
sleeper vs the boomers

  • Tiernan
    Whether you know them or not its fact that the greatest percentage of unemployed are btwn 19 - 37. THAT is your generation Sleepy. Argue all you want that my generation created the mess that puts your buddies in that scenario, but its a moot generation worked and paid taxes...yours doesn't.
  • sleeper
    Tiernan;1539623 wrote:Whether you know them or not its fact that the greatest percentage of unemployed are btwn 19 - 37. THAT is your generation Sleepy. Argue all you want that my generation created the mess that puts your buddies in that scenario, but its a moot generation worked and paid taxes...yours doesn't.
    How is that a moot point lol?
  • thavoice
    Sleeper musta been molested by some boomers to have this kind of hatred toward them.
  • HitsRus
  • sleeper
    HitsRus;1539671 wrote:Here are some demographics to chew over.....
    Is anyone disputing that young people tend to vote to the left? I can tell you this much, most young people aren't voting left because they want a bigger government; they are voting left because the Republicans backwards social agenda. How does this correlate at all with the $17 trillion in debt and trillions in unfunded future liabilities from SS/Medicare/Medicaid that you generation has bought but never paid for?
  • sleeper
    I'm curious what the Boomers end game is here? Die before the economy collapses? Solid plan.
  • Manhattan Buckeye
    It is like South Park.

    1) Collect underpants

    2) ????????

    3) Profit!
  • Tiernan
    sleeper;1539637 wrote:How is that a moot point lol?

    The moot point is most of us Boomers already got ours and don't really give a shit about you and your frat buddies.
  • Tiernan
    Of course the "frat buddies" comments are just a method to be collective and dismissive at the same time...I'm pretty damn sure in reality that no frat would have Sleepy as a member.
  • sleeper
    Tiernan;1539719 wrote:The moot point is most of us Boomers already got ours and don't really give a shit about you and your frat buddies.
    Except most of you Boomers haven't got anything yet. You do realize a majority of Boomers haven't entered retirement yet and the can is at the end of the proverbial road?

    The only thing you will get is a retirement meant for cattle and sheep. Enjoy!
  • HitsRus
    How does this correlate at all with the $17 trillion in debt and trillions in unfunded future liabilities from SS/Medicare/Medicaid that you generation has bought but never paid for?
    You mean "paid, but not received any benefits for." Social Security liabilities and the national debt were manageable commodities as little as 10 years ago. It is the recent doubling of the debt especially during the current term of the sitting president that has caused the problem, with no relief in sight as new entitlements are continually proposed and added. As long as you continue to believe this is a generational thing, then you are not going to get to the heart of the matter and the problem, which is the explosion of the entitlement mentality across all generations which has led to the election of politicians that pander to this for votes. If you insist on looking at this from a generational standpoint it actually is even more ominous,.... that same poll conducted 8 years earlier, with the one linked to earlier shows Libertarian and conservative values declining in the younger generations compared to the poll of 8 years ago.
  • sleeper
    HitsRus;1539922 wrote:You mean "paid, but not received any benefits for." Social Security liabilities and the national debt were manageable commodities as little as 10 years ago. It is the recent doubling of the debt especially during the current term of the sitting president that has caused the problem, with no relief in sight as new entitlements are continually proposed and added. As long as you continue to believe this is a generational thing, then you are not going to get to the heart of the matter and the problem, which is the explosion of the entitlement mentality across all generations which has led to the election of politicians that pander to this for votes. If you insist on looking at this from a generational standpoint it actually is even more ominous,.... that same poll conducted 8 years earlier, with the one linked to earlier shows Libertarian and conservative values declining in the younger generations compared to the poll of 8 years ago.
    No I'm pretty sure I meant bought but never paid for. Boomers haven't paid enough into the system to sustain it throughout their retirement years. I didn't realize this was such a complicated issue and find it interesting your only defense is to blame unborn generations for not fully understanding every economic issue down to the last T, especially when a large majority of Boomers marginalize the issue.
  • gut
    I wish we could leave the social issue stuff up to the states and focus the Presidential election on the economy, fiscal and foreign policy. Young, naive voters more concerned about social issues that mostly don't affect them while being oblivious to the damage being done to their futures.
  • Pick6
    gut;1539924 wrote:I wish we could leave the social issue stuff up to the states and focus the Presidential election on the economy, fiscal and foreign policy. Young, naive voters more concerned about social issues that mostly don't affect them while being oblivious to the damage being done to their futures.
    Agreed. I notice it much more in the city, rather than where I am from, and I can't fucking stand it.
  • pmoney25
    Tiernan;1539719 wrote:The moot point is most of us Boomers already got ours and don't really give a shit about you and your frat buddies.
    So your kids and grandchildren are left with problem? Parent of the year
  • HitsRus
    No I'm pretty sure I meant bought but never paid for
    Then you'd be wrong. Over the course of our lives (about 40 working years) my wife and I have paid $400- 500K including self employment tax and the amount our various employer's matched in SSI and Medicare. That doesn't include interest or return on our 'investment'.
  • gut
    HitsRus;1540093 wrote:Then you'd be wrong. Over the course of our lives (about 40 working years) my wife and I have paid $400- 500K including self employment tax and the amount our various employer's matched in SSI and Medicare. That doesn't include interest or return on our 'investment'.
    Yeah, but Medicare contributions and premiums only covers about 50% of the actual cost of the program. You've been woefully undercharged for your Medicare benefit.
  • Glory Days
  • Tiernan
    pmoney25;1539950 wrote:So your kids and grandchildren are left with problem? Parent of the year
    My kids and grandchildren are doing quite well b/c they were raised to fend for themselves knowing they have my help financially when they absolutely require it. Most Boomers I know have similar stories. But my kids are the first to admit that many of their contemporaries are slugs.
  • HitsRus
    You've been woefully undercharged for your Medicare benefit.
    You mean my parent's medicare benefit?

