
Caddie Steve Williams to protect Tiger Woods from hecklers on return

  • ohiotiger33
    I just don't see why you think I can't root for someone based solely on their athletic performance. I played golf competitively in high school, so I honestly do not care about the swearing/etc. I would be happy to see it stop, but I really don't care about his private life.

    Once again, I seriously don't know how you guys are stupid enough to believe that the TOUR won't do things to curb heckling. I would imagine there will be a huge group of hired people to find these people and eject them/ban them from tournaments. If you are willing to consistently burn 75 bucks just to heckle a guy, or to take a free ticket that might go to someone that is going to enjoy the event, I feel legitimately sorry for you.
  • Be Nice
    ^^^I played golf in HS and college. Do you honstly think the PGA Tour will hire people as inforcers to stop all heckling towards Tiger? Think again. It won't happen. It would give the tour a big black eye and that's something they definitely don't need. Heckler cops? What next? If you fart in the middle of someones backswing you're asked to leave the tournament site? Ain't gonna happen.
  • I Wear Pants
    Yes they will have people to kick out hecklers, they already do. There will simply be more of them.

    What would give the tour a big black eye is allowing all the jackass hecklers to ruin the tournaments for people who want to watch competitive golf.
  • ohiotiger33
    Be Nice, You are already forced to leave if you are caught heckling. They will have a larger group of people following that group, mark my words. The tour has too much money invested in Tiger to do nothing. Finchem was at his speech for god's sake. If you think they will do nothing, then you are just wrong.
  • queencitybuckeye
    Be Nice wrote: What next? If you fart in the middle of someones backswing you're asked to leave the tournament site? Ain't gonna happen.
    If a player asks for a fan to be removed, the fan is removed. That's how the tour operates and has for some time.
  • benole
    I didn't say you CAN"T root for someone based soley on their athletic performance, i just don't understand why you would want bad people to have success and triumph over others. What if Tiger was your brother-in-law? Would you be in his corner?

    I remeber when Stevie dropped someones camera in the pond, I hope someone drops Stevie in a pond! LOL.
  • vball10set
    that's rich--the pimp becomes the protector.... :D
  • I Wear Pants
    benole wrote: I didn't say you CAN"T root for someone based soley on their athletic performance, i just don't understand why you would want bad people to have success and triumph over others. What if Tiger was your brother-in-law? Would you be in his corner?

    I remeber when Stevie dropped someones camera in the pond, I hope someone drops Stevie in a pond! LOL.
    Can't say if I would be in his corner or not seeing as I/you don't know what all is going on in the Woods household. Right now I can assume that Elin is a rational lady and won't stay with him if she doesn't still love him and feel that he is genuinely sorry and intends to never have this type of failure again.
  • ohiotiger33
    benole wrote: I didn't say you CAN"T root for someone based soley on their athletic performance, i just don't understand why you would want bad people to have success and triumph over others. What if Tiger was your brother-in-law? Would you be in his corner?

    I remeber when Stevie dropped someones camera in the pond, I hope someone drops Stevie in a pond! LOL.
    I don't agree with what Tiger did, but it is honestly not half as bad as some violet crime. I will not root for Michael Vick, because I believe what he did was sick. That is the big difference for me. Yes, Tiger was stupid, but putting myself in his shoes, I can see how it could happen, and I don't believe Tiger is some evil guy.

    It has to do with the degree of the crime; if he had raped some women, I would feel very differently.
  • Be Nice
    pants, 33 and my last post, duh. Pants...kicking out people and hiring "heckler cops" are 2 different scenarios, pal. The PGA Tour WILL NOT "hire" people as enforcers to stop heckling towards Tiger. It's not going to happen! Marshalls or other tounament officials will handle that problem and ask an unruly person to be more polite towards that golfer heckled. If it continues an officer of the law is then asked to be involved and that person will be escorted out. Plain and simple. Again, will "heckler cops" be hiding in the crowd? Sorry, boys, ain't gonna happen. I played 2 years on the old Nike tour, numerous mini tours event and still stay in contact with 2 works for the Golf Channel and the other still plays on tour. I do have a little bit of insight and believe me the tour WILL NOT HIRE anyone as enforcers to be with Tigers group.

    ...And by the way. How many players do you think on tour really want Tiger back? Just curious.
  • 2kool4skool
    benole wrote:I mean, how far with bad behavior and being a total putz would a great golfer have to go before you would say, "Ok, I can't root for that douche, I'll never respect him again"?
    Ask John Daly. In fact, Daly has a larger, more passionate, group of fans than 95% of other golfers, and it's actually BECAUSE he's a degenerate.
  • ohiotiger33
    Lol by the end of this thread it will actually be revealed that Be Nice is Phil Mickelson.

    I played competitively too.
    I played in high school and college.
    I played on some mini tours and have connections in the golf channel.
    I played a few PGA tour events.
    I actually won a tournament or two, and once was a guest star on the Disney show, The Jersey.
    I was notorious for coming close in majors, especially the 1999 US Open, won by Payne Stewart.
    I finally broke through by winning the 2004 Masters.

    How many players want him back? The question is, do players like the big fat paychecks they get currently, as well as the strong media attention to the sport? I think more would say they want him back than not, just for exposure purposes.
  • karen lotz

    Don't think it deserves its own thread so I just picked this one out of the 30 Tiger threads on here
  • 2kool4skool
    lol at "getting into golf shape."
  • ohiotiger33
    ^^ Means hitting balls and getting a feel for where your swing is at/practicing different shots, etc.