9 Dead in Dayton....



Mon, Aug 5, 2019 10:37 AM
posted by O-Trap

I don't think he did.  Moreover, I'm not sure having several people respond to it is, alone, an indication that anyone was triggered.  We are on a message board, where conversation tends to be the goal, after all.

I have no bones about saying that white males are vastly more likely to be mass shooters than any other kind of person in the US.  It's statistically accurate.  Interestingly, last I heard, the ratio of white shooters to non-white shooters even outpaces the ratio of whites to non-whites in America, and by a substantial margin.  Same with males, obviously.

posted by geeblock

Unless we address this problem with the same resources we did to shut down radical Islamic terrorists it’s going to continue to happen. Getting mad and pretending it’s not happening is stupid in my opinion. This isn’t a left or right issue to argue ab

I think our reaction to the radicalized Islamic terrorists was overblown and unjustified.  Moreover, there is zero evidence at present that it has had any palpable effect whatsoever.

Our treatment of Muslims of color in the years following the attacks was shameful and indicative that we were still really quick to jump to racist positions.  I'd hardly look to it as a model to emulate.


I can agree with that, I was more thinking of measures put in place at airports and such to make people more safe even if they probably miss many things that get in planes. But you’re probably correct that Muslims get more “randomly” searched more than other people and their treatment has been unilaterally harsh from all sides 


Senior Member

Mon, Aug 5, 2019 11:00 AM

I've never purchased or owned a gun so I won't pretend to know how the system works, someone explain to me how the Dayton shooter acquired his guns? The only thing I really read/understood was he bought them online from somewhere in Texas, and picked them up from a store in Dayton? 


Senior Member

Mon, Aug 5, 2019 11:11 AM
posted by friendfromlowry

I've never purchased or owned a gun so I won't pretend to know how the system works, someone explain to me how the Dayton shooter acquired his guns? The only thing I really read/understood was he bought them online from somewhere in Texas, and picked them up from a store in Dayton? 

To buy a mail order gun, you make the purchase, and specify the federal firearm license holder ("FFL") you wish to use (i.e. a local gun store). You must do the background check there when you go to pick up the gun, and pay a transaction fee.


Reppin' the 330/216/843

Mon, Aug 5, 2019 11:22 AM
posted by geeblock

Blaming fortnite is the dumbest thing I have ever heard of 


I like it better when we don't agree... but wtf


Senior Member

Mon, Aug 5, 2019 11:28 AM
posted by queencitybuckeye

To buy a mail order gun, you make the purchase, and specify the federal firearm license holder ("FFL") you wish to use (i.e. a local gun store). You must do the background check there when you go to pick up the gun, and pay a transaction fee.

Gotcha. Thanks. It's too bad when doing the background check, a big red flag doesn't appear showing something like "Hey he was expelled in high school for having a list of kids he'd kill and rape, he probably shouldn't have a gun." 


Chief Shenanigans Officer

Mon, Aug 5, 2019 11:30 AM
posted by geeblock

I can agree with that, I was more thinking of measures put in place at airports and such to make people more safe even if they probably miss many things that get in planes. But you’re probably correct that Muslims get more “randomly” searched more than other people and their treatment has been unilaterally harsh from all sides 

Yeah, there have been several instances in which the airport procedures missed things (shoe bomber, underwear bomber).  There's never been record of any TSA process catching and thwarting a potential plane bombing.  But damn it, they'll be sure a shit to protect you from a normal size tube of toothpaste.

I'd guess it goes further than just being a Muslim and having a particular physical appearance in general, though it seems that that's been toned down finally. 




Senior Member

Mon, Aug 5, 2019 11:36 AM
posted by justincredible

What? His account was suspended, so the link no longer works. What pic are you talking about?

It was the pic of the word Tump spelled out with guns.  BS...the kid wasnt a trump fan but the radicals Trump haters have to make it about him


Senior Member

Mon, Aug 5, 2019 11:40 AM
posted by friendfromlowry

Gotcha. Thanks. It's too bad when doing the background check, a big red flag doesn't appear showing something like "Hey he was expelled in high school for having a list of kids he'd kill and rape, he probably shouldn't have a gun." 

1.  Juvenile records are sealed......would not have shown up.

2.  The magazine he was using was illegal.  More laws dont stop criminals.  They dont care about them.


Tits McGee

Mon, Aug 5, 2019 11:41 AM
posted by geeblock

Blaming fortnite is the dumbest thing I have ever heard of 




posted by iclfan2

I like it better when we don't agree... but wtf

It gets better. This broad is an Ohio rep.



