Glenn Beck?
MrMcCluskieI think he is a total whack job. I used to find some of the things he said interesting but he gets way, way out of control. Take your meds, sit down, and shut up!
George CostanzaIs a turd in the toilet bowl of life that needs to be flushed.
Oh Come on man! What did Al gore do to earn a Nobel Peace prize? I will tell you what he has done, he has gone on a giant propaganda campaign to promote a perceived problem (Global warming - then when that didn't work out they switched it to climate change) which now has been exposed by some computer hackers to be a huge scam. All the while heavily investing in the carbon credits business, with guess who is one of his main business partners in the venture? Dick Chaney, now there is a kick in the pants. So maybe I have not earned the right to call him names either, but as an honest American citizen, who temporary still has the right to free speech. I am going to. He is a Over energy using, meat eating, hypocritical, pampas, American economy destroying LIAR! Whom I believe should be brought up on fraud charges. There that is what I think of your ex-VP. He is a piece a scum!Elliot Stabler wrote: I'm meant what has he done to earn the right to call a former VP and Nobel Peace Prize winner names??
And another thing about the Nobel Peace prize, the Awarding of the Nobel Peace prize to Obama after only 3 weeks of being in office. Touting him as the great bringer together of a nation, he has done more to separate this country then any president since Lincoln. That rendered the Nobel Peace prize committee to me as no more then political hacks and a joke. And awarding it to Obama they way they did, diminished in my eyes the past recipients that truly deserved it. Al Gore aside obviously. -
RoyalNutIf not for Glenn Beck most would not even know about these little gems.
This guy visited the White House more often then anyone else has
Here is what Barack says about SEIU
Here is a must see- how these brilliant people are spending our money
Remember this is the best Obama could find!
wow don't you feel better now knowing this guy is handling your money?
One more must see, if you have never seen this one-it is a must watch!
part 1 of 2
notice the other guys New World Order talk.
And this list could go on and on and on
Ok Obama supporters defend these people now! I don't believe you can! -
ernest_t_bassCurrently reading "Arguing with Idiots." Starting off, it is pretty good.
Have you had any takers yet? -
derek bomar
lolbigdaddy2003 wrote: First off he hasn't told anyone to vote Republican since he has been on Fox. The man isn't a Republican. How hard is that for anyone to understand? I guess since he is bashing Obama and the administration you figure he has to be on the right. I watched him while he was on CNN but I guess I didn't pay enough attention because I don't remember him saying that our health care sucked and to vote Democrat. I know he said Bush was an idiot though. I will have to try and find some of the old episodes and then I will get back to you. -
180? You are completely missing the difference between Health Care and how we pay for Health Care... And what will happen to Health Care as we change how we pay to Health Care. You apparently fell hook line and sinker for "Health Care Reform".dwccrew wrote:
This. He is a fraud and a whore. Sellout. Entertainer, nothing else.GeneralsIcer89 wrote: I think his expose on the American healthcare system while he was on CNN and dealing with his butthurt, and then his later 180? on his views of the system when he went to Fox News are all one needs to see to know he is a snake. He says what the highest bidder wants.
The Great Butt Incident was not a cry (pun intended) for Universal Health Care, far from it. Hopefully people will not read your misinformation and form an opinion due to it. -
derek bomaryou can't shine shit cap'n, but nice try
PrescottIf the mainstream media did their job, people like Beck and Olberman wouldn't spread their "WORD" over the airways.
Esplain, pleezPrescott wrote: If the mainstream media did their job, people like Beck and Olberman wouldn't spread their "WORD" over the airways. -
FidmeisterI think he's an idiot and his "President Obama is racist" rant pretty much proved it.
I have this secret way to deal with him. I think he's an idiot so I exercise free will and don't watch or listen to his shows. -
OK, I misunderstood your comment. I completely agree!Prescott wrote: Here is one example. -
nmecccI like the fact that he exposes corrupt government. His show, however, I can only take in small doses. I have read Common Sense and really think that he is much easier to tolerate and understand in his book.
original_sinHey, his house is for sale in Conn. He's willing to sell at a loss.
alwaysafanHe is the type of guy that thinks the louder he talks, the smarter he is. Would like to throw him, O'Reilly, Coulter, Olbermann, Matthews, Franken, etc. onto a deserted island and let them argue about trivial things all day.
End of LineI listen to him sometimes.
derek bomar
I Wear PantsI'm so angry now. Thanks Derek.
derek bomarNo Prob. Just want everyone to realize how big a tool this guy is.
I would worry about the tools in congress who have the power to directly affect your life. Beck has no such power.derek bomar wrote: No Prob. Just want everyone to realize how big a tool this guy is. -
PrescottDid he get the car???
derek bomarNo idea...I wanna start a website tho asking for donations for a new corvette though...
Elliot StablerWhy wasn't he exposing the corruption in the previous administration