
I've gotta go to court tomorrow...

  • sonofsam
    I also remember... Good Luck. Please don't let your emotions get the best of you and let the legal system attempt to burn this idiot before you do any dirty work... But if you need help, we are all here to lend a hand.
  • Curly J
    mtrulz wrote: ^^I'm not, school is a prison yard for kids. We aren't learning shit, we just get told what we can't do and teachers are just a bunch of bitches. Yeah, it's worse.
    Grow the fuck up kid !!!
  • Heretic
    redstreak one wrote: If memory serves me correct, trueblue lost a close relative, I believe Mother to a person violently and that person stands trial tomorrow. Mtrulz, think before you type please.
    That's how I recall it. The concept that going to school is worse than having to deal with this (or really, any SINGLE aspect of going to court) is the pure idiocy that only can come from an immature twerp with no sense of anything resembling perspective.
  • sonofsam
    And my thoughts on what rulz said... Its no wonder you haven't learned anything being an immature little fuck. Not all threads are fun an games and I believe you owe an apology.... A BIG apology.
  • hoops23
    Good luck trueblue, I hope that POS gets what he deserves.
  • UA5straightin2008
    good luck bro, hope justice is served
  • Timber
    Best regards (prayers) to you and all of your family...
  • trackandccrunner
    Trueblue good luck man. I hope they don't let him out and that POS stays locked up forever.
  • Apple
    TrueBlue- I remember your story. Be strong. We all support you!
  • osu45804
    Good Luck!
  • lhslep134
    TB, what happened again? I know for a fact I read it on the old site and sent my prayers then, and I'll send them again, but I seriously completely forgot what happened. There's so much dumb shit I read on here I forget the threads that are actually worthwhile.

    If you don't want to post on here, you can PM me if you want.
  • Moparman
    Best of luck man
  • disco stu
    I remember the story. Good luck. Stay strong
  • sej
    I don't want to say I hope for a good outcome in such a terrible situation, but I hope for the best outcome possible for you and your family.
  • sportswizuhrd
    Best of luck to you tomorrow man.
  • imex99
    GL, I remember ur story and hope u get what u feel is justified from the legal system.....

    Prayers to ur family & friends.
  • zambrown
    TrueBlue's mom was murdered and they are considering releasing her killer from prison. The family has to go to court to give their impact statements to try to convince the judge to keep the low life piece of shit locked up. My prayers are with you TrueBlue. I know you'll be strong and the judge will hear your pleas. God bless.
  • Nate
    zambrown wrote: TrueBlue's mom was murdered and they are considering releasing her killer from prison. The family has to go to court to give their impact statements to try to convince the judge to keep the low life piece of shit locked up. My prayers are with you TrueBlue. I know you'll be strong and the judge will hear your pleas. God bless.
    I couldn't remember and that's what I wanted to think but didn't want to assume.

    I'll be thinking about you and your family today TB.
  • iclfan2
    Good Luck Trueblue! On the topic tho, how on earth can you murder someone and get out of jail? Too crowded? Death would work much better.
  • vball10set
    stay strong,TB--and here's praying that the justice system doesn't let you down...good luck,brother :)
  • cbus4life
    Good luck man! We're thinking of you!
  • Fab1b
    Any news?
  • SQ_Crazies
    mtrulz wrote: Hi boys and girls!
    Are you serious?
  • SQ_Crazies
    Aren't you like 15 or something? Funny thing is, I wouldn't care--at this point if I ever met you I'd smack you around.
  • Lovejoy1984
    And I'd hold him still so you could.
