9 Dead in Dayton....



Sun, Aug 4, 2019 10:22 PM
posted by geeblock

How so?

Anyone else see the kid shooting 60 rounds into the air Jordan’s saying he hates nixxers? 


Senior Member

Sun, Aug 4, 2019 10:27 PM
posted by geeblock

How is it virtue signaling? It’s white supremests murdering people 

You lose the argument when you use the words supremest or nationalist.



Reppin' the 330/216/843

Sun, Aug 4, 2019 10:31 PM
posted by geeblock

How so? What does radical Islam have to do with this topic or 98% of mass shootings in the US?

Worrying about dying? I don’t worry about mass shootings ever. At all. Laley/ Gut can worry about whatever the fuck he wants. The Dayton shooter had what ties to white supremacy? But possibly a socialist and satanist.  And the El Paso shooter also supposedly was for universal income and environmentalism. Maybe wait a few days before you get your panties in a twist. I say this all supposedly as who the fuck knows. So let the news come out before you jump to conclusions (remember the Covington kids?)



Sun, Aug 4, 2019 10:34 PM
posted by iclfan2

Worrying about dying? I don’t worry about mass shootings ever. At all. Laley can worry about whatever the fuck he wants. The Dayton shooter had 0 ties to white supremacy btw (and supposedly a socialist and satanist). And the El Paso shooter also supposedly was for universal income and environmentalism. Maybe wait a few days before you get your parties in a twist. I say this all supposedly as who the fuck knows. So let the news come out before your white supremacy fear kicks in.

Lol ok he drove 8 hours to shoot Mexicans but ok, if I’m wrong I’ll apologize, please tell me what the radical Islam link is tho 



Sun, Aug 4, 2019 10:35 PM
posted by Spock

You lose the argument when you use the words supremest or nationalist.


Only on Ohio chatter


Reppin' the 330/216/843

Sun, Aug 4, 2019 10:37 PM
posted by geeblock

Lol ok he drove 8 hours to shoot Mexicans but ok, if I’m wrong I’ll apologize, please tell me what the radical Islam link is tho 

No one said this had anything to do with Islam. You can’t read.


Reppin' the 330/216/843

Sun, Aug 4, 2019 10:41 PM
posted by geeblock

Lol ok he drove 8 hours to shoot Mexicans but ok, if I’m wrong I’ll apologize, please tell me what the radical Islam link is tho 

This is the Dayton thread. Start your own El Paso thread. The more that comes out about the Dayton guy, the less you’re going to post about it. You are more partisan then fucking Quaker. 



Sun, Aug 4, 2019 10:42 PM
posted by gut

I completely agree.  Whether because of "white supremacy" or "radical Islam".....these are sick people that are just latching on to an outlet for their hate - if you could take that away, they'd just find another twisted cause. 

They seem to do it mainly for the notoriety, and to make other people feel their pain.  So I think the root cause is a mental health issue.  Problem is, for every person you might accurately target you'll have hundreds of false positives.  I think a start would be much much less media coverage to at least take the infamy and notoriety out of it.




Sun, Aug 4, 2019 10:44 PM
posted by iclfan2

This is the Dayton thread. Start your own El Paso thread. The more that comes out about the Dayton guy, the less you’re going to post about it. You are more partisan then fucking Quaker. 

Lol ok


Senior Member

Sun, Aug 4, 2019 10:47 PM
posted by geeblock


You're the only one who struggled to read it.  That's a frequent problem with you.  Maybe sign-up for an adult learning class?


Senior Member

Sun, Aug 4, 2019 10:48 PM

44 people killed in Chicago for the month of July.  

Interesting we aren't talking about that.  I guess the "nationalists" are the wrong color.  

Pretty sad that every presidential candidate was on TV today about the Dayton shooting but they never bring up Chicago 



Sun, Aug 4, 2019 10:56 PM
posted by Spock

44 people killed in Chicago for the month of July.  

Interesting we aren't talking about that.  I guess the "nationalists" are the wrong color.  

Pretty sad that every presidential candidate was on TV today about the Dayton shooting but they never bring up Chicago 

The train that is never late



Sun, Aug 4, 2019 10:57 PM
posted by gut

You're the only one who struggled to read it.  That's a frequent problem with you.  Maybe sign-up for an adult learning class?

So explain the radical Islam link? It was an honest question. Not sure where the vitriol is coming from?


Senior Member

Sun, Aug 4, 2019 10:58 PM
posted by geeblock

The train that is never late

Just shows that media and politicians only circle around like buzzards on a carcass when it fits the narrative.  It's sad.  That's why nothing gets done.




Sun, Aug 4, 2019 10:59 PM

U guys really butt hurt over this. I’m anti gun control for what it’s worth 


Senior Member

Sun, Aug 4, 2019 11:01 PM

I think we are all on the same page in regards to slowing this down.  Keeping it from happening.....unrealistic.   

