
Disgusted With Obama Administration.

  • Footwedge
    Manhattan Buckeye;1074017 wrote:"but have stuffed the ballot boxes with votes for the likes of Reagan and the Bushes, who shoved the national debt 4-5 times higher percentage wise than Obama has done."

    A little dishonest don't you think. If I raise a debt from $5,000 to $100,000 that is a 20X percentage, but no one cares because it is only $95,000.

    Obama's administration has had trillion dollar deficits from day 1 and will likely give us a US$20T debt total if he's elected this year.

    This administration's fiscal policies have been an absolute disaster with little return.
    Not at all dishonest. And if anyone should know the power of would the financial business world.
  • believer
    Footwedge;1074638 wrote:Crickets from you and all the Bam bashers who....who can't bring themselves to praise a mutually positive non partisan the real problem regarding unemployment in our country......

    .......Typical of Gut and his ilk. Calling Bam a government expansionist...which he has been...but not as much as a peep when he presents true economic reform, which would put an end to our unemployment problem....without running federal reserve printing presses.
    Obama has a track record (a poor one I might add) and he's now in full re-election mode. He talks a good game but we all know where his true policies lie.

    True economic reform? LMAO
  • ptown_trojans_1
    jmog;1074258 wrote:Come on PTown, you can do better than that.

    The republican lead House most certainly DID pass a budget. The democratic lead Senate hasn't passed a budget in almost 3 years (April of 2009 was the last one).

    The House passed a budget that then the democratic Senate refused to even vote on calling it "dead on arrival" and the President said he would veto.

    So get the facts correct, the dems haven't passed a budget in about 900 days, the republican controlled House passed one last year.
    Gee, I guess the Government has been funded the past 90o days? Yes, the Senate has not passed a clean budget, thanks to the BS political system. But, they have passed a series of CRs. In addition, the Senate did pass an Intelligence Bill, a Bill for DHS, and the Defense Budget last year. Everything else was CRed, with budget increases or decreases at the margins.

    It is still the power of the Congress to do anything with the budget. The President is not at fault is if the Senate can't do anything.

    And yes, Believer, it annoys me too when Clinton gets the credit for the budget in the 90s. It was the awesome economy he got, plus the hard nosed R's in the House, plus a Senate that could compromise.
  • Footwedge
    believer;1074684 wrote:Obama has a track record (a poor one I might add) and he's now in full re-election mode. He talks a good game but we all know where his true policies lie.

    True economic reform? LMAO
    Get on point. Since Obama is the first one to promote international corporate businesses...being...well "patriotic" with the help of tax incentives to stay and see penalties for leaving...tell me what the problem is...with this plan.

    Kennedy said "ask not what your country can do for you...ask what you can do for your country". One of the most famous quips ever. Now substitute "corporations" for the term "you", and Obama has quoted him word for word.

    Your post Believer tells really don't care about having full employment here in the states...full employment provided by the private sector to boot.

    You say..."he talks a good game". well...he says put the tax reform bill on his table and he will sign it. What are you afraid of? He might actually sign it and make the Bam bashers look like fools?
  • believer
    So Obama's $800 billion Porkulus Sammich, ObamaKare, chronic real unemployment rates, and massive trillion dollar deficit spending habits over the past 3 years haven't convinced you that this man needs to go? Obama's in full re-election mode. PERIOD. He will say and do anything - including sound like a capitalist - to get re-elected. If you think for a moment that a "true" tax reform bill will roll through the Senate (not going to happen by the way) and then be gleefully signed by Obama you're nuts. Fopl me once, fool me twice.
  • believer
    So Obama's $800 billion Porkulus Sammich, ObamaKare, chronic real unemployment rates, and massive trillion dollar deficit spending habits over the past 3 years haven't convinced you that this man needs to go? Obama's in full re-election mode. PERIOD. He will say and do anything - including sound like a capitalist - to get re-elected. If you think for a moment that a "true" tax reform bill will roll through the Senate (not going to happen by the way) and then be gleefully signed by Obama you're nuts. Fool me once, fool me twice. :rolleyes:
  • QuakerOats
    Footwedge;1074638 wrote:From his speech...ideas propogated by me...for a long time here. But one from the mythical "right" will acknowledge the idea of bringing back manufacturing...and reducing unemployment by over 5 million jobs.
    Please, please spare us all. The guy is now saying he wants to bring back jobs - manufacturing jobs. What folly. This is the same guy who has stacked the NLRB with the most anti-job creators one could find. This is the same NLRB that told Boeing it could not open a plant where it wanted to, killing jobs. This is the same president whose EPA is so far our of control with job-killing regulations that some could argue the entire agency is run by marxists hel! bent on destroying capitalism by bankrupting the fossil fuel industry. This is the same president that just said no the Keystone pipeline even though it has been deemed a completely safe project and would have created jobs numbering into the six figures. This is the same president who has done ZERO to lower the 35% corporate tax rate which, in addition to out-of-control regulations, is exactly why capital and jobs have fled the country. I could go on for hours on this topic.

