
Is this close to the truth?

  • jhay78
    majorspark;751370 wrote:Not good enough. Obama needs to produce the video of his mother actually giving birth to him in Hawaii.

    From Glenn Beck's website:

    Funny stuff. Home address: "666 Muslim Street"
  • stlouiedipalma
    Is that really from Beck's website? I knew the guy was a nutbag, but this is way over the top.
  • jhay78
    stlouiedipalma;751552 wrote:Is that really from Beck's website? I knew the guy was a nutbag, but this is way over the top.

    Yep- he's mocking the birther crowd. He's pretty much said all along he's sure Obama was born in Hawaii.
  • jmog
    stlouiedipalma;751552 wrote:Is that really from Beck's website? I knew the guy was a nutbag, but this is way over the top.

    Pay attention, Beck has always mocked the "birthers" and he has always believed BHO was born in Hawaii. Beck just strongly disagrees with BHO's policies.
  • Writerbuckeye
    I always thought he was born in Hawaii too, but wondered if there might have been something else he didn't want released. The whole thing was ridiculous, and given how it ended, I have even less respect for Obama than I did before.

    Hard to believe it could get much lower, but it has.
  • stlouiedipalma
    I have less respect for us as a nation, that we have forced an African-American to "show his papers". I really thought we were behind all of that, but I must be wrong.
  • Writerbuckeye
    stlouiedipalma;751762 wrote:I have less respect for us as a nation, that we have forced an African-American to "show his papers". I really thought we were behind all of that, but I must be wrong.

    So predictable. So laughable. Throwing the race card out there yet again.

    People like you are the biggest racists on the planet because it's ALL you think about.
  • believer
    Writerbuckeye;751935 wrote:So predictable. So laughable. Throwing the race card out there yet again.

    People like you are the biggest racists on the planet because it's ALL you think about.
    When all else fails, play the race card.
  • CenterBHSFan
    stlouiedipalma;751762 wrote:I have less respect for us as a nation, that we have forced an African-American to "show his papers". I really thought we were behind all of that, but I must be wrong.
    CenterBHSFan;741883 wrote:There's a hot debate going on my facebook right now about just this issue. Somebody else (not me lol) commented that it wasn't a racial issue when McCain was looked into. So far, not one of the "Racials" have replied to that comment. That's very, VERY telling to me.

    And I'm gonna start calling the race card people "Racials".
    CenterBHSFan;737292 wrote:Well, you kind of ruin your own argument/opinion right there.

    Because Obama IS "just like them". Meaning he is just another politician who relies on talking smoothly (with or without a prompter) and snazzy commercials. He's promised alot and delivered little.

    Are there people out there who don't want anything to do with him as President because he's black? Of course.
    But I would imagine that there's a vast majority of dislikers out there who don't like him as President for his ideology, actions, inactions, policy, etc. Color of skin has nothing to do with it.
    I'd imagine he would also be microscoped if there was a question if he was born in let's say Russia or China or France.

    I'm sorry to say, but it's getting to the point that I'm starting to think that when people constantly bring up the skin color thing (unfortunately, this means you too, obviously) that it's THEM who has the hangup, not the majority of Obama dislikers. Those are the people who have the hangup, and they're blatantly obvious and repetitive about it by their own admission.

    Hypothetically, if Pelosi was President, would the argument be against her that it was because she was a woman? Or because she's a nutbucket? I'd bet the farm that the same pocket of people who pull the race card now would prance around and proclaim that it was a gender bias and they would resort to parading that excuse in much the same way. They wouldn't be able to determine that people question all aspects of her Presidency because she's an idiot, rather than because she's female - if they were hit in the head with a frying pan in an effort to wake them up.

    It's lame. It's past it's prime and it's demeaning to the people who do it.
    The senate had to pass a resolution declaring McCain to be eligible to be able to be President. Was that a A.)skin color issue? Was it an B.)ethnicity issue? Was it a C.)heritage issue? Or was it a D.)birthplace (Panama Canal Zone) issue?

    Am I racist to even bring this up?! What about prejudice? Am I now a bigot?
    Or am I just able to use comparative thinking?
  • stlouiedipalma
    So now, according to the great Writer, I am a racist. That's laughable in and of itself.
  • Con_Alma
    stlouiedipalma;751762 wrote:I have less respect for us as a nation, that we have forced an African-American to "show his papers". I really thought we were behind all of that, but I must be wrong.