Senior Member

Mon, Aug 5, 2019 11:51 AM
posted by Spock

1.  Juvenile records are sealed......would not have shown up.

2.  The magazine he was using was illegal.  More laws dont stop criminals.  They dont care about them.

I think he was a senior when this happened so he could have been 18. Either way that's a stupid exception. And I'm not talking about adding more laws. I'm a fan of enforcing what we have now. I understand modifications were made after the fact. IMO he shouldn't have had any gun in the first place because he was a fucking lunatic. 


Reppin' the 330/216/843

Mon, Aug 5, 2019 12:10 PM
posted by friendfromlowry

Gotcha. Thanks. It's too bad when doing the background check, a big red flag doesn't appear showing something like "Hey he was expelled in high school for having a list of kids he'd kill and rape, he probably shouldn't have a gun." 

I think this is one of the biggest issues that needs fixed. Many of these people are fucked up in the head and nothing is done about it or can be done about it.

This article is interesting talking about Stop Orders, but you run into a ton of legal issues.



Chief Shenanigans Officer

Mon, Aug 5, 2019 12:44 PM

I saw something the other day (before the El Paso shooting) that I thought was an interesting ... and perhaps helpful ... take.

Over a certain age, access to guns is pretty equal across the board.  There really isn't an institution that makes guns more available to one subset of the adult population over another.

Having said that, the study I saw had the information listed for the 114 mass shootings that they'd catalogued since 1982 (per Congress' definition of a mass shooting).  Of the 114 mass shootings, the shooter(s) were all male in 110 of them (during that time, there were three lone female shooters and the one male/female team from San Bernadino back in 2015).

Given that women have equal access to firearms and account for roughly 50% of the population, that seems pretty drastic.  The racial lines mostly fluctuate in a commensurate fashion with overall population ratios (eg. ~60% of the population are non-Latin whites; non-Latin whites account for ~60% of the mass shootings), but the sex distinction seems telling on the surface.


Son of the Sun

Mon, Aug 5, 2019 1:28 PM
posted by geeblock

Blaming fortnite is the dumbest thing I have ever heard of 



I love the total lack of logic some of these people use to make their points. Like, from the post Fab had from this twatmuffin, it's obvious she's of the view that guns don't kill people, people kill people with the guns just being the method of choice. That is logical and I agree with that point of view. And then she utterly destroys the concept of logic by scattering the "blame" between about five million other things that are all moron talking points and have nothing to do with personal responsibility, mental health or anything remotely at the heart of the problem. She's as big of an idiot as any of the "ban all guns!!!!" dipshits.


1st Team All-PWN

Mon, Aug 5, 2019 1:43 PM
posted by friendfromlowry

Gotcha. Thanks. It's too bad when doing the background check, a big red flag doesn't appear showing something like "Hey he was expelled in high school for having a list of kids he'd kill and rape, he probably shouldn't have a gun." 

Even when that happens, it doesn't prevent this shit.  The Stoneman Douglas shooter was reported to the police 20+ times and they didn't do shit (including going in to save lives).  Instead, their Sheriff went on national TV to blame every pro 2A citizen in this country. 

posted by Heretic

I love the total lack of logic some of these people use to make their points. Like, from the post Fab had from this twatmuffin, it's obvious she's of the view that guns don't kill people, people kill people with the guns just being the method of choice. That is logical and I agree with that point of view. And then she utterly destroys the concept of logic by scattering the "blame" between about five million other things that are all moron talking points and have nothing to do with personal responsibility, mental health or anything remotely at the heart of the problem. She's as big of an idiot as any of the "ban all guns!!!!" dipshits.

It's like we are living in the 90's again.  There isn't one single cause of this shit.  It's a mixture of many things, that apparently lead to depression.  Looking into mind altering medications would be a start.  I remember reading it was something crazy like 90% of these shooters were on some type of medication at least 1 year leading up to their crime. 





Honorable Admin

Mon, Aug 5, 2019 1:49 PM
posted by Spock

It was the pic of the word Tump spelled out with guns.  BS...the kid wasnt a trump fan but the radicals Trump haters have to make it about him

Wrong shooter.


Chief Shenanigans Officer

Mon, Aug 5, 2019 1:50 PM
posted by justincredible

Wrong shooter.

How sad is this?  Apparently too many to keep straight.


Senior Member

Mon, Aug 5, 2019 2:16 PM
posted by like_that

Even when that happens, it doesn't prevent this shit.  The Stoneman Douglas shooter was reported to the police 20+ times and they didn't do shit (including going in to save lives).  Instead, their Sheriff went on national TV to blame every pro 2A citizen in this country. 