    This guy is the biggest SHAM in the history of US politics. If you cannot see it by now, there is simply nothing that anybody could say to help you.
  • believer
    QuakerOats;1074889 wrote:This guy is the biggest SHAM in the history of US politics.
    True but he does seem to have a talent for attracting Kool Aid drinkers.
  • Footwedge
    believer;1074858 wrote:^^^^^
    So Obama's $800 billion Porkulus Sammich, ObamaKare, chronic real unemployment rates, and massive trillion dollar deficit spending habits over the past 3 years haven't convinced you that this man needs to go? Obama's in full re-election mode. PERIOD. He will say and do anything - including sound like a capitalist - to get re-elected. If you think for a moment that a "true" tax reform bill will roll through the Senate (not going to happen by the way) and then be gleefully signed by Obama you're nuts. Fool me once, fool me twice. :rolleyes:
    You've chosen to ignore what Obama said in his speech. Ideas that will work....and....have NEVER been espoused by any right ringed idealogue...inspite of the fact that it corresponds directly to taxation principle to keep manufacturing here...what a concept.

    A second chance for you to comment on the subject at hand, as opposed to playing dodgeball. Go....

    I'm not a bit surprised at your lack of substantive response. Partisan politics trumping the idea that makes 100% great sense. No wonder most on OC can't stand the political boards.
  • Footwedge
    QuakerOats;1074889 wrote:Please, please spare us all. The guy is now saying he wants to bring back jobs - manufacturing jobs. What folly. This is the same guy who has stacked the NLRB with the most anti-job creators one could find. This is the same NLRB that told Boeing it could not open a plant where it wanted to, killing jobs. This is the same president whose EPA is so far our of control with job-killing regulations that some could argue the entire agency is run by marxists hel! bent on destroying capitalism by bankrupting the fossil fuel industry. This is the same president that just said no the Keystone pipeline even though it has been deemed a completely safe project and would have created jobs numbering into the six figures. This is the same president who has done ZERO to lower the 35% corporate tax rate which, in addition to out-of-control regulations, is exactly why capital and jobs have fled the country. I could go on for hours on this topic.

    This guy is the biggest SHAM in the history of US politics. If you cannot see it by now, there is simply nothing that anybody could say to help you.
    LOL....Let me know when Willard presents his ideas regarding saving the American society.

    You've chosen to ignore what Obama said in his speech. Ideas that will work....and....have NEVER been espoused by any right ringed idealogue...inspite of the fact that it corresponds directly to taxation principle to keep manufacturing here...what a concept.

    A second chance for you to comment on the subject at hand, as opposed to playing dodgeball. Go....

    I'm not a bit surprised at your lack of substantive response. Partisan politics trumping the idea that makes 100% great sense. No wonder most on OC can't stand the political boards.
  • Footwedge
    For the idiots who either cannot read or comprehend the English language the first time around, maybe a second read will penetrate the gray matter.

    Here is what Obama proposed.

    You gotta problem widit? State your problem widit.

    Spare the schit about what he did in the past....because the same stupid schit has been done by The Bushes, Clinton and Reagan...whether you want to acknowledge the truth or not.


