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333 - I'm only half evil

Thu, Jun 14, 2018 3:54 PM

In an age where it is a badge of honor to oppose Trump with facts and be recognized and celebrated for doing so... I have never seen so much anonymity/anonymous/not named/nameless/undisclosed "reports and facts and sources" in my lifetime (I was a toddler during Watergate, so unaware).

Does anybody else think this is strange? It's the oddest thing. 



Thu, Jun 14, 2018 4:00 PM
posted by CenterBHSFan

In an age where it is a badge of honor to oppose Trump with facts and be recognized and celebrated for doing so... I have never seen so much anonymity/anonymous/not named/nameless/undisclosed "reports and facts and sources" in my lifetime (I was a toddler during Watergate, so unaware).

Does anybody else think this is strange? It's the oddest thing. 

Uhh, it's always been like this...

Welcome to the party......

I guess you don't remember all the Ken Starr leaks on the Clinton investigation or all the leaks during the Bush years? 



Thu, Jun 14, 2018 4:01 PM
posted by QuakerOats

I love how you link to a Fox News report instead of the actual, you know, report itself....


333 - I'm only half evil

Thu, Jun 14, 2018 4:39 PM
posted by ptown_trojans_1

Uhh, it's always been like this...

Welcome to the party......

I guess you don't remember all the Ken Starr leaks on the Clinton investigation or all the leaks during the Bush years? 

I absolutely do. Which is why I said my statement exactly the way that I stated it. I think it's similar but there is a wider scope in numbers this go-round. And I'm saying this as somebody who voted for both President Clinton (the biological male) and President Bush and not for Trump. 

I know that many of the legacy medias are fighting for ratings and clicks. However, I think we can all agree that you can oppose Trump on facts - there's no need to stretch imaginations, bait or publish THIS many "those who shall not be named". Especially in light of the fact where you're given a parade of celebrations and attaboys and protections for coming out and stating truths. 


Senior Member

Thu, Jun 14, 2018 5:12 PM
posted by CenterBHSFan

In an age where it is a badge of honor to oppose Trump with facts and be recognized and celebrated for doing so... I have never seen so much anonymity/anonymous/not named/nameless/undisclosed "reports and facts and sources" in my lifetime (I was a toddler during Watergate, so unaware).

Does anybody else think this is strange? It's the oddest thing. 



You are correct ......it is far worse now than ever. 


333 - I'm only half evil

Thu, Jun 14, 2018 5:48 PM

Well, I'm pretty sure that social media plays a big part in it. Clinton and Bush both enjoyed not having to worry so much about clickbait in the way that Obama had to in his second term or that Trump does now. Because of that, the numbers are not even close. Like, not even a little bit. And I think it's disingenuous to try to make believe that it is or to gaslight others to have them believe it.


Reppin' the 330/216/843

Fri, Jun 15, 2018 7:14 AM

Another interesting tidbit from the IG report is the continued downward spiral of the journalism profession who were giving handouts to FBI agents for leaks.


Senior Member

Fri, Jun 15, 2018 7:44 AM
posted by iclfan2

Another interesting tidbit from the IG report is the continued downward spiral of the journalism profession who were giving handouts to FBI agents for leaks.

only leaks that would help the dems......no bias remember


1st Team All-PWN

Fri, Jun 15, 2018 10:13 AM

There is A LOT of damning shit in that report.  Ptown is downplaying a lot of it. Other than the fact that high ranking Government officials seem to always get away with shit, I can't see how the IG concluded there was no political bias. Based on what I have read:

-The DOJ changed the law to exonerate Hillary. That's where the bullshit "intent" came from Comey.

- Comey used a private server.  Connecting the dots,  did comey pull the "intent" out of his ass to cover his own ass if it ever came out that he used a private server?

- They prioritized the Russia investigation above Hillary's because they thought Hillary was going to win.

- Numerous agents were exchanging anti-trump and pro-hillary texts DURING these investigations.

- As mentioned by ICL, the FBI was leaking shit and they were leaking shit for favors.

-Addtional news today out of the IG suggesting Obama used an alias to email hillary on her private server.


I don't know how you can read that and say there was no political bias.  We all know deep down if this was the other way around it would be covered much worse and the actors would also be in bigger trouble.  The IG report is pretty much pulling a Comey.  "Yeah it's illegal/bias/etc BUT..."

By the way in separate  documents from the house committee reveal Hillary's foreign actors gained access to hillary's emails, which some were secret.  I love how Hillary is acting high and mighty on twitter about it though.  This always pissed me off, because if I did an 8th less of what Hillary did I would at a minimum lose my job.  The only reason Hillary got off is because of her title and status as the IG report pretty much states. 

