posted by CenterBHSFan
It's all performative, too, CNN being the worst actors. Well, the Oscar would go to Joe Scarborough who in two months:
Funny watching them all try to pat themselves on the back for "holding our leaders accountable". Bullshit, they were gaslighting us right up until the debate. It's only when it became clear Biden will most likely lose the election that they started discussing the obvious.
LOL, and in other news that same media is trying to distract us with the "2025 Project" or whatever the heck you call it. Funny how all this stuff is supposed to be "mainstream", but if not for the liberal media I wouldn't know it because I haven't seen anything on Fox or WSJ.
Then there someone apparently just started making shit up about Trump and Epstein, except the court records were just released and there's no a single mention of Trump.
Also, I saw 3 lead prosecutors in the Russia Collusion investigation, along with Fusion GPS (the manufacturers of The Dossier) have a book coming out. Pretty impressive to score a book deal for blatant lies and propaganda. But I suppose no different than Trump hocking bibles and sneakers to suckers.