    "So we have a huge opportunity, at this moment, to bring manufacturing back. But we have to seize it. Tonight, my message to business leaders is simple: Ask yourselves what you can do to bring jobs back to your country, and your country will do everything we can to help you succeed. (Applause.)
    Corporate Tax Reform

    We should start with our tax code. Right now, companies get tax breaks for moving jobs and profits overseas. Meanwhile, companies that choose to stay in America get hit with one of the highest tax rates in the world. It makes no sense, and everyone knows it. So let’s change it.
    First, if you’re a business that wants to outsource jobs, you shouldn’t get a tax deduction for doing it. tHey should be used to cover moving expenses for companies like Master Lock that decide to bring jobs home. Second, no American company should be able to avoid paying its fair share of taxes by moving jobs and profits overseas. (Applause.)
    From now on, every multinational company should have to pay a basic minimum tax. And every penny should go towards lowering taxes for companies that choose to stay here and hire here in America.
    Third, if you’re an American manufacturer, you should get a bigger tax cut. If you’re a high-tech manufacturer, we should double the tax deduction you get for making your products here. And if you want to relocate in a community that was hit hard when a factory left town, you should get help financing a new plant, equipment, or training for new workers. (Applause.)
  • gut
    Footwedge;1074638 wrote:From his speech...ideas propogated by me...for a long time here. But one from the mythical "right" will acknowledge the idea of bringing back manufacturing...and reducing unemployment by over 5 million jobs.

    Crickets from you and all the Bam bashers who....who can't bring themselves to praise a mutually positive non partisan the real problem regarding unemployment in our country.


    "So we have a huge opportunity, at this moment, to bring manufacturing back. But we have to seize it. Tonight, my message to business leaders is simple: Ask yourselves what you can do to bring jobs back to your country, and your country will do everything we can to help you succeed. (Applause.)
    Corporate Tax Reform

    We should start with our tax code. Right now, companies get tax breaks for moving jobs and profits overseas. Meanwhile, companies that choose to stay in America get hit with one of the highest tax rates in the world. It makes no sense, and everyone knows it. So let’s change it.
    First, if you’re a business that wants to outsource jobs, you shouldn’t get a tax deduction for doing it. tHey should be used to cover moving expenses for companies like Master Lock that decide to bring jobs home. Second, no American company should be able to avoid paying its fair share of taxes by moving jobs and profits overseas. (Applause.)
    From now on, every multinational company should have to pay a basic minimum tax. And every penny should go towards lowering taxes for companies that choose to stay here and hire here in America.
    Third, if you’re an American manufacturer, you should get a bigger tax cut. If you’re a high-tech manufacturer, we should double the tax deduction you get for making your products here. And if you want to relocate in a community that was hit hard when a factory left town, you should get help financing a new plant, equipment, or training for new workers. (Applause.)

    For the "outsourcing is great crowd"...I say to you all a huge "Fug You"...for your allegiance is not in the best interests of our 100 percenters.

    Typical of Gut and his ilk. Calling Bam a government expansionist...which he has been...but not as much as a peep when he presents true economic reform, which would put an end to our unemployment problem....without running federal reserve printing presses.
    REALLY?!? More hack talking points and loose generalities, much like the Great Failed One.

    First off, there's tremendous disagreement over how many jobs Obama "saved" or "avoided" with many people simply stopping looking or no longer qualified for unemployment and/or happy to suck off the govt tit. How you even come up with a number like 5M when unemployment is worse now than when he took office would destroy your credibility if that ship hadn't sailed long ago.

    Fiscally & economically speaking, and looking at unemployment, one of the worst 3-yr stretches/recoveries in US history. But you get all excited over Obama speaking in some loose generalities?!? That's what he does, give speeches. His plans and foundations of ideas, much less execution, are flat awful.

    Companies get tax breaks for sending jobs overseas? Wow, that IS a great idea Obama, except it really isn't true. Bullshit proaganda that OBama spews to fire up people who don't know or don't want to know better.
  • gut
    Footwedge;1074759 wrote:being...well "patriotic" with the help of tax incentives to stay and see penalties for leaving...tell me what the problem is...with this plan.

