Sh*thole countries

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Tits McGee

Sat, Jan 13, 2018 10:20 AM
posted by jmog

 Come on Fab, he mentioned countries that were currently in crappy conditions he didn’t mention white or brown you and the media did. 


I am not saying he isn’t or is racist just stating that Obama said the exact same thing about Libya and NO ONE called him racist for it. Last I checked, Libya is mostly “brown” people. 

Sorry, but no. He doesn't get the benefit of the doubt from me. He said he does not want people from shithole countries. He said he does want people from Norway. What colors are these people?

The President is racist. There are many examples. Housing discrimination, he is a fucking birther, he called Mexicans rapists and drug dealers, he said an American-born judge couldn't do his job because of his Mexican heritage, he called Nazis very fine poeple, he endorsed Roy Moore, who thinks the last time America was great was during slavery, uses the racial slur Pocahontas...and on and on and on. 

So He will never get the benefit of the doubt from me. He's also a misogynist who has no respect for women. He harasses and assaults them. He's a liar, an adulterer, and an all-around piece of garbage. Like I said...Trump supporters should just admit that he is, but that they don't care. Stop making excuses for the dude. 


Reppin' the 330/216/843

Sat, Jan 13, 2018 10:45 AM
posted by Fab4Runner

uses the racial slur Pocahontas...and on and on and on. 

My only real issue with your post is "Pocahontas" is not a racial slur. Only Trump says it and only about one person, and it isn't degrading to Native Americans. I personally find it hilarious that he calls Warren that, she desrves it.

There is no defense imo of your other points because the fuck says dumb shit at every turn, and has a history of saying the same dumb shit before.


Senior Member

Sat, Jan 13, 2018 11:32 AM
posted by Fab4Runner


The President is racist. There are many examples. Housing discrimination, he is a fucking birther, he called Mexicans rapists and drug dealers, he said an American-born judge couldn't do his job because of his Mexican heritage, he called Nazis very fine poeple, he endorsed Roy Moore, who thinks the last time America was great was during slavery, uses the racial slur Pocahontas...and on and on and on. 



Prayers from Chicago.


333 - I'm only half evil

Sat, Jan 13, 2018 1:09 PM
posted by superman

So for the last year, the left has been screaming about how inhumane it would be to send people back to these countries because they are so bad.  Now, that Trump calls them shitholes, the left has been talking about how great these places are and how he is a racist.

That's a good point. The polarity is unreasonably extreme.


Son of the Sun

Sat, Jan 13, 2018 1:12 PM

I guess I just figured he got health department reports on some of his hotels and other properties and was just projecting his anger at their findings upon other countries.


Son of the Sun

Sat, Jan 13, 2018 1:21 PM
posted by superman

So for the last year, the left has been screaming about how inhumane it would be to send people back to these countries because they are so bad.  Now, that Trump calls them shitholes, the left has been talking about how great these places are and how he is a racist.

Kind of like how the right was super-concerned with how much time a president spent at the golf course until the beginning of last year?


Son of the Sun

Sat, Jan 13, 2018 1:24 PM
posted by gut

I would say it was far more elitist than racist, because he also talked about merit.  Basically he's saying the poor and uneducated should go to the back of the line, and maybe that those who will further burden our social/entitlement programs shouldn't be allowed in at all.

It's a brutally honest reality that Durbin is a real shithead for disclosing.

Of couuurrsseeee, it's not a problem that the president supposedly called a bunch of countries shitholes, the problem is that someone else at the meeting confirmed that he said it.


Senior Member

Sat, Jan 13, 2018 1:35 PM

Interesting that he called out Haiti, but not the Dominican Republic. Aren’t there black  people living there, on the opposite end of the same island?


Senior Member

Sat, Jan 13, 2018 2:23 PM
posted by fish82

Interesting that he called out Haiti, but not the Dominican Republic. Aren’t there black  people living there, on the opposite end of the same island?

South Korea is most certainly not a shithole, while North Korea certainly is. The DR is a very nice place.


In ROY I Trust!!

Sat, Jan 13, 2018 2:58 PM
posted by queencitybuckeye

South Korea is most certainly not a shithole, while North Korea certainly is. The DR is a very nice place.

And Trump has business in the DR. 


Senior Member

Sat, Jan 13, 2018 3:08 PM
posted by Heretic

Kind of like how the right was super-concerned with how much time a president spent at the golf course until the beginning of last year?

