Sh*thole countries

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Senior Member

Tue, Jan 16, 2018 4:15 PM
posted by fish82

It's really not in the same all.

Any reasonable person can see this.

Yes it is - the hysteria is just different. Conservative media was hysterical that Obama was a S0C9ALIST!!! Liberal and Mainstream media is hysterical that Trump is an UNF1T RAC1ST!!

After Obama was re-elected people created a thread called "Economic Collapse is Inevitable" as just one example. The difference is that most of the people losing their minds have more power and influence than the conservative leaders who lost their minds over Obama - save some of the CEO's who want on various crazy rants on CNBC, etc. 


Senior Member

Tue, Jan 16, 2018 4:19 PM
posted by jmog

1. He didn’t call Haitians, he called Haiti. 

2. Calling a country a shit show vs shit hole is a real difference to you? I surely hope you are joking. 

I can't believe this is the horse you want to die on. Would you agree that a warzone is a different symentic referant than a country? The statements aren't comparable. There a million other examples of Obama favoritism by the mainstream media compared to Trump and this simply isn't one of them. My God! 


Senior Member

Tue, Jan 16, 2018 4:21 PM
posted by like_that

-I am with gut on this, what Durbin did is a coward move. He knew it would get headlines though, because it is Trump.  Anyone who airs out private convos like that is a coward and lacks integrity imo.  .  

Durbin wasn't the leaker. He and Lindsey Graham (kind of) confirmed the story following leaks. 


Senior Member

Tue, Jan 16, 2018 4:23 PM
posted by gut

Size 10, please

At least you're cool on the internet lol. 


Senior Member

Tue, Jan 16, 2018 4:24 PM
posted by Spock

THis x1000.  Presidents should say what they want and how they want in these meetings without someone runnning to a camera and a microphone.  I am sure that the conversations that Obama and Holder or Bush and Cheney were terrible if taken out of context.


What will Spock's reaction be when it's revealed that Trump's own staffers leaked it to make him sound tough to people like Spock???????????



Senior Member

Tue, Jan 16, 2018 4:34 PM

Whether he properly labeled shithole countries as shithole countries is irrelevant (except to the left-stream media and their disciples).  What matters is whether we curtail illegal immigration, and I believe that will happen while the media and those maligned with TDS are still in the midst of their hissy fit. 


Senior Member

Tue, Jan 16, 2018 7:57 PM
posted by BoatShoes

I can't believe this is the horse you want to die on. Would you agree that a warzone is a different symentic referant than a country? The statements aren't comparable. There a million other examples of Obama favoritism by the mainstream media compared to Trump and this simply isn't one of them. My God! 

Incorrect but that’s par for the course from you. 


Senior Member

Tue, Jan 16, 2018 8:49 PM
posted by BoatShoes

What will Spock's reaction be when it's revealed that Trump's own staffers leaked it to make him sound tough to people like Spock???????????


I am a white male with privilege. ( that is what the world thinks) so I dont care.  I have already lost jobs to minorities, been cut out of professional development by women etc....


Senior Member

Tue, Jan 16, 2018 10:49 PM
posted by like_that

I was young, but i recall Bush on a hot mic telling cheney that some reporter was an asshole (or whatever deragatory insult).  This at least was caught on mic, and I think that got less publicity than what Trump allegeldy said behind closed doors.  

There are a lot of hot mic moments for presidents that got less attention than this.  It brings the lulz.  

It was major league asshole.  

This is my favorite response by a politician to an accused derogatory insult.



Senior Member

Wed, Jan 17, 2018 12:52 AM
posted by BoatShoes

Context matters. The incidents are completely different. You're too smart to be this dumb on an issue so stupid. 


I agree context does matter.  Haiti has experienced many coups since independence.  The US has militarily intervened in one as recently as a decade and a half ago. Its a distinction without a difference that a nation can be called a shitshow/shithole based on whether it has an active civil war.  The context could be an active civil war, recent history, or current oppressive/corrupt political state.  Any would be valid in getting the label.

I agree the issue is stupid.  Disagree Jmog is dumb.  Nor you.  The overplaying of the race card is dividing us.


333 - I'm only half evil

Wed, Jan 17, 2018 4:30 AM
posted by majorspark

I agree the issue is stupid.  Disagree Jmog is dumb.  Nor you.  The overplaying of the race card is dividing us.




Wed, Jan 17, 2018 9:17 AM
posted by fish82

Fair points for sure. 

As a guy with alleged DC experience/connections, where do you rank this on the list of “worst statements made by a POTUS in a closed-door policy meeting, and subsequently leaked to the press?”

