
obamaKare: the destruction begins

  • gut
    BoatShoes;1647936 wrote:The inefficient, private, for-profit business that was subcontracted to build and blew it, CGI Federal, was fired.

    Guess they should have hired public employees.
    Gubmit still managing the contract. How in fuck do you let a website run up a a $1.7B tab? You have idiots in charge of the project, that's how.

    I know you're a big gubmit schill, but defending this one just makes you look pathetic and unintelligent.
  • BoatShoes
    gut;1648038 wrote:Gubmit still managing the contract. How in fuck do you let a website run up a a $1.7B tab? You have idiots in charge of the project, that's how.

    I know you're a big gubmit schill, but defending this one just makes you look pathetic and unintelligent.
    Not defending the coddling of big business fostered by the perpetration of the meme that public servants are inadequate dolts. Should've just hired cheaper and effective public servants.
  • QuakerOats
    BIG government involvement creates another massive disaster and the wasting of billions of dollars borne off the back of the productive private sector. This is one constant that never fails.
  • gut
    BoatShoes;1648241 wrote:Not defending the coddling of big business fostered by the perpetration of the meme that public servants are inadequate dolts. Should've just hired cheaper and effective public servants.
    You mean besides the fact that public servants are more expensive and less effective? It's not like there was a lack of public servants involved in this project at all phases.
  • QuakerOats
    Insurance agent and carrier just left my office. They continue to deliver renewal after renewal of over 30%, due to obamaKare.

    The Disaster Tour rolls on ............
  • gut
    QuakerOats;1648373 wrote:Insurance agent and carrier just left my office. They continue to deliver renewal after renewal of over 30%, due to obamaKare.
    That's what I've heard anecdotally from a few companies. Wholly unsurprising - there's minimal margins to squeeze from insurance pay for the coverage of 30M uninsured (or whatever the number is) you either have to squeeze the doctors/hospitals/pharma/devices or soak the taxpayer and existing insureds. I don't think it's possible the Dems didn't know this, which makes a lot of the propaganda total, bald-faced lies.

    It will be interesting to see what happens when the US eventually goes to nationalized healthcare. I think there will be a bifurcation where higher income earners will opt out of the "affordable care" plans and purchasing private healthcare plans with superior options and care. The middle income people will end-up screwed, as usual.
  • believer
    gut;1648392 wrote:That's what I've heard anecdotally from a few companies. Wholly unsurprising - there's minimal margins to squeeze from insurance pay for the coverage of 30M uninsured (or whatever the number is) you either have to squeeze the doctors/hospitals/pharma/devices or soak the taxpayer and existing insureds. I don't think it's possible the Dems didn't know this, which makes a lot of the propaganda total, bald-faced lies.

    It will be interesting to see what happens when the US eventually goes to nationalized healthcare. I think there will be a bifurcation where higher income earners will opt out of the "affordable care" plans and purchasing private healthcare plans with superior options and care. The middle income people will end-up screwed, as usual.
    Naw...The Dems will simply push through some emergency legislation that will outlaw the "superior" Cadillac plans to which you speak forcing the eeeeeevil rich to participate in the grand socialist scheme. lol
  • Manhattan Buckeye
    "It will be interesting to see what happens when the US eventually goes to nationalized healthcare. I think there will be a bifurcation where higher income earners will opt out of the "affordable care" plans"

    Nothing interesting about it, in other countries with nationalized healthcare there is a bifurcation. And it isn't just high earners, anyone with a job in the UK goes with private healthcare. The public system is horrible. Imagine 6 months to get a dentist appointment, or a similar time to have a routine surgery.
  • WebFire
    The quote feature is so easy to use.
  • HelloAgain
    Manhattan Buckeye;1649452 wrote:And it isn't just high earners, anyone with a job in the UK goes with private healthcare.
    Only about 8% of people in the UK purchase private health insurance, and of those that do 2/3 have it provided by their employer.

    Pretty blatant exaggeration/lie on your part.
  • Manhattan Buckeye
    And you know this because you lived there?

    Our health insurance was 100% subsidized by our employer, or else we wouldn't have moved there. Because NHS is a pretty much a joke and we would like to have fewer than 3 months to get a doctor visit. Ex-pats won't even consider NHS, it is a bigger joke than the American DMV.

    But of course you know this because you lived there.

    - BMI is the biggest private healthcare provider system....and stinks compared to a normal suburban healthcare provider in an American city...this is their link:

    The healthcare was terrible, even for private insurance, and the waitlist was ridiculously long just to get a physical. And they try to "up-sale" ex-pat's insurance constantly. Princess Margaret was our local hospital in BMI, and although clean and sanitary, paled in comparison to American counterparts. DHS is like a crappy emergency room, so much that the UK has public reminders on telly and on roadways to remind Brits that the DHS shouldn't be used for minor situations.

    Unless you've been there - which obviously you haven't. You wouldn't understand. Socialist medicine in Europe and the UK is a disaster and a moneypit.
  • HelloAgain
    Manhattan Buckeye;1649944 wrote:And you know this because you lived there?
    Living in a place isn't required to read statistics.

    You said "anyone who has a job in the UK goes with private healthcare" and the numbers don't even come close to backing this up. It makes your anecdotal experience seem not only insignificant, but also quite possibly a lie given how badly you missed the mark on your "observation."
  • Manhattan Buckeye
    "Living in a place isn't required to read statistics."

    It is far better than that. It provides context and a real world understanding of other cultures and how day to day life is, not just being a pajama nancy-boy that gets their news from HuffPo and

    I don't need to prove myself to you at all, question it. You obviously have never lived there, and I don't give one rat's ass about your opinion about an experience we have that you haven't.
  • HelloAgain
    Manhattan Buckeye;1650021 wrote:It provides context and a real world understanding of other cultures and how day to day life is,
    It evidently did none of that for you as you grossly mischaracterized the reality within the country. 8% of people have private insurance, not "everyone with a job." Sorry
  • Manhattan Buckeye
    You should be sorry because you don't know dick. The hospital that I mentioned is about a 15 minute walk from Windsor Castle, which is another 5 minute walk to our grocery store (Waitrose, there isn't a Sainsbury within walking distance) which is another 5 minute walk from our house, which we still have. We have spent a lot of quality time at Princess Margaret for reasons that are none of your business, but enough to know that there isn't an NHS provider within walking distance in a town of 10,000 plus people, and God help you if you need a dentist.

    The waitlist just to get a health check-up is months long. It isn't tolerated. I don't give one flying f--k where you get your stats. For the most part the UK is poor, much poorer than the US. They have a lot of problems. The private system is poor by North American standards, and the NHS is intolerable.

    You should be sorry because you don't know what you are talking about. If you're an ex-pat the NHS isn't an option if you even expect normal North American quality care.
  • QuakerOats

    July breach only discovered last week...

    Issa Subpoenas Obamacare Official...

    FLASHBACK: Software vulnerable to cyberattack...

    The largest legislative and administrative disaster in the history of the nation rolls on ......
  • QuakerOats

    Vast majority still want it repealed, as the disaster rolls on and the economic damage mounts.
  • QuakerOats
  • BGFalcons82
    No no no Quaker. Didn't you hear? The King promised our rates would go down $2500 per family. He said we could keep our doctor and plan, too. He would never ever lie to the people that elected him King. You must have stole this graph from the Koch Brothers stash.
  • like_that
    Pretty much what most of us knew. Well those of us who haven't been force fed the obama kool aid.