    Curious exactly how you play the class warfare game on the rich and corporations, talking about how they have to pay more, and then spin around and talk about tax incentives (i.e. pay LESS) to get companies to keep jobs here. Do you realize that those are, in fact, two ideologically opposed approaches? Quite literally talking out of both sides of his mouth, but that's the only skill Obama has ever demonstrated.
  • majorspark
    Foot I'll bet you got just as excited when Obama said he would close guantanamo bay.
  • believer
    majorspark;1075120 wrote:Foot I'll bet you got just as excited when Obama said he would close guantanamo bay.
    Don't forget that the Bammer also made a campaign promise to get our troops out of Afghanistan by the summer of 2011. The clock's still ticking on that one. Why isn't Footie slamming Obama Chickenhawk for that little pledge glitch?

    But as long as the Appointed One spews some "we gotta stop rewarding those eeeeevil corporatist capitalists for sending jobs overseas" rhetoric - well - we can look the other way on that lackluster track record thingy.

    Let's look the other way on gubmint over-regulation, unionism, and Bammer's own anti-jobs policies shall we?
  • believer
    majorspark;1075120 wrote:Foot I'll bet you got just as excited when Obama said he would close guantanamo bay.
    Don't forget that the Bammer also made a campaign promise to get our troops out of Afghanistan by the summer of 2011. The clock's still ticking on that one. Why isn't Footie slamming Obama Chickenhawk for that little pledge glitch?

    But as long as the Appointed One spews some "we gotta stop rewarding those eeeeevil corporatist capitalists for sending jobs overseas" rhetoric - well - we can look the other way on that lackluster track record thingy.

    I wonder what President Hope & Change has to say about gubmint over-regulation, unionism, and Bammer's own anti-jobs policies?
  • Bigdogg
    Just got back from my annual meeting with my tax man. I asked him what my tax rate was this year. He said I paid 25% to the federal government and combined 40% counting all taxes. So Romney makes millions and pays 13.5 and I pay 25% and people on here think there is no class warfare going on? Wake the fuck up you idiots!!!!
  • LJ
    Bigdogg;1075227 wrote:Just got back from my annual meeting with my tax man. I asked him what my tax rate was this year. He said I paid 25% to the federal government and combined 40% counting all taxes. So Romney makes millions and pays 13.5 and I pay 25% and people on here think there is no class warfare going on? Wake the fuck up you idiots!!!!

    Capital gains, how do they work?
  • believer
    Bigdogg;1075227 wrote:Just got back from my annual meeting with my tax man. I asked him what my tax rate was this year. He said I paid 25% to the federal government and combined 40% counting all taxes. So Romney makes millions and pays 13.5 and I pay 25% and people on here think there is no class warfare going on? Wake the fuck up you idiots!!!!
    Oh there's class warfare going on but you have it bass ackwards.

    That being said, I'm all for EVERYONE from billionaires to welfare recipients paying the same fair flat tax.

    But guys like you would then cry foul when the gubmint takes away the credits and exemptions that allow you to get back a significant amount if not most of the 25% you paid in. I'm fairly certain millionaires like Romney, Clinton, Bush and Obama pay-in far more actual taxes than you'll ever have the - um - privilege of handing over to the Feds.
  • ptown_trojans_1
    QuakerOats;1074889 wrote:Please, please spare us all. The guy is now saying he wants to bring back jobs - manufacturing jobs. What folly. This is the same guy who has stacked the NLRB with the most anti-job creators one could find. This is the same NLRB that told Boeing it could not open a plant where it wanted to, killing jobs. This is the same president whose EPA is so far our of control with job-killing regulations that some could argue the entire agency is run by marxists hel! bent on destroying capitalism by bankrupting the fossil fuel industry. This is the same president that just said no the Keystone pipeline even though it has been deemed a completely safe project and would have created jobs numbering into the six figures. This is the same president who has done ZERO to lower the 35% corporate tax rate which, in addition to out-of-control regulations, is exactly why capital and jobs have fled the country. I could go on for hours on this topic.

    This guy is the biggest SHAM in the history of US politics. If you cannot see it by now, there is simply nothing that anybody could say to help you.
    Can you complete a sentence without a fiery rhetoric slogan/ saying?

    I immediately dismiss anyone that says "biggest blank in history" That is such an irrational statement. There is no way to prove it. Plus, all the rhetoric takes away from any legit argument you may have.

    Is the President wrong on he economy, yes to a degree. Is he the next thing to Satan or want to lead us down a Commie path, probably not. As always the truth is in the middle.

