Terrelle Pryor not returning to OSU
Terry_Tatekaren lotz;788184 wrote:ND is #1 although OSU has the most first place votes. Congrats?
Hahahaha. I just did it again and now ND is number 1. Guess some Chatters have voted. OSU was in first by like 30 points though that's pretty much a dead heat. Was just showing how much the nation hates Ohio State since dynasty didn't seem to think that they do.
Edit: Just saw how that got brought up. Bottom line is people wouldn't be going after Tressel so much if he had walked the walk how he talks the talk. It helps readership if its a program that's hated, but it comes with the territory. -
thedynasty1998Terry_Tate;788186 wrote:That link just shows prestige, nothing about hated. My link which had over 100,000 votes had OSU as the most hated(barely over ND) and had the most first place votes by a lot. I don't think its an open and shut case, but id say any poll you find like that will have Ohio State first, maybe second.
I would agree that there are extremists on each side. I've met people who hate the OH-IO chant and it creates a dislike for OSU on that alone. OSU fans are prevalent across the country and they can rub some people the wrong way. -
Tobias FünkeDeyDurkie5;788157 wrote:thank you sir, dynasty/tobias kindly remove my tea bag from your mouth
If you think people hate Ohio State for simply being Ohio State or for being really good, you're a dumbass. People hate Ohio State for the same reason they hate SEC, the players are often stupid thugs, the coaches tend to be liars, and their fans are often loud and uninformed imbeciles...and because they play a seemingly weak Big Ten and people don't believe they deserve the praise.
Find a poll taken before this incident and see what it reads. Using that poll is like taking a poll on Harry Truman in the midst of the Korean War. The bump in hatred is Ohio State's doing, not previous hatred coalescing into some anger-driven media firestorm like so many of you seem to think. That is weak. People hate Ohio State right now because Ohio State's PR management of this entire situation has been a joke. They needed to get rid of Tressel a month or two ago, Gene Smith needs to be gone too. Ohio State, as a truly great university, deserves a coach who will teach his players right and wrong with punishments and have some fucking character and discipline. Things got too good for ol' Jimbo, with all of the winning and recruiting victories that he lost his moral balance and that's why he's no longer with us, in my opinion. -
Terry_TateTobias Fünke;788227 wrote:Find a poll taken before this incident and see what it reads. Using that poll is like taking a poll on Harry Truman in the midst of the Korean War.
That poll was created on July 29, 2008, not this week, so 99.999% of the votes were before this week, and hell, probably before last football season. Ohio State has always been hated, but things like this just make it even worse, and I'm not one of those "the media is out to get us" guys either. Ohio State and Tressel brought this on themselves. -
Tobias FünkeTerry_Tate;788240 wrote:That poll was created on July 29, 2008, not this week, so 99.999% of the votes were before this week, and hell, probably before last football season. Ohio State has always been hated, but things like this just make it even worse, and I'm not one of those "the media is out to get us" guys either. Ohio State and Tressel brought this on themselves.
It's still open so it can be effected by today's votes. I want to see a 99.99% statistic.
Also, being the most hated, or one of the most hated, doesn't mean the media is out to get them. You apparently agree with that. durkie insinuated that you're either an Ohio State fan or an Ohio State hater, and that is untrue.
thedynasty1998;788194 wrote:I've met people who hate the OH-IO chant and it creates a dislike for OSU on that alone..
Apparently you've walked around campus. The older students generally hate the chant when it's not a gameday (at which point most are inebriated). I was at an Iron & Wine concert in the Union, and while Samuel Beam (it's a one-man band) was tuning his guitar between songs some schmuck in the crowd shouted "O-H!!!!" and people responded accordingly with "I-O!!" Sameul Beam paused and looked at the crowd. The student did it again, "O-H!!!!" and the people responded again, "I-O!" Samuel Beam asked "W-what is that? Some school thing?" The guy yelled it again, and for the third time people responded. Samuel Beam at this point stops with his guitar and asks "No, seriously...what the hell is that?" So the guy says "It's Ohio!!! O - H - I - O!"
Beam's response: "......that's fucking dumb."
The crowd erupted with laughter, which was then overwhelmed with clapping and vocal agreement from the vast majority of students there.
Samuel Beam, for those of you keeping track at home:
jhay78jordo212000;787599 wrote:If so, this is the best cover up since JFK.
