
THE Cruiser Invitational 1/29/11

  • sportsdad1970
    unable to reply to you via pm since im a newbie
    pm me your email
  • cruiser_96
    Top right of screen... Right next to "Hello, sportsfan1970". Otherwise... [email protected] ..thanks a million.
  • 1prouddad
    cruiser_96;658446 wrote:Sir, you have a PM. Just let me know.

    Funny story: Last year, in the email that went out to the coaches that asked for their line-ups, I asked that they spell their kids' names right. I didn't tell them why though. Then, in the coaches meeting, I "unveiled" the individual championship award prototype. About 5 or 6 hands went up stating I had a name mispelled.
    My son's coach misspelled his last name when he made out the roster at the beginning of the year and in every single thing he's wrestled this year, he's been listed as Woogan (one too many Os). I was thinking of just changing our last name to Woogan as it might be easier then getting that roster corrected. LOL!

    In the consolation finals my son did tell the people at the table how to spell it and when he was called up for 4th place, you guys pronounced it right - Thanks!
  • zambrown
    Cruiser, as always, a fantastic job on the tournament! Our internet was down all day yesterday (yes, on Sectional Selection day!) so I haven't posted sooner. You and yours do so much to make it a fun and special memory for the kids. Thanks!

    cthelites - it was great meeting you - even if the timing wasn't ideal. Congrats on the strong finish and I'm sure we'll be seeing you around. :)
  • cruiser_96
    Almost a week later and I'm STILL beaming!!!
  • cruiser_96
    Good times... good times, indeed.