j_crazy wrote:
If you're referring to my pictures don't worry I'll take them down myself (except on the thread that is locked, a mod will have to do that).
But Belly I want you to know that what you said offended me, and I'm white. I have a family member who converted to judaism and to have you say what you did really pissed me off. You should also know that until 12.11.2009 at 02:23 PM (when you made the initial post) I had nothing but respect for you. But at 02:28 PM on 12.11.2009 (when you replied to my question), I lost all respect for you and didn't care if you were slandered.
I don't recall the reply but will look it up.
As I have stated I will take what is given to me
No matter what I say there is no defends
Those are my own standards and i would not be true to myself if I didn't accept the bashing.
But what you think of me is not truthful depiction of the Belly. Those that know me, very few I tend to keep to myself because of the underling feeling of losing friends understand my striaght forward approach. It comes off poorly is some situation as of this forum.