
Grand Jury: How to get out of it.

  • DESCENTdmc
    really vacation is just one week im assuming. there will probably be quite a few trials in your 3 month period, you only need to get out of one, just let them know before hand. then go to the rest. i enjoyed jury duty the one time i was on it. almost got to be on a death penalty case
  • justincredible
    Fab1b wrote: Tell them you have a non refundable trip paid for
    This may not help but it certainly can't hurt.
  • tigerballonline
    There is a difference between being on a grand jury and regular jury duty. Grand juries only meet at certain times of the month, I am sure you can be on the grand jury and still get your trip in. It frightens me to think some of you would even be picked for jury duty ever.
  • tuskytuffguy
    You have no disablity, you're an average-intelligent guy, show up and perform your civic duty ya puss.
    tuskytuffguy wrote: You have no disablity, you're an average-intelligent guy, show up and perform your civic duty ya puss.
    I have no problem with it... if it doesn't take precedence over golf.
  • Laley23
    You can always tell them you have a trip scheduled and they will more than likely just assign you to a different time slot.

    My mom had jury duty but was going on spring break (teacher). They let her be re-assigned to jury duty over the summer. Of course, my father is a lawyer and uncle is a judge so she was dismissed immediately lol. But they will work around your trip if you are willing to still be assigned to a later date.

    DO NOT show up drunk, lol. I know someone showed up drunk for my father once. Judge booked him for Public Intox HAHA.
  • september63
    Laley23 wrote: You can always tell them you have a trip scheduled and they will more than likely just assign you to a different time slot.

    My mom had jury duty but was going on spring break (teacher). They let her be re-assigned to jury duty over the summer. Of course, my father is a lawyer and uncle is a judge so she was dismissed immediately lol. But they will work around your trip if you are willing to still be assigned to a later date.

    DO NOT show up drunk, lol. I know someone showed up drunk for my father once. Judge booked him for Public Intox HAHA.

    Your Mom is a teacher. Your Dad is an attorney, and ur Uncle is a Judge? Yet you spend time in freehuddle talking mostly college basketball? We just all got a bit smarter I think!! LOL Ill still debate ur basketball all day.
  • september63
    One last thing I forgot to mention. Leave it to a Massillon guy to try finding the loophole? The easy way out. Is that a class taught up there? If Im not misstaken, you have stated your objections to continued extensions of unemployement. You only wanna manipulate the system when it benefits you?
  • Laley23
    september63 wrote:

    Your Mom is a teacher. Your Dad is an attorney, and ur Uncle is a Judge? Yet you spend time in freehuddle talking mostly college basketball? We just all got a bit smarter I think!! LOL Ill still debate ur basketball all day.
    lol, yep. My dad grew up in Ft. Wayne...he is a Hoosier through and through. Basketball is in my blood. He coach(ed/s) and thats how I learned the game. I now referee basketball and work for a TV station covering HS sports (as an independent contractor). Thus, I only work evenings/nights so I have all day to sit on FreeHuddle.

    I LOVE being an independent contractor. I always request off for sporting events of interest to me lol. I just dont know how much longer I can be an independent contractor based on its lifestyle will be needing a pay increase soon.
    september63 wrote: One last thing I forgot to mention. Leave it to a Massillon guy to try finding the loophole? The easy way out.
    U mean like backing outta a 2 year contract after a 34-0 ass raping?
    september63 wrote: If Im not misstaken, you have stated your objections to continued extensions of unemployement. You only wanna manipulate the system when it benefits you?
    As usual, you're mistaken.
  • sleeper
    The best way is to say something along the lines of "I can tell you right now, from the looks of it, this man/woman is guilty. Just my gut feeling"
  • september63
    LOL....Ive posted at nauseum Dover made a mistake scheduling that game. You have made threads.................asking how to get out of jury duty, how ur family dinners suck, how ur working but interviewing for a new jobs. How your so-called gf can't cook? You get the picture? You pretty much think the world revolves around a back up QB that had one shot and failed miserably. I guess living up to expectations can drag a person down, when they dont live up to them?
    exactly.. i make threads about important shit.
  • zambrown
    Zwick, if you have already booked your trip, just provide them with the booked itinerary and advise them that you will be happy to serve a different session. If your trip is already booked, they will let you off the hook. But, from a civic standpoint, let them know you will be happy to serve during a time period that doesn't include your vacation.
  • Foul Tip
    Fill out the jury questionnaire in crayon.
  • FatHobbit
    I was on a Grand Jury during the same time that I had a vacation planned. I told them about my vacation during Jury selection and they said it wouldn't be a problem. If the Grand Jury met during my vacation they would just have one of the alternates fill in for me. We ended up not having to meet that week so it wasn't a problem. I think as long as you bring it up during jury selection you'll be ok.

    It was pretty interesting to me to see what a bunch of idiots criminals are and all the crime that goes on in my community.
  • sej
    Grand jury is slightly different from the petit jury (trial jury) in that it meets over a period of time versus for one case. It's also larger than the petit jury. The grand jury meets to decide if there is enough evidence to go forward, and if there is, an indictment is the result. I know the here the jurors can miss some portions of hearings, as the grand jury can operate as long as it has the quorum needed. Part of why it's bigger is so they can still do business with members missing.
  • fan_from_texas
    I wouldn't do anything egregious to try to get out of it. It's your civic duty, and you're required to do it. If you lie or make things up to get out of it, a judge can force you to sit through the entire thing anyway or hold you in contempt, neither of which is much fun.

    FWIW, it's probably best just to be honest and explain your situation, then leave it up to the judge to figure out what s/he wants to do.
  • tk421
    How are juries filled in Ohio? Through the voter registration or the drivers license?
  • GoChiefs
    Voter registrations, although, they can use drivers registrations but the courts rarely use those. That's according to an article I read.
  • Eric Taylor
    Why would you want to get out of it?

    You are required to do it and only a true scumbag would try and weasel out of it.
  • GoChiefs
    LMAO at the ones that are saying..just do's your duty. I call bullshit. If you had a vacation planned and paid for, reservations already made, you are honestly going to try to tell us you are going to forget about your vacation and 'do your duty' on the the jury? Without trying to get it rescheduled or getting out of it first? I doubt it.
  • Fab1b
    Exactly GoChiefs
  • tk421
    Anyone else find it insulting that jury duty pays like $10 a day depending on where you live? They have these people, some of whom their employers don't pay them while at jury duty, that could potentially decide the life or death of someone and it seems like they choose the lowest of the people called for duty, anyone with any knowledge of the legal system gets dismissed. I don't know about anyone else, but I'd rather have a jury full of knowledgeable people then 12 schmucks off the street who don't know anything about the legal system.
    I didn't get out of it but going on vacation isn't a problem so it's all good with me.