    Gotta love ya Quaker, but man, you are just like the lefties during the Bush years.
  • ptown_trojans_1
    believer;1075194 wrote:Don't forget that the Bammer also made a campaign promise to get our troops out of Afghanistan by the summer of 2011. The clock's still ticking on that one. Why isn't Footie slamming Obama Chickenhawk for that little pledge glitch?
    I must have missed that one. I remember Iraq by 2011, but not Afghanistan by 2011.
    The goal was left up in the air, then 2014ish.
  • Footwedge
    gut;1075113 wrote:Curious exactly how you play the class warfare game on the rich and corporations, talking about how they have to pay more, and then spin around and talk about tax incentives (i.e. pay LESS) to get companies to keep jobs here. Do you realize that those are, in fact, two ideologically opposed approaches? Quite literally talking out of both sides of his mouth, but that's the only skill Obama has ever demonstrated.
    At least someone is addressing the issue..or at least attempting too. But to answer your inquiry...what is so hard to understand here sleuth? You grant tax incentives to build shist here and you penalize those corporations who want to build shist "there"? Hmmm? Don't give me this crap that you have a masters in econ if you cannot understand the difference...or worse yet...somehow saying that Bam s speaking out of both sides of his mouth. He isn't. What the fug is the Chicago School of Economics teaching you clowns anyway?

    It comes down to this. You want to continue to see the wealth sent offshore...whereby our own private sector jobs are slashed...with labor costs fixed below Adam Smith's "free hand" ( not to mention government dumping, lax safety and environmental laws") and the continual downgrade of our living standard...or do you want to accept the challenge facing us and tell China and Japan (yeah the Japs own obout a trillion of our debt too) to play ball the way the markets were intended to be played?

    So Obama states....for the first time EVER....that American fiscal/tax policies will even the playing field from these insidious cheating coscksuckers, robbing our citizenry from our rightful economic growth and rightful piece of the exconomic pie.

    We are a country that sees no problem whatsoever in promoting international hegemony, military Keynesianist miltary complex at it's a cost of 1 trillion plus per annum...but "goddam the little liberal Black president" when he hits the fuggin nail on the head on how to stop the American economic carnage.

    So go ahead Oats, pound your pud to the president for exacerbating the national debt problem... all the while preaching that "reducing taxes" will somehow miraculously cure world hunger, reduce the number of cases of "the heartbreak of psoriasis" or help the fuggin Browns win a Lombardi Trophy.
  • Footwedge
    majorspark;1075120 wrote:Foot I'll bet you got just as excited when Obama said he would close guantanamo bay.
    I got pretty excited...yes indeed. And when he cowtowed to the fuggin Prick Cheneys of the world, and left it open, I remained excited....and infuriated at the gutless swine in the White House.

    But we are talking about a segment of his speech given last week. And even you, a person who has on countless occasions reassessed your position and commented on something that makes sense. But your silly allignment to your "right winged buds" here keep you from commenting on the brilliance of Obama's plan.

    Shame, shame shame Sparky...Shame, shame, shame.
  • Footwedge
    gut;1075095 wrote:First off, there's tremendous disagreement over how many jobs Obama "saved" or "avoided" with many people simply stopping looking or no longer qualified for unemployment and/or happy to suck off the govt tit.

    ...One last fukcing time. What Obama did in the past has nothing to do with what he stated in his speach. What the hell is wrong with you? Learn to read or GTFO. We are not talking about his jobs expansion through government expansion. Are you that goddamed illiterate?
    -How you even come up with a number like 5M when unemployment is worse now than when he took office would destroy your credibility if that ship hadn't sailed long ago.

    My patience is growing real thin with you. Ignorance is not a contagious disease. I repeat...for the fourth time....what Obama did in the past is a sunk cost and irrelevant to the discussion at hand. The Chicago School of Economics certainly explained to you graduate school gurus the definition of sunk costs, no?

    If Gut is the product of our economics thinking at one of the "highest learning centers", then I have very little hope of any recovery at all.

    Pretty apparent that the advanced studies have done nothing more than dumbed down the masses...and completely eliminated the critical thinkers that could unearth real world solutions for our proud and great country.
  • LJ
    Cut the name calling or thread bans wil happen