Let's Write a Short Story
TiernanReally bored with the cold weather already...sooo we gotta lot of creative MF'rs on the FH let's see if we can write a short story together. Rules...add another few sentences to the post above yours. Limit one paragraph per post. Anything goes. I'll get it started...
It was that really hot muggy part of July on the downslide from Independence Day when kids are just starting to realize pool time will give way to school time before they know it. Jake and Lenny were walking south on the tracks away from town when something flashed in Jakes' peripheral vision, "Hey man did you see that...?" -
coyotes22Just as Lenny was about to agree with Jake, that he too had seen something, it moved again. Only this time alot faster. The trees of the woods that seperated them from the river, were to thick to get a good view. "Lets go get a closer look" said Jake.
se-alumLenny says, "yep, it was a rabbit", and they keep walking while listening to their Ipods. They couldn't hear the training coming, then it plowed into them, completely severing both their bodies. They had a funeral, the town wept. The End!
David St. Hubbins
TiernanOkay that WAS pretty funny. Start another one Se-Alum.
september63and as he walked closer he saw his brothers wallet. He leaned over and picked it up. Much to his surprise inside he found 5 100 dollar bills and several condoms, among other things. The thought came to him, he would honor his brother by taking that $$$ to Vegas!!
FiradBut his plane crashed on his way too Vegas and he died.
Tiger2003It was a sad day again for the Dickerson family losing bout Mark and Lenny. There cousin lived about 10 miles from the plane crash so decided to go look at the wreckage. To much of the surprise Billy Joe found Mark's wallet and found close to $1000. Billy Joe called Mark's parents and told them he found Mark's wallet and would bring it to the funeral...
ernest_t_bassAnd they were the three best friend that anyone could have, yes they were the three best friend that anyone could have.
rookie_j70and there was a killer in the closet.
ernest_t_bassIt turns out, the killer was a giant jungle cat. The three couldn't understand how a jungle cat got there, and had no recollection of what had happened the night before.
FiradThen the three friends and the jungle cat all made up and went to the dirtiest strip club in Vegas.
TiernanOr so they thought, but it was really just a rare "male impersonator" and she told the boys she was heading to Hoover Dam for an all niight party and did they want to go with her / him?
David St. HubbinsAfter some deliberation, the group agreed. However, when they reached the dam, they were shocked to find.....
GOONx19First time I've LOLed on here since New Years. Well done, Ernest. Well done.
homefieldThen tom reminded jerry that they were in vegas to honor lenny and his brother mark,then the he/she asked what they had planned and they said well we have 3 condoms and $1000.00 that we promised marks mom we would use in vegas and the he/she said congratulations fellows,you have just hit the jackpot because i want to help you honor your friend mark.Then she proceeded to drop her pants and bend over with nothing more than a jock strap showing from behind,before the he/she could tell the boy's what to do next billie joe had already mounted tom and jerry was lubed and on top of the he/she.When they were done they thanked tyson for the help and when the tyson impersonator asked for the $1000.00 for letting them use the 3 condoms,they said that they had already spent the money on the taxi ride from west virginia.
TiernanSo the he/she said she could get them a job at the Bellagio if they could learn to...
Applewalk, talk and dress like wls. They decided to practice by walking down the street when...
september63They saw a guy wearing a T-Shirt saying 22 state titles!! lo and behold it was Coyotes22 walking the streets of Vegas................
pepperpotCoyotes, with his 22 State title T- shirt, greeted Tom and Jerry and invited them to join him for a drink. Upon entering the Bellagio the trio spotted none other The Tiger Woods huddled in a corner booth with...
ernest_t_bassFuzzy Zoeller
TiernanFuzzy and Tiger were eating fied chicken and chitlins and drinking some Colt 45s and asked the boys to join them. Tiger said "Either of you guys know how to..."
darbypitcher22"hide extramarrital affairs from your wife and avoid getting your head taken off by a driver?" Tiger seemed clearly worried about this. He decided to take a walk down the strip to the Luxor, where....
pepperpotto his surprise he ran into his soon to be ex-wife....