sweeps in such core good government practices as get out the vote (GOTV) drives, distribution of voter guides, and voter registration activities. It seeks to classify any communication containing the name of a candidate (of course, every member of the House of Representatives and a third of all US Senators are candidates in any even year) as political activity if it takes place within 30 days of a primary or 60 days of a general election.”
Change we can believe in ......
These 501(c)(4) "social welfare" groups are simply engaging in political activity and this is true for liberal groups and conservative groups. If you want to do politics form a PAC. Simple as that. -
Here is an absolutely chilling 7 minutes of congressional testimony which reveals the vastness and audacity of this regime's targeting of conservatives. Absolutely incredible.
http://www.infowars.com/tea-party-leader-is-harassed-while-testifying-about-being-harassed-by-the-irs/ -
gutI think part of the motivation for this proposed rule on the 501(c)4's is so the administration can say "by the rules of today, it's a non-issue". Classic CYA
Classic Chicago thug politics.gut;1586942 wrote:I think part of the motivation for this proposed rule on the 501(c)4's is so the administration can say "by the rules of today, it's a non-issue". Classic CYA -
QuakerOatsFormer IRS official Lois Lerner AGAIN invokes the Fifth Amendment, refusing to testify before a House oversight committee hearing held to review IRS targeting of conservative groups.
Hopefully she will be locked up someday, along with all her superiors who collaborated on this witch hunt of American citizens. The neck of the bottle is at the top.