    What does him being an African American have to do with why people were requesting the papers????
  • ptown_trojans_1
    I'm actually embarrassed this happened today.
    In the grand scheme of things this is so irrelevant future generations will laugh at us.

    You also know what this over shadows, the way more important news of the replacement for SECDEF Gates and Panetta as his replacement with Petreaus moving over to CIA.
  • Con_Alma
    Unfortunately it's a mere glimpse into the sad state of partisan politics in the U.S. right now.
  • Writerbuckeye
    stlouiedipalma;752340 wrote:So now, according to the great Writer, I am a racist. That's laughable in and of itself.

    And according to Center -- you're a "racial". :)

    I think my statement is more grammatically correct, and accurate.
  • jhay78
    ptown_trojans_1;752433 wrote:I'm actually embarrassed this happened today.
    In the grand scheme of things this is so irrelevant future generations will laugh at us.

    You also know what this over shadows, the way more important news of the replacement for SECDEF Gates and Panetta as his replacement with Petreaus moving over to CIA.
    You're right. It should've happened during the '08 campaign.

    Obama was on Oprah yesterday, and she asked him why he waited so long to release it, and he joked around a little, took it in stride, but didn't answer the question.

    Anyway, I was little embarassed too, but then again, those are the consequences of the media covering/protecting/failing to do its job. When private citizens get fed up and start asking questions, and essentially doing the media's job (which they would've done with a Republican candidate with a similar background), then stuff like that happens. Remember Trump is not a politician, and I don't recall anyone in the Republican party, either leadership or anyone else significant, raising serious birther-type questions. I don't even know of talk-radio types making a big fuss about it (Beck even defended Obama's birth).

    It was probably a little disrespectful to the President, but for every celebrity like Trump, there were 10 celebrities wanting to impeach GWB for "war crimes" and other crap. I took yesterday's Trump presser as a huge slap at the media more so than the President.
  • CenterBHSFan
    Writerbuckeye;752495 wrote:And according to Center -- you're a "racial". :)

    I think my statement is more grammatically correct, and accurate.
    What can I say? I like to take the path less chosen, sometimes lol!
  • ptown_trojans_1
    jhay78;752651 wrote:You're right. It should've happened during the '08 campaign.

    Obama was on Oprah yesterday, and she asked him why he waited so long to release it, and he joked around a little, took it in stride, but didn't answer the question.

    Anyway, I was little embarassed too, but then again, those are the consequences of the media covering/protecting/failing to do its job. When private citizens get fed up and start asking questions, and essentially doing the media's job (which they would've done with a Republican candidate with a similar background), then stuff like that happens. Remember Trump is not a politician, and I don't recall anyone in the Republican party, either leadership or anyone else significant, raising serious birther-type questions. I don't even know of talk-radio types making a big fuss about it (Beck even defended Obama's birth).

    It was probably a little disrespectful to the President, but for every celebrity like Trump, there were 10 celebrities wanting to impeach GWB for "war crimes" and other crap. I took yesterday's Trump presser as a huge slap at the media more so than the President.

    No it should not have been an issue in 2008. It should have never been an issue. The fact that it stayed around and festered is what is embarrassing to me.
  • I Wear Pants
    It should not have been an issue at all, especially after the Certificate of Live Birth was released.

    Much more important shit going on. And it's not like I'm saying that as a "there's things that don't make Obama look bad happening" thing. There's plenty of way more important and you know, real, things going on if you/the GOP want something to harp on Obama about. But for the love of God if you're going to make a fuss make it about something real. Not about birth certificates or vacation days or any of the other bullshit things you hear out of the anti-Obama camp. Yell about how we're still in wars, or Guantanamo is still open, or all the TSA bullshit, or the economy, or lack of regulation in wallstreet/too much regulation depending on what your opinions are.

    The point being that there's shit that actually matters to get upset about and the fact that the biggest anti-Obama stories for a good while have been the birth certificate thing and vacation days, etc is insane. And it's not the "MSM" latching on to things that don't matter to make the right look crazy either because Fox and pretty much every conservative I've talked to in the past few months about the topic has brought that crap up.