
Let's Write a Short Story

  • darbypitcher22
    head to the Cathouse to spend some bills....
  • pmoney25
    Where he contracted syphilis from a hooker named. .....
  • Apple
    Bertha. Bertha (Cream Pie) Butts. She was famous for...
  • pepperpot
    her coconut cream pies and...
  • homefield
    her ability to make homemade fudge and when she told darby she went to high school in ohio,he asked where in ohio and she said steubenville big red and that is when darby started...........
  • 4cards
    ...remember a guy from Steubenville who posted on JJ huddle. This guys signature was "young boys in tight football pants are my life." Darby thought and thought but couldn't remember the guys name but that resembled the name of a horse. Then it hit him. His huddle name was...
  • pepperpot
    Fear the Horse, the mascot of the Mighty, Mighty Big Red of Steubenville....
  • 4cards
    ...and his gay nephew Manowar who's only pleasure was sneaking into the Big Red locker room late at night and being a wide reciver for anyone willing to take it deep with him. This went on for weeks until...
  • Be Nice
    Mooney "intercepted" and the game was over.
  • 4cards
    ...Darby deceided it was no longer time to be a catcher but return to his days of pitching tight and inside, but where would he find someone to accept all his speed. It was going to be someone he could [size=x-large]BE NICE[/size] to but also show his masculine side to, and would let him do all the things forbidden by Ohio law...
  • Be Nice he chose 4cards because of all the experience he pocessed while bending over to grasp the ball from the center. With a deep sigh and a mighty touchdown "heave" another male conquest had been delivered.
  • ernest_t_bass
    And they lived happily ever after?
  • Be Nice
    The End. lol
  • 4cards
    ernest T, can you start another story tomorrow?
  • ernest_t_bass
    LOL, why not today?
  • 4cards
    ...Have to leave in a few & won't be back on until tomorrow morning.
  • darbypitcher22
    Once upon a time, in a land of far, far away douchedom, there lived 3 guys who ran a webiste....
  • hoops23
    And they all ran a train on darby. Afterwards, they left darby to weep as they went to grab a hot bite to eat. While standing in line, the 3 guys who ran a website noticed one of them was actually a female. His name was Justine. As the other two stood in shock, darby came barreling through the doors of the local Waffle House, only to blow away the two aforementioned owners...

    Justine, left standing in complete shock (the same shock the previous two guys were in, upon finding out about Justines sexual orientation) called NCF to describe what was going on...

    2,356 posts later, the story continues....
  • ernest_t_bass
    Ltrain... I didn't understand a word you just said.