Where does it rank? Probably low. As like_that said, there have been far worse said in private meetings. Nixon, LBJ, and Clinton were all known to go into profanity laced comments. As I said, the response to it has been as expected. Everyone goes to their respective corners. 

The fact that it was leaked is not a surprise. DC leaks and will always leak. This is not new and will continue. It is part of the "swamp." 

posted by like_that


-Ptown still getting rattled by quaker and cc still brings the lulz.  


Rattled? Nah. I just find it funny how after years of yelling about everything little thing Obama said and did, that now what Trumps says does not matter as much and that any critical arguments made about Trump are lies or the MSM attacking him. 


posted by superman

Says the guy who spun every negative story about Obama.  

I mean some of the posters on here thought Obama was the antichrist was leading to the downfall of the republic. In that environment, my sometimes defense of the Obama whitehouse was seen as I was a homer. Hey, Obama did a fair amount of things wrong, but just becasue I did not think he was the worst President of all time, I was thrown into his homer camp. 

I'll finally say that these comments may lead to a Shutdown this Friday. I doubt that happens, as I see a another short term extension. But still, there was a deal on the table that Trump walked away from. 


Senior Member

Wed, Jan 17, 2018 11:27 AM

Media too busy acting like fools in medical presser; why cover a story about illegal criminals wanting to kill more cops.


The Left has completely lost it. 


Senior Member

Wed, Jan 17, 2018 11:50 AM
posted by BoatShoes

Yes it is - the hysteria is just different. Conservative media was hysterical that Obama was a S0C9ALIST!!! Liberal and Mainstream media is hysterical that Trump is an UNF1T RAC1ST!!

After Obama was re-elected people created a thread called "Economic Collapse is Inevitable" as just one example. The difference is that most of the people losing their minds have more power and influence than the conservative leaders who lost their minds over Obama - save some of the CEO's who want on various crazy rants on CNBC, etc. 

There was never a "National Scream at the Sky Day" during Obama's term, IIRC. Nor were there riots on either Inauguration Day.

As I said...reasonable people can certianly see the difference.


Senior Member

Wed, Jan 17, 2018 9:53 PM
posted by Spock

 I am sure that the conversations that Obama and Holder or Bush and Cheney were terrible if taken out of context.


Why do Trump nut-huggers always point fingers and attempt using Obama or Hillary as rebuttals?  


Senior Member

Wed, Jan 17, 2018 9:56 PM
posted by salto

Why do Trump nut-huggers always point fingers and attempt using Obama or Hillary as rebuttals?  

Because its relevant.  They are current political foes that don't seem to shut up about trump when given the chance


Senior Member

Wed, Jan 17, 2018 9:57 PM
posted by BoatShoes

What will Spock's reaction be when it's revealed that Trump's own staffers leaked it to make him sound tough to people like Spock???????????


He'll say "Obama did it too!" or something similar...


Senior Member

Thu, Jan 18, 2018 9:39 AM

The People simply want illegal immigration from shithole countries and elsewhere dealt with properly and swiftly.  They don't care about the fake media outrage-of-the-day.  We are over a year into this and the leftists and the media STILL don't get it.


Son of the Sun

Thu, Jan 18, 2018 11:45 AM
posted by salto

Why do Trump nut-huggers always point fingers and attempt using Obama or Hillary as rebuttals?  

Because they conveniently forgot about the whole "Stop using Bush to make excuses for Obama!" line they were dragging out repeatedly over that eight-year period.


Senior Member

Thu, Jan 18, 2018 11:52 AM
posted by Heretic

Because they conveniently forgot about the whole "Stop using Bush to make excuses for Obama!" line they were dragging out repeatedly over that eight-year period.

You have that line wrong since the Ds and Obama blamed Bush for the economy for about 8 years. The Ds in office directly blamed Bush.


That is vastly different than taking comparable information ($#!t Hole vs $#!t Show) and asking where was the comparable outrage.


Comparing the two cases is laughable, and no where near apples to apples.


Son of the Sun

Thu, Jan 18, 2018 3:53 PM
posted by jmog

You have that line wrong since the Ds and Obama blamed Bush for the economy for about 8 years. The Ds in office directly blamed Bush.


That is vastly different than taking comparable information ($#!t Hole vs $#!t Show) and asking where was the comparable outrage.


Comparing the two cases is laughable, and no where near apples to apples.

Comparable in the sense that saying "you're stupid" and "your argument is stupid" is comparable, sure.