
I've gotta go to court tomorrow...

  • Trueblue23
    If you all remember the topic on posted on the "old site" about having to go back to court, well tomorrow is finally the day.. just keep my family in your thoughts if you would.
  • Fab1b
    You got it brother!!
  • redstreak one
    Not a problem, I truly feel for ya!
  • UA5straightin2008
    may i ask what for?
  • Heretic
    Good luck, man. Hope everything works out well.
  • gerb131
    Good luck man.
  • Firad
    Hope it all works out bro!
  • SQ_Crazies
    I don't remember that thread so I obviously don't remember what this is for but good luck with whatever man.
  • GoChiefs
    Stick it to the man! Just playin'..but seriously..good luck though. I'm with the ones that have no clue what the thread was.
  • devil1197
    Good luck, I hope that piece of shit stays locked up.
  • Sage
  • CinciX12
    God knows that stupid prick should burn in hell. Regardless of tomorrow he will get his. Hope it goes well. Good luck!
  • Lovejoy1984
    If it's the the thing regarding some POS in prison. You got my thoughts man. I don't want to personal business out there, but I remember that story you told. Be strong and make sure everyone knows your feelings on the situation!
    Good luck.
  • BRF
    I remember............and my thoughts are with you.

    Be strong.
  • j_crazy
    UA5straightin2008 wrote: may i ask what for?
    8 year olds dude.

    I kid cause I love. good luck gangsta.
  • sherm03
    I'm in the dark on this one...but best of luck man. I hope everything works out OK for you.
  • superman
    I prayed for peace for you and your family.
  • SQ_Crazies
    mtrulz wrote: It's better than being at school, I'll bet money on that.
    And you'll lose money on that.
  • GoChiefs
    mtrulz wrote: It's better than being at school, I'll bet money on that.
    Are you honestly that fucking stupid???
  • CinciX12
    Can we get mtrulz posts off of here? Retard.
  • GoChiefs
    mtrulz wrote: ^^How's that post stupid?
    That you'd bet money that being in court is better than being in school? The better question is..How is that post NOT fucking stupid? Get a clue kid. That's the last response to you on this thread. Not gonna hijack true's thread.
  • Fab1b
    Mtrulz shut the fuck up, you have no idea what this is about take your nonsense elsewhere!
  • redstreak one
    If memory serves me correct, trueblue lost a close relative, I believe Mother to a person violently and that person stands trial tomorrow. Mtrulz, think before you type please.
  • SQ_Crazies
    mtrulz wrote: ^^I'm not, school is a prison yard for kids. We aren't learning shit, we just get told what we can't do and teachers are just a bunch of bitches. Yeah, it's worse.
    Dude, go rot in the yard then and GTFO.