Exactly like that. 


Senior Member

Sat, Jan 13, 2018 3:36 PM
posted by Heretic

Of couuurrsseeee, it's not a problem that the president supposedly called a bunch of countries shitholes, the problem is that someone else at the meeting confirmed that he said it.

Yes, it is a problem.  One you're apparently blind to becauseof your hatred for the POTUS.  It's a private conversation, and likely privileged. They are shithole countries, and Durbin made it an official public statement.  Total dickhead, partisan move.  Trump can be an asshole for saying and believing it, while Durbin can still an asshole for how he handled it.

In the typical trainwreck/sensationalist coverage of this, everyone seems to be ignoring how Durbin made a huge break with protocol.  Closed door negotiations are rarely discussed publicly, and it's EXTREMELY rare to directly attribute comments to anyone, much less the POTUS.  That those conversations "don't leave the room" is critical to open and honest communications to progress toward compromise - Durbin just took a giant crap on that and no one cares?

As for "racist", Trump is just whining about the imbalance (real or imagined) between poor and uneducated immigrants from 3rd world countries vs. those from developed OECD countries.  I don't know if there actually is an imbalance (I doubt it), but it's hardly a position without merit, much less racist.

Dr Winston O'Boogie

Senior Member

Sat, Jan 13, 2018 9:09 PM
posted by gut

Yes, it is a problem.  One you're apparently blind to becauseof your hatred for the POTUS.  It's a private conversation, and likely privileged. They are shithole countries, and Durbin made it an official public statement.  Total dickhead, partisan move.  Trump can be an asshole for saying and believing it, while Durbin can still an asshole for how he handled it.

In the typical trainwreck/sensationalist coverage of this, everyone seems to be ignoring how Durbin made a huge break with protocol.  Closed door negotiations are rarely discussed publicly, and it's EXTREMELY rare to directly attribute comments to anyone, much less the POTUS.  That those conversations "don't leave the room" is critical to open and honest communications to progress toward compromise - Durbin just took a giant crap on that and no one cares?

As for "racist", Trump is just whining about the imbalance (real or imagined) between poor and uneducated immigrants from 3rd world countries vs. those from developed OECD countries.  I don't know if there actually is an imbalance (I doubt it), but it's hardly a position without merit, much less racist.

We’re into a new age when people cast a person as Trump as a victim. As in, poor guy thought he was talking in private. This guy’s not just a raging asshole, he’s a fucking idiot if he thinks he can talk to a congretinal delegation in the Oval Office like this. He does this shit to shock people and the gets off watching them react. Classic bully move. He is a sick man.  


Senior Member

Sat, Jan 13, 2018 11:28 PM
posted by Heretic

Of couuurrsseeee, it's not a problem that the president supposedly called a bunch of countries shitholes, the problem is that someone else at the meeting confirmed that he said it.

Gut cracks me up. Always defends trump and other republicans, but refuses to call himself one. Lol


Senior Member

Sun, Jan 14, 2018 12:18 AM
posted by Heretic

Of couuurrsseeee, it's not a problem that the president supposedly called a bunch of countries shitholes, the problem is that someone else at the meeting confirmed that he said it.

Actually so far everyone else at the meeting has denied hearing any such comment. 


And as a reminder, Durban is the one that said a republican senator said they “couldn’t even look at Obama” in a similar closed door meeting


The Obama admin and everyone else at the meeting denied it happened. 


He has a past of making crap up against Rs out of closed door meetings. 


Senior Member

Sun, Jan 14, 2018 2:21 AM
posted by SportsAndLady

Gut cracks me up. Always defends trump and other republicans, but refuses to call himself one. Lol

Yeah....thinking for myself and being rational is hilarioous.  Sad part is you played this shtick once before, got called on it, and admitted you were trolling.   


Now maybe bring me a size 10?


Senior Member

Sun, Jan 14, 2018 2:26 AM
posted by Dr Winston O'Boogie

We’re into a new age when people cast a person as Trump as a victim.

No, he's clearly a dick.  As is Durbin...his name is actually Dick Durbin.

But you're being a useful idiot here.  I already explained why.  Identify policitcs just confirm useful idiotness.



Senior Member

Sun, Jan 14, 2018 3:51 AM
posted by jmog

Actually so far everyone else at the meeting has denied hearing any such comment. 