I tend to think that somebody would have been bound to come out if there were more people involved. Tress also wouldn't have accepted the fine and the forced resignation if this went above him. Gene Smith wouldnt have forced the resignation to begin with. When somebody has "the goods" on you, you don't strong arm them and make them look foolish in the media. Mainly because Tress could easily roll over on him
While I'm not 100% convinced this involves people above Tressel, I am reminded of one thing that makes the conspiracy/cover-up thingy possible: Jim Tressel absolutely loves The Ohio State University/ bleeds Scarlet & Gray/ whatever metaphor & cliche you want to use. I can see him (but again I'm not totally convinced) taking the fall entirely on himself to avoid further punishment/embarassment on the University.
Some will say, "Oh yeah, if that's his thought process, why didn't he resign a long time ago?" In response to that I would say he was prepared to go through the painful process with the team and the school of possible bowl bans, scholly reductions, etc., and didn't want to bail and take the easy way out (ala Pete Carroll). Go back to the Big 10 meetings a few weeks ago, or back to spring ball- JT absolutely did not look like someone that was about to walk away from anything.
Tobias Fünke;788227 wrote:If you think people hate Ohio State for simply being Ohio State or for being really good, you're a dumbass. People hate Ohio State for the same reason they hate SEC, the players are often stupid thugs, the coaches tend to be liars, and their fans are often loud and uninformed imbeciles...and because they play a seemingly weak Big Ten and people don't believe they deserve the praise..
You're right . . . Pat Fitzgerald, Joe Paterno, Kirk Ferentz . . . some of the biggest liars the world has ever seen.
And is there a fanbase of a big-time D-1 program (a successful one, not a Notre Dame-type one) that's "quiet" and "informed"?
Jim Tressel's no longer with us? Man, I have been away from my computer for awhile, I didn't realize he died- I just thought he resigned.Find a poll taken before this incident and see what it reads. Using that poll is like taking a poll on Harry Truman in the midst of the Korean War. The bump in hatred is Ohio State's doing, not previous hatred coalescing into some anger-driven media firestorm like so many of you seem to think. That is weak. People hate Ohio State right now because Ohio State's PR management of this entire situation has been a joke. They needed to get rid of Tressel a month or two ago, Gene Smith needs to be gone too. Ohio State, as a truly great university, deserves a coach who will teach his players right and wrong with punishments and have some fucking character and discipline. Things got too good for ol' Jimbo, with all of the winning and recruiting victories that he lost his moral balance and that's why he's no longer with us, in my opinion
BTW, people hate Ohio State for the same reason I hated USC- they were really good for a really long time. If you think people hate Ohio State because of NCAA violations, then . . . -
Terry_TateTobias Fünke;788246 wrote:It's still open so it can be effected by today's votes. I want to see a 99.99% statistic.
Lol. So a poll that opened in July 2008 that has over 100,000 votes and that I'm guessing you'd have a very hard time finding without a Google search has had so many votes in the last 3 days(or 5 months, not sure if you mean just this most recent incident or the whole thing) that its sprung Ohio State to the top(essentially tied with ND now). Yeah, that makes sense.
And people hate Notre Dame cause they're good, so they can certainly hate OSU cause they're good, though I agree there are plenty of other reasons to hate Ohio State and those are more likely the reason.
I'm not even trying to defend DeyDurkie here, just countering dynastys opinion that the nation doesn't really hate Ohio State. I think he may have been referring to the reason behind all of these issues, which you can't blame the nations hate for any of this. We see pretty much eye to eye on this whole scandal, but the nation does hate Ohio State as much as anyone, thats all I'm pointing out. -
Terry_TateTobias Fünke;788246 wrote:Also, being the most hated, or one of the most hated, doesn't mean the media is out to get them. You apparently agree with that. durkie insinuated that you're either an Ohio State fan or an Ohio State hater, and that is untrue.
Didn't have this up when I replied, but I absolutely agree the media isn't out to get OSU. Ohio State gets ratings because everyone knows them and they might be the most loved and most hated school at the same time, so if it involves them the media will love it, but I don't believe there's any real anti OSU bias in the media. None of this would be going on if Tressel didn't do what he did. And I agree with your last sentence. -
Tobias FünkeTerry_Tate;788257 wrote:And people hate Notre Dame cause they're good, so they can certainly hate OSU cause they're good, though I agree there are plenty of other reasons to hate Ohio State and those are more likely the reason.
I'm not even trying to defend DeyDurkie here, just countering dynastys opinion that the nation doesn't really hate Ohio State. I think he may have been referring to the reason behind all of these issues, which you can't blame the nations hate for any of this. We see pretty much eye to eye on this whole scandal, but the nation does hate Ohio State as much as anyone, thats all I'm pointing out.