Now what could have been d0ne to prevent this.....there was already laws on the books on his weapon.  Another law on the gun wouldn't stop it.  Maybe better enforcement before someone can get this weapon.



Sun, Aug 4, 2019 11:03 PM
posted by Spock

Just shows that media and politicians only circle around like buzzards on a carcass when it fits the narrative.  It's sad.  That's why nothing gets done.


U don’t care about Chicago either so there’s that 


Chief Shenanigans Officer

Mon, Aug 5, 2019 12:55 AM
posted by Spock

I think we are all on the same page in regards to slowing this down.  Keeping it from happening.....unrealistic.   

Now what could have been d0ne to prevent this.....there was already laws on the books on his weapon.  Another law on the gun wouldn't stop it.  Maybe better enforcement before someone can get this weapon.

I don't even know about better enforcement.  If anything, this event seems to indicate that relying on police alone isn't sufficient.  Their response time was stellar, and he still racked up a horrific count of victims.

As for why someone might include radical Islam, radical Islam (the vast minority of those who profess Islam) has indeed been linked to acts of mass murder.  Including it as one of more than one in a list of reasons someone might carry out an attempt to murder people en masse isn't unreasonable.  It's not the only, or even the chief, reason someone might, but it's hardly without precedent.  White supremacy is another.  Political indoctrination, conspiracy theory, or just being off your fucking nut could be others.



Mon, Aug 5, 2019 3:02 AM
posted by O-Trap

I don't even know about better enforcement.  If anything, this event seems to indicate that relying on police alone isn't sufficient.  Their response time was stellar, and he still racked up a horrific count of victims.

As for why someone might include radical Islam, radical Islam (the vast minority of those who profess Islam) has indeed been linked to acts of mass murder.  Including it as one of more than one in a list of reasons someone might carry out an attempt to murder people en masse isn't unreasonable.  It's not the only, or even the chief, reason someone might, but it's hardly without precedent.  White supremacy is another.  Political indoctrination, conspiracy theory, or just being off your fucking nut could be others.

I golfed 36 holes today and seriously had no info on if the guy from Dayton had Islam ties. Not sure why me asking if there was a connection was so triggering. It’s been a while since the Islam guys gave scored many points in the us at least. Certainly right now we can clearly see we do have young white males being radicalized as well, sorry if that makes some people feel some type of way  



Mon, Aug 5, 2019 3:11 AM

Unless we address this problem with the same resources we did to shut down radical Islamic terrorists it’s going to continue to happen. Getting mad and pretending it’s not happening is stupid in my opinion. This isn’t a left or right issue to argue ab


12th Son of the Lama

Mon, Aug 5, 2019 6:28 AM
posted by geeblock

Unless we address this problem with the same resources we did to shut down radical Islamic terrorists 

I think Laley handled this one pretty good on page one.


Honorable Admin

Mon, Aug 5, 2019 8:35 AM
posted by Spock

Twitter was hacked and that pic was planted.

What? His account was suspended, so the link no longer works. What pic are you talking about?


1st Team All-PWN

Mon, Aug 5, 2019 9:05 AM

These two shootings are a prime example of how polarizing our society is.  The piece of shit in El Paso was a white supremacist and this piece of shit in Dayton was a bernie/warren/socialist/antifa supporter.  Instead of mourning and trying to figure out why in the last 5+ years these people are going crazy and doing this shit, everyone wants to dig sides to blame the other side.  The bodies were still warm when Beto went on TV to blame Trump for this, gblock couldn't want to come in this site to bring up white supremacists, and no I already see idiots blaming bernie/warren for the Dayton shooter. 


Chief Shenanigans Officer

Mon, Aug 5, 2019 10:08 AM
posted by geeblock

I golfed 36 holes today and seriously had no info on if the guy from Dayton had Islam ties. Not sure why me asking if there was a connection was so triggering. It’s been a while since the Islam guys gave scored many points in the us at least. Certainly right now we can clearly see we do have young white males being radicalized as well, sorry if that makes some people feel some type of way  

I don't think he did.  Moreover, I'm not sure having several people respond to it is, alone, an indication that anyone was triggered.  We are on a message board, where conversation tends to be the goal, after all.

I have no bones about saying that white males are vastly more likely to be mass shooters than any other kind of person in the US.  It's statistically accurate.  Interestingly, last I heard, the ratio of white shooters to non-white shooters even outpaces the ratio of whites to non-whites in America, and by a substantial margin.  Same with males, obviously.

posted by geeblock

Unless we address this problem with the same resources we did to shut down radical Islamic terrorists it’s going to continue to happen. Getting mad and pretending it’s not happening is stupid in my opinion. This isn’t a left or right issue to argue ab

I think our reaction to the radicalized Islamic terrorists was overblown and unjustified.  Moreover, there is zero evidence at present that it has had any palpable effect whatsoever.

Our treatment of Muslims of color in the years following the attacks was shameful and indicative that we were still really quick to jump to racist positions.  I'd hardly look to it as a model to emulate.