That isn't true.  Lindsey Graham didn't directly confirm Trump said it, he (also) didn't deny it.   

“Following comments by the president, I said my piece directly to him yesterday," Graham said in a statement.

"The president and all those attending the meeting know what I said and how I feel," he added. "I’ve always believed that America is an idea, not defined by its people but by its ideals."



Look at all of the facts, Trump is a racist.  


333 - I'm only half evil

Sun, Jan 14, 2018 5:42 AM

I think at this point, thanks to the college mentality that we've seen under the microscope for the past two years and the Trump thing, all words flung about like bigot, any "ism", any "phobic", any racial accusation - has all been eroded to the point where it is now just low rent. There is the argument that this is a good thing because now the connotations don't have the pull that they once had, meaning that people aren't as affected by those terms when they once were. People think that this will erode the post modern identity politics that the left wants to smother everyone else with. But again, this just makes those terms and the continuous outrage that goes along with it... low rent. 



333 - I'm only half evil

Sun, Jan 14, 2018 5:43 AM
posted by salto

That isn't true.  Lindsey Graham didn't directly confirm Trump said it, he (also) didn't deny it.   

“Following comments by the president, I said my piece directly to him yesterday," Graham said in a statement.

"The president and all those attending the meeting know what I said and how I feel," he added. "I’ve always believed that America is an idea, not defined by its people but by its ideals."



Look at all of the facts, Trump is a racist.  

The only "fact" you presented here was that Lindsey Graham didn't really say anything as evidence. 


333 - I'm only half evil

Sun, Jan 14, 2018 6:34 AM

For the record, I believe that he did say it. While I might agree that there are shithole countries, I don't think it's Trump's job to verbalize it in that manner. He has never kept his mouth shut, I don't expect him to keep his mouth shut in the future. He is mostly unpresidential and shouldn't surprise anybody at this point. Disappoint/disgust them - yes. Surprise? No.


Senior Member

Sun, Jan 14, 2018 7:14 AM
posted by Dr Winston O'Boogie

We’re into a new age when people cast a person as Trump as a victim. As in, poor guy thought he was talking in private. This guy’s not just a raging asshole, he’s a fucking idiot if he thinks he can talk to a congretinal delegation in the Oval Office like this. He does this shit to shock people and the gets off watching them react. Classic bully move. He is a sick man.  

Were into a new age where most of you people have lost your minds so completely over Trump, that anyone who has the nerve to not fall in lockstep with the “torch and pitchfork” brigade immediately gets branded with the “Trump Supporter” label - usually with an over abundance of mouth foaming. 

Also, anyone who honestly thinks this is the worst thing ever said by a POTUS in a closed door meeting is pretty dumb. 


Son of the Sun

Sun, Jan 14, 2018 11:39 AM
posted by jmog

Actually so far everyone else at the meeting has denied hearing any such comment. 


And as a reminder, Durban is the one that said a republican senator said they “couldn’t even look at Obama” in a similar closed door meeting


The Obama admin and everyone else at the meeting denied it happened. 


He has a past of making crap up against Rs out of closed door meetings. 

I've heard fewer denials than alleged adults claiming they can't remember what they heard, which is suspiciously similar to Clinton's queries regarding the meaning of the word "is".


Son of the Sun

Sun, Jan 14, 2018 11:44 AM
posted by fish82

Were into a new age where most of you people have lost your minds so completely over Trump, that anyone who has the nerve to not fall in lockstep with the “torch and pitchfork” brigade immediately gets branded with the “Trump Supporter” label - usually with an over abundance of mouth foaming. 

Also, anyone who honestly thinks this is the worst thing ever said by a POTUS in a closed door meeting is pretty dumb. 

As opposed to the "old age" where most of "you people" were losing your minds so completely over Obama? I mean, the old site is archived somewhere in teh interwebs, so anyone can look up eight years of conservative tears if they so choose. The only difference now is that the whiners are cheering and the cheerers are whining.


Son of the Sun

Sun, Jan 14, 2018 11:47 AM
posted by SportsAndLady

Gut cracks me up. Always defends trump and other republicans, but refuses to call himself one. Lol

It's a general truth that anyone who gets off on the term "libtard" like he does is probably a full-on "R-tard" since anyone who is legitimately intelligent knows both parties are two sides of the same coin. As Gore Vidal once said (paraphrasing time!), we have one party in the US: the property party and it has two wings, R and D.