Sh*thole countries

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Senior Member

Sun, Jan 14, 2018 5:45 PM
posted by Heretic

It's a general truth that anyone who gets off on the term "libtard" like he does is probably a full-on "R-tard" since anyone who is legitimately intelligent knows both parties are two sides of the same coin. As Gore Vidal once said (paraphrasing time!), we have one party in the US: the property party and it has two wings, R and D.

LMFAO.  I mean, again LMFAO.

If you want to argue actual fact, science or policy, please attempt to do so.   Otherwise you ARE a libtard, hence the term and frequent use.

There are useful idiots on both sides, and I will admit to lazily using libtard to describe those on one side.  You MIGHT not be a libtard, but then you don't really seem to make much of an effort not to be choice or otherwise.


Senior Member

Sun, Jan 14, 2018 5:59 PM
posted by Heretic

As opposed to the "old age" where most of "you people" were losing your minds so completely over Obama? 

You have to live in a completey alternate universe to think it's equivalent, on Fox News or anywhere else.  You have to go deep in the bowels of right-wing dark web to see the same unhinged lying and overreaction wrt Obam as you get with Trump on MAINSTREAM media.

And I say that as someone who thinks Trump is an embarassing retard.  If you want me to stop calling you a libtard, then stop being one.


Senior Member

Sun, Jan 14, 2018 7:43 PM
posted by gut

Yeah....thinking for myself and being rational is hilarioous.  Sad part is you played this shtick once before, got called on it, and admitted you were trolling.   


Now maybe bring me a size 10?

LMFAO...two negs from two of the biggest useful idiots on this site.

And it's BIPARTISAN!!!!   One from the left, one from the right.  I kind of feel like that's validation for what I said.



Senior Member

Sun, Jan 14, 2018 8:33 PM
posted by gut

LMFAO...two negs from two of the biggest useful idiots on this site.

And it's BIPARTISAN!!!!   One from the left, one from the right.  I kind of feel like that's validation for what I said.


You’re a moron. 


Senior Member

Sun, Jan 14, 2018 9:33 PM

Occasionally i do think the left wing media reports something unfair about Trump. I almost want to defend him. But then he opens his mouth 100 times and indefensible shit comes out of it so...


Senior Member

Sun, Jan 14, 2018 10:28 PM
posted by salto

That isn't true.  Lindsey Graham didn't directly confirm Trump said it, he (also) didn't deny it.   

“Following comments by the president, I said my piece directly to him yesterday," Graham said in a statement.

"The president and all those attending the meeting know what I said and how I feel," he added. "I’ve always believed that America is an idea, not defined by its people but by its ideals."



Look at all of the facts, Trump is a racist.  

Actually Graham said he didn’t recall, which is what I said originally on this thread, that everyone else in the room but Durbin either denied it was said or couldn’t recall. 


My question to you, did you call Obama a racist when he said the same thing about Libya?


If not you are a hypocrite. 


Senior Member

Sun, Jan 14, 2018 10:31 PM
posted by Heretic

I've heard fewer denials than alleged adults claiming they can't remember what they heard, which is suspiciously similar to Clinton's queries regarding the meaning of the word "is".

From what I could count 2 “couldn’t recall”, Durbin is the lone “he said it”, rest denied. 


I believe he very well could have said it and if he did it would be extremely tasteless as a POTUS but not even close to racist. 


FYI, I thought it was tasteless when Obama said the same thing about Libya. Tasteless but never crossed my mind as racist. 




Senior Member

Mon, Jan 15, 2018 3:35 AM
posted by jmog

 My question to you, did you call Obama a racist when he said the same thing about Libya?


If not you are a hypocrite. 

Well, I suppose we need to agree to disagree.  Obama referring to someplace as a "shit show" because of being an ISIS haven is not the same as Trump referring to Haitians and African countries as shitholes.  


Senior Member

Mon, Jan 15, 2018 5:39 AM
posted by SportsAndLady

You’re a moron. 

Size 10, please


333 - I'm only half evil

Mon, Jan 15, 2018 5:49 AM

About the Libya/Haiti comments and the disparity of outrage over them: I think it just goes to show how quickly we've willingly chosen to be outraged in the past few years.