My favorite part about this report is people see this and yet they still think DUMB Trump somehow played 4D chess and influenced the election with Russia.  Is Trump a dumbass or is he a mad genius playing 4D chess against everyone else?




Senior Member

Fri, Jun 15, 2018 10:21 AM

Well stated.  

The sludge at the bottom of the swamp is downright sickening.



Son of the Sun

Fri, Jun 15, 2018 11:12 AM
posted by like_that

There is A LOT of damning shit in that report.  Ptown is downplaying a lot of it. Other than the fact that high ranking Government officials seem to always get away with shit, I can't see how the IG concluded there was no political bias. Based on what I have read:

-The DOJ changed the law to exonerate Hillary. That's where the bullshit "intent" came from Comey.

- Comey used a private server.  Connecting the dots,  did comey pull the "intent" out of his ass to cover his own ass if it ever came out that he used a private server?

- They prioritized the Russia investigation above Hillary's because they thought Hillary was going to win.

- Numerous agents were exchanging anti-trump and pro-hillary texts DURING these investigations.

- As mentioned by ICL, the FBI was leaking shit and they were leaking shit for favors.

-Addtional news today out of the IG suggesting Obama used an alias to email hillary on her private server.


I don't know how you can read that and say there was no political bias.  We all know deep down if this was the other way around it would be covered much worse and the actors would also be in bigger trouble.  The IG report is pretty much pulling a Comey.  "Yeah it's illegal/bias/etc BUT..."

By the way in separate  documents from the house committee reveal Hillary's foreign actors gained access to hillary's emails, which some were secret.  I love how Hillary is acting high and mighty on twitter about it though.  This always pissed me off, because if I did an 8th less of what Hillary did I would at a minimum lose my job.  The only reason Hillary got off is because of her title and status as the IG report pretty much states. 

My favorite part about this report is people see this and yet they still think DUMB Trump somehow played 4D chess and influenced the election with Russia.  Is Trump a dumbass or is he a mad genius playing 4D chess against everyone else?



That bolded part is just one of those weird things people do all the time politically. I mean, over the past eight years, people on this site have alternated between saying Obama and Hillary are (pick any number of these): incompetent, idiotic, weak, gutless, etc. and yet, they'll also rant about how corrupt they are and how insidiously they are subtly working to undermine America --- the sort of thing that, regardless of how negative your other traits are, you'd need to be very competent and have a lot of guts to make an honest attempt to pull off. When people don't like a poli-person, they tend to just throw every negative adjective possible at them, regardless of how contradictory half of what they're saying is to the other half. QQ's nonstop impotent rage-posts are the easiest example, but I think most, if not all of us, who post here are guilty of that to some degree.


1st Team All-PWN

Fri, Jun 15, 2018 11:18 AM
posted by Heretic

That bolded part is just one of those weird things people do all the time politically. I mean, over the past eight years, people on this site have alternated between saying Obama and Hillary are (pick any number of these): incompetent, idiotic, weak, gutless, etc. and yet, they'll also rant about how corrupt they are and how insidiously they are subtly working to undermine America --- the sort of thing that, regardless of how negative your other traits are, you'd need to be very competent and have a lot of guts to make an honest attempt to pull off. When people don't like a poli-person, they tend to just throw every negative adjective possible at them, regardless of how contradictory half of what they're saying is to the other half. QQ's nonstop impotent rage-posts are the easiest example, but I think most, if not all of us, who post here are guilty of that to some degree.

Yup, same with Bush.  Is he the biggest dumbass or did he single handedly organized and executed 9/11?


333 - I'm only half evil

Fri, Jun 15, 2018 12:51 PM

Well, I think that it is entirely situational. Would it be bad to call somebody a genius straight across the board? Yes. Would it be bad to say that somebody was inept across the board? Yes. Same with Stupid/evil lol/idiotic/whatever. For example, Trump/Bush/Hillary/Obama all have done and said some stupid shit. They've all been inept at something at some point or another. They've all been idiotic. But not all the time. Are there times when they have been each of those things? Yes. So, I think that saying that people thought those things at all times is somewhat hyperbolic.


Senior Member

Fri, Jun 15, 2018 3:01 PM
posted by Heretic

... saying Obama and Hillary are (pick any number of these): incompetent, idiotic, weak, gutless, etc. and yet, they'll also rant about how corrupt they are 

That's not mutually exclusive - being corrupt really has nothing to do with competence (in so far as someone advises you of competent lawyers to hire) or any of that other stuff.  You're also assuming these people might mastermind some sort of transformative change, rather than being someone manipulated to go along for the ride (cough cough Valerie Jarrett cough cough).  But Obama is obviously a smart guy, and somewhat typical ivory tower naive idealist.