When what happens? I had to go back and refresh myself on Stoneman Douglas because this shit happens so frequently now. But it sounds like there were a lot of similarities between Cruz and Betts. Both troubled students who everyone agrees probably should have never owned a gun. And I understand we approach a slippery slope when/if we account for subjective concerns (i.e Cruz's teacher said he was a potential threat to classmates, he wasn't allowed to wear a backpack on campus) but it's like FFS the school was basically waiting for this to happen and it did with weapons they purchased legally. 


1st Team All-PWN

Mon, Aug 5, 2019 2:20 PM
posted by friendfromlowry

When what happens? I had to go back and refresh myself on Stoneman Douglas because this shit happens so frequently now. But it sounds like there were a lot of similarities between Cruz and Betts. Both troubled students who everyone agrees probably should have never owned a gun. And I understand we approach a slippery slope when/if we account for subjective concerns (i.e Cruz's teacher said he was a potential threat to classmates, he wasn't allowed to wear a backpack on campus) but it's like FFS the school was basically waiting for this to happen and it did with weapons they purchased legally. 

Meaning when there is a big red flag (or about 20 of them in the case of the stoneman shooter), people still don't do their jobs.  How can people cry to pass more laws, when time and time again we fail to enforce the current laws on the books? 


Chief Shenanigans Officer

Mon, Aug 5, 2019 4:29 PM

Something this Connor kid in Dayton retweeted earlier on August 3rd:

Not sure why some of it is in Thai (pulled it from Wayback Machine, since his Twitter account is currently suspended), but that's creepy.


Senior Member

Mon, Aug 5, 2019 4:57 PM
posted by like_that

Meaning when there is a big red flag (or about 20 of them in the case of the stoneman shooter), people still don't do their jobs.  How can people cry to pass more laws, when time and time again we fail to enforce the current laws on the books? 

For the record, I'm not necessarily advocating for more laws. It just gets old when after the fact everyone comes out of the woodwork commenting on how much of a weirdo he was, the cops were always at their house, they were expelled from school for having a list of people they wanted to murder, etc. Let's get it right and stop selling fucking guns to people who, with a little more research, turns out they're sick individuals.


1st Team All-PWN

Mon, Aug 5, 2019 5:12 PM
posted by friendfromlowry

For the record, I'm not necessarily advocating for more laws. It just gets old when after the fact everyone comes out of the woodwork commenting on how much of a weirdo he was, the cops were always at their house, they were expelled from school for having a list of people they wanted to murder, etc. Let's get it right and stop selling fucking guns to people who, with a little more research, turns out they're sick individuals.

I know you're not, I just wanted to point on even when red flags are detected, our laws are still not enforced.  Not giving guns to these people would be a start, but in the long run it would be more effective to figure out why these people are so depressed/fucked in the mind, that it would lead them to this.  Nobody wants to do this, because there are lot of tough to swallow pills when it comes to our societal problems.  It's much easier to advocate or pass "feel good" laws, than actually address the underlying causes.  


Edit: Although, I do believe there is a quick and easy fix (not going to fix everything) to help decrease all gun crime in general. 


Senior Member

Mon, Aug 5, 2019 6:08 PM
posted by like_that

I know you're not, I just wanted to point on even when red flags are detected, our laws are still not enforced.

Isn't what people are talking about basically the movie Minority Report?

Like I said, some of these people are/were known, but do we start locking people up or committing them for a crime they MIGHT commit?  So we're going to lock-up 100?  1000? people for every shooting we prevent?


Sure, take away the guns.  I'm sure we'll be really good at keeping illegal guns out of our country, just like with illegal drugs and illegal immigrants.


1st Team All-PWN

Mon, Aug 5, 2019 6:13 PM
posted by gut

Isn't what people are talking about basically the movie Minority Report?

Like I said, some of these people are/were known, but do we start locking people up or committing them for a crime they MIGHT commit?  So we're going to lock-up 100?  1000? people for every shooting we prevent?


Sure, take away the guns.  I'm sure we'll be really good at keeping illegal guns out of our country, just like with illegal drugs and illegal immigrants.

I am not sure this thread is going that far lol, unless I missed those posts.  I think it's moreso not allowing these people to have guns.   I agree it a slippery slope though.  I lean toward the pro 2A side of not giving up an inch.  There are much better fixes to end these type of crimes than taking away people's rights imo. 


Chief Shenanigans Officer

Mon, Aug 5, 2019 6:21 PM
posted by like_that

Edit: Although, I do believe there is a quick and easy fix (not going to fix everything) to help decrease all gun crime in general. 

I'm curious where you were going with this.