
Disgusted with kasich administration - Part III

  • jmog
    BoatShoes;1436147 wrote:Are you really going with this? Do you not know my position on this by now? The economy is not a morality play. You don't fire public employee's out of some desire to make them experience the same moral consequences or pain as private sector employees. It only deepens the consequences of private sector slumps. The boom, not the bust is the time to fire public employees and reduce staff. State governments deserve some leeway because they are budgetarily constrained (but the Feds should be their to support them and obviously we don't have that).

    The idea that "Private Sector does X" therefore "Government Must do X" is wrong. So, because the private sector takes money out of the economy by firing people...we should take even more money out of the economy by firing opublic employees and also pay them not to work to when we put them on unemployment insurance; ensuring that even less economic activity occurs and that unemployment rises???
    I didn't say they MUST do that, I stated an example of where the economy was/is and the government as a whole should have to compensate for a down economy by spending less just like a private company would.
  • QuakerOats
    Thank you Governor Kasich and Administrator Buehrer. More economic benefit from republican leadership !!!! HUGE

    This week Governor Kasich and Bureau of Workers' Compensation (BWC) Administrator Steve Buehrer announced a proposal to pay a $1 billion dividend to private employers and public-taxing districts that pay into Ohio’s workers’ compensation system.
    More than 210,000 private businesses and public entities would receive approximately 56% of their annual premium in the July 1, 2011 to June 30, 2012 policy period. If approved by the BWC board of directors this month, checks could be mailed as early as June. T
    Additionally, to modernize the premium payment system, the BWC announced its intention to ask the legislature for permission to move to a prospective premium payment system over the current retrospective payment system. The BWC board will be asked to approve $900 million in transition costs to protect employers from having to pay two periods' of premium at the same time.
    Finally, the BWC is expanding its Safety Grant Program pool from $5 million to $15 million to support workplace safety. 5/2/2013
  • Bigdogg
    Yes Kasich and his clowns in Columbus are doing us all a wonderfull job. Here is a good example.
    Empty Promises

    Nearly eight years ago, the Ohio General Assembly passed an extraordinary set of tax cuts. The cuts were justified on the promise that they would boost the state’s struggling economy and grow jobs.[1] A serious look at Ohio’s job performance since the implementation of the tax cuts points to only one conclusion: The promise has not panned out.[2]
    Since the tax cuts were implemented in 2005, Ohio has lost ground when compared to the nation and to neighboring states in total job growth and across all sectors. Ohio has the fourth worst job growth rate among states over the period, and has lost 238,000 jobs since the phase-in began.
    Ohio’s job growth trails the nation Ohio has lost jobs since the tax overhaul of 2005. The 2007 recession played a large role in eroding job gains across the country, but the nation eked out a very small 1.2 percent job growth rate between June 2005 and March 2013. Ohio lost 4.4 percent over the same period, falling far behind the weak national growth rate. A 4.4 percent decline translates into a total loss of 238,000 jobs. Figure 1 depicts these changes.
    [LEFT]Ohio did not share in the job gains made by the nation between mid-2005 and the start of the 2007 recession. As Figure 2 shows, the U.S. experienced job growth of 3.3 percent between June 2005 and the start of the 2007 recession. Ohio’s job growth was virtually non-existent. The state added only 3,300 jobs, or 0.1 percent, during the run-up to the recession. [/LEFT]
  • QuakerOats
  • Bigdogg
    QuakerOats;1437875 wrote:Thank you Governor Kasich and Administrator Buehrer. More economic benefit from republican leadership !!!! HUGE

    This week Governor Kasich and Bureau of Workers' Compensation (BWC) Administrator Steve Buehrer announced a proposal to pay a $1 billion dividend to private employers and public-taxing districts that pay into Ohio’s workers’ compensation system.
    More than 210,000 private businesses and public entities would receive approximately 56% of their annual premium in the July 1, 2011 to June 30, 2012 policy period. If approved by the BWC board of directors this month, checks could be mailed as early as June. T
    Additionally, to modernize the premium payment system, the BWC announced its intention to ask the legislature for permission to move to a prospective premium payment system over the current retrospective payment system. The BWC board will be asked to approve $900 million in transition costs to protect employers from having to pay two periods' of premium at the same time.
    Finally, the BWC is expanding its Safety Grant Program pool from $5 million to $15 million to support workplace safety. 5/2/2013
  • QuakerOats
    " A Washington Post poll taken last fall showed his approval rating to be above 50 percent. And a plurality of voters (46) now say he deserves to be reelected, according to the Quinnipiac poll. In the last Quinnipiac survey, only 36 percent said he deserved a second term.It certainly doesn’t hurt Kasich that the Buckeye State’s economy has performed better than most, with an unemployment rate lower than the majority of states. What’s more, a plurality of voters in the latest Quinnipiac poll approve the way Kasich is handling the state budget."