Senior Member

Mon, Jan 15, 2018 7:28 AM
posted by Heretic

As opposed to the "old age" where most of "you people" were losing your minds so completely over Obama? I mean, the old site is archived somewhere in teh interwebs, so anyone can look up eight years of conservative tears if they so choose. The only difference now is that the whiners are cheering and the cheerers are whining.

It's really not in the same all.

Any reasonable person can see this.


Senior Member

Mon, Jan 15, 2018 7:41 AM
posted by salto

Well, I suppose we need to agree to disagree.  Obama referring to someplace as a "shit show" because of being an ISIS haven is not the same as Trump referring to Haitians and African countries as shitholes.  

1. He didn’t call Haitians, he called Haiti. 

2. Calling a country a shit show vs shit hole is a real difference to you? I surely hope you are joking. 


Senior Member

Mon, Jan 15, 2018 7:43 AM
posted by CenterBHSFan

About the Libya/Haiti comments and the disparity of outrage over them: I think it just goes to show how quickly we've willingly chosen to be outraged in the past few years.

No, it’s the difference between Obama saying it and the MSM giving him a pass on everything vs Trump saying it and the MSM always twisting every word he says and being offended. 


And it isn’t just the MSM as the actual democrats in DC are doing it too. 


Senior Member

Mon, Jan 15, 2018 9:52 AM

Haiti is a shithole

Trump calls Haiti a shithole (maybe)

Media goes berserk

Had he said Haiti was a wonderful vibrant country, media would have called him a liar or dumb or both. 



Carry on



Senior Member

Mon, Jan 15, 2018 10:07 AM

Even if he did say it......what he meant by it surely is not racism.  That country is a shithole.  Americans are often told that when visiting resorts to not leave those areas because the lawless country is dangerous.

As for why this country is this way, just look into where all the HAiti money went and who controls their oil and gold........


Senior Member

Mon, Jan 15, 2018 10:14 AM
posted by salto

Well, I suppose we need to agree to disagree.  Obama referring to someplace as a "shit show" because of being an ISIS haven is not the same as Trump referring to Haitians and African countries as shitholes.  

Superman negs with the response, "stop playing the race cards"
Oh the irony, calling race card while being a Trump fan.    Look at the context of the conversations.  Only Trump's comes across racist.


Senior Member

Mon, Jan 15, 2018 11:51 AM
posted by salto

Superman negs with the response, "stop playing the race cards"
Oh the irony, calling race card while being a Trump fan.    Look at the context of the conversations.  Only Trump's comes across racist.

Completely false and shows your obvious bias. 


Senior Member

Mon, Jan 15, 2018 12:06 PM
posted by jmog

Actually so far everyone else at the meeting has denied hearing any such comment. 


And as a reminder, Durban is the one that said a republican senator said they “couldn’t even look at Obama” in a similar closed door meeting


The Obama admin and everyone else at the meeting denied it happened. 


He has a past of making crap up against Rs out of closed door meetings. 

He has also told us which country he thinks is a shithole.




Mon, Jan 15, 2018 2:56 PM

This thread went as I expected. 

His comments were pretty damn bad, but everyone went into their respective corners on the issue.

I just have one question for really Quaker and Spock. 

Is there really any way to properly criticize the President? Or, is there any real way that would say, yelp, that was dumb Trump and he was wrong? 

It just seems the President can do no wrong in your guys eyes. 


Senior Member

Mon, Jan 15, 2018 3:50 PM

I have stated numberous times that some his tweets and some of his comments are off base and not helpful.  But no matter what he says or does the media will continue to slam him relentlessly; and it is personal, not policy related.  He is completely under their skin and they can't handle it.  They criticize him all day long, about every single thing .............they have gone so far overboard that to ask now whether there is any way to properly criticize him is simply a joke. 


Senior Member

Mon, Jan 15, 2018 4:08 PM

Like QQ said......I have stated that his tweeting is not presidential but when the media/deep state/DC are all out to get him because he isnt a greasy bought and paid for politician I am going to take EVERYTHING with a grain of salt.  


Most of the 90% of the negative press he gets is ridiculous/mostly fake and borderline dangerous to the US. 


So it comes off as Pro-Trump its not.  Its Anti media and anti government.