posted by jmog
No, neither side is really going to shrink the government ever, even through the Rs say they will, they won’t either. Ds are full on board with federal expansion.
So if both side would make it bigger if in power why wouldn’t a “status quo” and no/slower growth be better? Let them fight over stupid shit like morons and never pass anything which means the status quo doesn’t change and the federal government doesn’t grow as fast as if either party were in power.
And it is perfectly rational when you know both sides will grow the government, and they won’t work together anymore, to vote for gridlock so they won’t grow the government.
And if they magically start working cross party lines again like 20 years ago then it’s a win win.
The last time we had a balance budget was when the power was split.
I have had this debate with my buddy in Orange County who is a libertarian.
The problem I have with your line of thinking is it is passive. It is not about finding a solution, but just good with the status quo, which seems to contradict the libertarian ideology to me.
You say the fed may be growing more slowly, but the last 10 years so the opposite has happened. Spending has increased as each side gains power and trys to one up the other.
They are passing more things by default as the spending train keeps rolling.
By just saying you like gridlock, you are agreeing with that philosophy of more spending by default, which I know you and other do not support.
It would be one thing if you were aggressively supporting libertarian candidates and ideas. But, as you said, you are not as you are supporting the status quo of gridlock or the lesser of two evils on the ballot.
Also, odd you just are waiting for something magic to happen and not actually working to make that change happen.
I may be wrong, but I am going off your own words of supporting gridlock which just makes the current situation worse and contradicts what I thought was the libertarian mission.