Although I do think when a person is worth $3B it's simply not worth risking jail for half the shit Trump is accused of.


Senior Member

Fri, Jun 15, 2018 3:05 PM
posted by like_that

Yup, same with Bush.  Is he the biggest dumbass or did he single handedly organized and executed 9/11?

But here's the big difference - the Obama conspiracy stuff and all that other crap was mainly right wing hacks like Infowars.  And good thing you mention Bush, because that was also the worst of the worst media.

Except with Trump it's the mainstream sources.  They've completely lost their shit.  However, to be fair, Trump is far more caustic and juvenile than Bush or Obama.  I am fasincated, though, by Trump's ability to make people forget their professionalism, integrity and dignity.


Senior Member

Fri, Jun 15, 2018 3:30 PM
posted by like_that

I don't know how you can read that and say there was no political bias. 

Admittedly I didn't read the report, but I don't think it's impossible to have strong political views and still conduct a proper and unbiased investigation (which is what the IG seemed to conclude).

More broadly, I'm concerned by the apparent stonewalling and slow-walking of requests by the DOJ to the congressional oversight committees.  And we saw the same thing with the IRS.  To the extent there is or would be potential criminality, these people appear to be burying or destroying evidence!

Big big problem when you have this giant govt bureacracy and you're apparently incapable of properly policing it.  At least McCabe was fired hours before his retirement, costing him his pension, but he's the only person I'm aware to suffer any real consequence.  And that's a problem, too.

Dr Winston O'Boogie

Senior Member

Fri, Jun 15, 2018 5:20 PM
posted by like_that

Yup, same with Bush.  Is he the biggest dumbass or did he single handedly organized and executed 9/11?

I've always loved this one.  Not only did the supposed stupidest president ever organize, pull off and keep quiet 9/11, he did it only 8 months into his tenure.  Very impressive.  


I agree with the premise that Hillary and Bill are given way more credit than they deserve when these wacky right wingers accuse them of undermining the entire country and running these massive conspiracies without anyone ever leaking anything.  Give me a friggin' break.  We don't have any politicians from either side capable of anything of that magnitude. 


Senior Member

Mon, Jun 18, 2018 10:53 AM

Well, their body count is indeed impressive. 

Dr Winston O'Boogie

Senior Member

Wed, Jun 20, 2018 9:41 AM
posted by QuakerOats

Well, their body count is indeed impressive. 

Good God, are you Alex Jones?


Senior Member

Wed, Jun 20, 2018 11:47 AM



"This I.G. report is only half, or maybe only a third of the whole story.  Next will be Horowitz's report on the FISA warrants, the justification of which was invented out of whole cloth by the selfsame overlords who gave Hillary a pass. These are police state operatives, reminiscent of the Soviet Union, East Germany before the wall fell, and North Korea.  They freely abused their power to surveil and spy on countless private citizens who had any connection, however flimsy, to Trump and his family. 

Mueller and his team of hired guns have nearly bankrupted many of the people they have targeted.  There is a special place in Hell for this swarm of rats.  Mueller's past record of horrific ethical lapses should have seen him disbarred years ago; his mistakes have cost the taxpayers millions of dollars.  The same is true of several others on his hand-picked team of hit men. 

While the devious machinations of the Deep State are not new, it was the Obama administration, most likely Obama himself, who brought us to this low point, the wholesale corruption of the FBI and the DOJ leadership.  Obama surrounded himself with like-minded globalist elites who thought no laws applied to them: Susan Rice, Samantha Power, Valerie Jarrett, the Podestas, Ben Rhodes, Jonathan Gruber, and more.  Eric Holder was the most unprincipled attorney general, more even than John Mitchell, who served time in federal prison. "



Son of the Sun

Thu, Jun 21, 2018 12:11 PM
posted by Dr Winston O'Boogie

Good God, are you Alex Jones?

He's actually more batshit insane.

Dr Winston O'Boogie

Senior Member

Thu, Jun 21, 2018 12:16 PM
posted by Heretic

He's actually more batshit insane.

The world is being run by alien lizards who have taken human form.  


Senior Member

Fri, Jun 22, 2018 9:01 AM
posted by iclfan2

Another interesting tidbit from the IG report is the continued downward spiral of the journalism profession who were giving handouts to FBI agents for leaks.

In their defense, pussy is a pretty cool handout. 


Senior Member

Thu, Jun 28, 2018 10:39 PM

Kind of funny someone shoots up a media outlet on the same day Rosenstein gets grilled on hil


Senior Member

Fri, Jun 29, 2018 4:03 AM
posted by Spock

Kind of funny someone shoots up a media outlet on the same day Rosenstein gets grilled on hil

Yeah....absolutely hilarious that people died.....