People hate Notre Dame because they used to kick the crap out of their teams back in their parents day, because the last few coaching hires have been initially promising and led to false hopes and media coverage, because their fan base has a faction of east coast arrogant assholes (similar to sleeper in his finance discussions), because they're Catholic, and for several other reasons. Some are legitimate, some are not.
I do not disagree that Ohio State is hated, I shouldn't have said (nor did I say explicitly that they were loved) what I did. I do though, refuse to believe that in Tressel's heyday that Ohio State was the nation's most villainous college football program. They were not close to what Miami, Florida State, and USC were in their days. But to agree with you, yes the success and fanbase breeds hatred. I think the issue is that the Pryor and Co. have exacerbated the situation tremendously though. -
Tobias FünkeGood, we agree. haha
sleeperkaren lotz;788184 wrote:ND is #1 although OSU has the most first place votes. Congrats?
Must suck to be hated and not because you are good. ND is hated because they are terrible year in, year out, never win anything relevant, and there fans act like they are some kind of dynasty. Add the fact in that .00000000000001% of the fan base is actually smart enough to attend or know anyone that attends that school, you have a recipe for the worst fans in America. -
Terry_TateTobias Fünke;788268 wrote:People hate Notre Dame because they used to kick the crap out of their teams back in their parents day, because the last few coaching hires have been initially promising and led to false hopes and media coverage, because their fan base has a faction of east coast arrogant assholes (similar to sleeper in his finance discussions), because they're Catholic, and for several other reasons. Some are legitimate, some are not.
I do not disagree that Ohio State is hated, I shouldn't have said (nor did I say explicitly that they were loved) what I did. I do though, refuse to believe that in Tressel's heyday that Ohio State was the nation's most villainous college football program. They were not close to what Miami, Florida State, and USC were in their days. But to agree with you, yes the success and fanbase breeds hatred. I think the issue is that the Pryor and Co. have exacerbated the situation tremendously though.
I agree about Tressels heyday, and no doubt this Pryor situation has raised OSU to be viewed like Miami and USC. They used to be hated because they were really good and the fans were obnoxious, but now that you add a coach that has seemingly gone from holy man to a cheater as well as Pryor being a dumbass and well now Ohio State and Miami are viewed as the same, which is really unfortunate.
Yeah, sorry for the confusion.Tobias Fünke;788272 wrote:Good, we agree. haha -
dwccrewvball10set;787638 wrote:I know what you're saying, jordo, but I also have a hard time believing that this could go on this long without someone above Tressel getting wind of it...it's just doesn't add up.
Actually, I think if it went higher than Tressel it would have came out a lot earlier. The fact that it came out after years of problems leads me to believe that it probably didn't go higher than Tressel. The less amount of people that know, the easier it is to keep quiet. The more amount of people that know, the harder to keep it a secret. -
Tobias Fünkesleeper;788275 wrote:Must suck to be hated and not because you are good. ND is hated because they are terrible year in, year out, never win anything relevant, and there fans act like they are some kind of dynasty. Add the fact in that .00000000000001% of the fan base is actually smart enough to attend or know anyone that attends that school, you have a recipe for the worst fans in America.
Big GainSince there are so many lining up NOW saying I told ya so about Pryor, there should be a thread started about Braxton Miller so the predictions of his demise can begin.
Spread All DayThis is Karma for Osu taking pryor from Michigan. It costed two coaches their jobs..
vball10setlove that pic, Tobias--and to think he could've been OSU's coach after Earle Bruce was fired
karen lotzsleeper;788275 wrote:Must suck to be hated and not because you are good. ND is hated because they are terrible year in, year out, never win anything relevant, and there fans act like they are some kind of dynasty. Add the fact in that .00000000000001% of the fan base is actually smart enough to attend or know anyone that attends that school, you have a recipe for the worst fans in America.
And OSU isn't hated because they are good. They are hated in large part because of fans like you. -
LJPryor's mom bought the car....and got really shitty terms on the loan lol
http://www.dispatch.com/live/content/sports/stories/2011/06/02/pryors-mother-bought-quarterbacks-car.html?sid=101 -
LJSomehwere around 12% for 51 months ROFL
thedynasty1998LJ;788503 wrote:Somehwere around 12% for 51 months ROFL
Is that really that bad? -
LJthedynasty1998;788505 wrote:Is that really that bad?
it's not good -
derek bomarthedynasty1998;788505 wrote:Is that really that bad?
yes -
derek bomarthedynasty1998;788505 wrote:Is that really that bad?
yes -
bigkahunaYea 12% is really high.
The month thing isn't too bad though considering most loans are 60.