    This is nothing new, and was noticed as early as 2005 when SSI and medicare should have been addressed and been easily tweaked. Being a middle of the 'boom' baby, I'll be working for at least another 6 years, and combined with the 8 years that this has been neglected means I could have been "paying more for my retirement" for nearly 15 years. But of course, young progressives intent on their agenda have been championing and heaping even more entitlements instead of addressing the ones we already have. This is a problem that cuts across generational lines, as all generations have been complicit. Focusing on "Baby boomers" as the sole cause, is not only meanspirited and wrongheaded, it is completely inaccurate, pointless, and useless, as it ignores your own generation's complicity in the explosion of debt only a small portion of which is SSI/Medicare.
  • gut
    You think seniors and boomers weren't voting for Obamacare?

    Don't pin SS/Medicare on the young voters. Your generation and parents own that. But being a social program, costs/cuts are going to be shared - which means a future reduction in benefits and a bump in FICA.

    Yeah, young voters are idealistic and naive. That's not an excuse but they didn't elect anyone by themselves - boomers (who raised and taught them, by the way) who should have known better with wisdom from experience haven't done anything to fix the problems.

    It's unfair to pin anything remotely close to equal responsibility on younger voters who are just entering the workforce and learning how the world really works. Let's not forget, either, that these young voters overwhelmingly voted for "hope and change" in 2008, and they weren't the only suckers fooled.
  • HitsRus
    I'm not pinning anything on any generation. I said clearly that all generations are complicit in the xplosion of debt...and your generation doesn't get a free pass. Moreover, this problem is not a generational issue, it is a political issue that cuts across generational lines. Placing blame on the boomers, when 4 generations are clearly involved, is an abdication of your responsibility. Gross generalizations about which generation is responsible is the wrong focus here.
    Yeah, young voters are idealistic and naive. That's not an excuse but they didn't elect anyone by themselves - boomers (who raised and taught them, by the way) who should have known better with wisdom from experience haven't done anything to fix the problems.
    Gee should I respond to that? ...Should I say "mea generation is responsible for raising you narcissistic little bastards who want to blame everybody else and refuse to accept responsibility" Should I say, "how typical for the MYSpace and facebook generation to welsh on the social pact to take care of the's all about YOU!!!!"
    WOW...we can solve alot if we act like sleeper and call everybody names. I can't fairly make that statement about you as representative of your generation, anymore than you can make that about me.

    What is terribly disturbing is that under 45's are distinctly more progressive/liberal than they were 8 years ago, and that those responsible for the rapid increase in our debt rose to power on the votes of the younger generations (nearly 2-1 in 2008).If you think about that, that should scare the hell out of you, as it does me, as I suspect we hold a lot of the same values.
  • gut
    Given how hard it is for incumbents to get booted, it can be argued the under 30 gen didn't elect W. And it was actually a revolt against his spending and policies that led voters across ALL demographics to vote for "hope and change". Pretty most everyone across all generations got fooled (and, again, it's tough for incumbents not to be re-elected). If you want to attribute the recent $7T of debt to "everyone", then fine. But that under 30 generation really doesn't own the other $ the boomers and their parents own like $12T of the debt?

    And, yes, the boomers raised those young, naive voters who have become more progressive and supported new entitlements and an expansion of the welfare state - who is responsible for not teaching them better? Great job - the boomers have managed to fuck the country coming and going.
  • gut
    Not that I agree with Sleeper, but I do laugh at people who say "I paid for my SS, I'm entitled to my benefits".

    No. They paid for their PARENTS' social security and medicare. And to the extent population/workforce shrinks relative to the beneficiaries, then the benefit pool is going to shrink. You're not really entitled to a defined benefit but rather your share of that benefit pool.
  • pmoney25
    Tiernan;1540113 wrote:My kids and grandchildren are doing quite well b/c they were raised to fend for themselves knowing they have my help financially when they absolutely require it. Most Boomers I know have similar stories. But my kids are the first to admit that many of their contemporaries are slugs.
    You do understand that if your kids are doing well they are the ones who are going to pay for the mess that is left behind?