  • Devils Advocate
    QuakerOats;1438773 wrote:" A Washington Post poll taken last fall showed his approval rating to be above 50 percent. And a plurality of voters (46) now say he deserves to be reelected, according to the Quinnipiac poll. In the last Quinnipiac survey, only 36 percent said he deserved a second term.It certainly doesn’t hurt Kasich that the Buckeye State’s economy has performed better than most, with an unemployment rate lower than the majority of states. What’s more, a plurality of voters in the latest Quinnipiac poll approve the way Kasich is handling the state budget."

    LOL! The article is dated Feb 28. How hard did you have to dig in the blogs to find that gem? But since you brought it up, Maybe we should discuss your article a little more in depth.

    You forgot to quote this part :
    Fifty-three percent now approve of the job the governor is doing
    Wow! what a mandate!

    And this part:
    And a plurality of voters (46) now say he deserves to be reelected, according to the Quinnipiac poll
    WOW! A wopping 46% in a 43% Republican state! They are comming across the aisle in droves!

    Pat yourself on the back if you can reach it while your head is stuck up his ***
  • Devils Advocate
    The suicide rate among middle-aged Ohio residents rose 41.5 percent

    Read more:
    Now here's an accomplishment! Thanks Governor!
  • gut
    Devils Advocate;1438813 wrote: And this part: WOW! A wopping 46% in a 43% Republican state! They are comming across the aisle in droves!
    Obama is jealous of those numbers.
  • Devils Advocate
    Yes, that make it so much more persuasive.

    But BHO actually got 50.7% of the Ohio vote in 2012. Kasich only rec'd 49.04% in 2010.

    Looks like BHO is 1% better :p
  • fish82
    Devils Advocate;1438813 wrote:LOL! The article is dated Feb 28. How hard did you have to dig in the blogs to find that gem? But since you brought it up, Maybe we should discuss your article a little more in depth.

    You forgot to quote this part :Wow! what a mandate!

    And this part: WOW! A wopping 46% in a 43% Republican state! They are comming across the aisle in droves!

    Pat yourself on the back if you can reach it while your head is stuck up his ***
    Here's one from 4/18 that was at the top of the Google search.

    Hope this helps.
  • Devils Advocate
    The live telephone survey by the Connecticut university contacted 1,138 registered Ohio voters from April 10 through Monday and has a margin of sampling error of plus or minus 2.9 percentage points. It included both land lines and cellphones.
  • QuakerOats
    Devils Advocate;1438813 wrote:LOL! The article is dated Feb 28. How hard did you have to dig in the blogs to find that gem?

    It was from the Washington POST, and if the Post is saying he is doing a good job, well then, you should be able to figure out from there.

    Good luck.
  • Devils Advocate
    It was a post quoting a rassmussen poll.

    Again, where is the Mandate? Where is the Huge majority of support?

    Why is it That BHO got 50.7 of the vote in 2012 and people in this state were stupid and Kasich got 49% and those people had smarts?

    They are your numbers Quacker. Maybe you should dispute your numbers rather than divert attention from them to Your "fact" that it was a Washington post article that reported a Rassmussen poll ( that was 2 months old )

    Answer: Yu wont because anythong that a left wing drive by media rag like the Post could not posibly print anything that was not leftist marxis or socialist biased. Unless of course it mirrors your opinion from a reputible place like Breifart, The scaratage foundation, or Faux news. Then they're spot on of course.
  • QuakerOats
    You are getting way off base. My point is about the good job that Kasich has been doing, not about polls. Polls are for chronic campaigners like obama and clinton; whereas true performance and leadership are what I care about, and what Kasich has exemplified.

    Hope that helps.
  • Classyposter58
    This is a thread? Kasich has done a solid job here in office, what's there to be disgusted by?
  • Devils Advocate
    QuakerOats;1438874 wrote:You are getting way off base. My point is about the good job that Kasich has been doing, not about polls. Polls are for chronic campaigners like obama and clinton; whereas true performance and leadership are what I care about, and what Kasich has exemplified.

    Hope that helps.
    It would help if you stayed on point as relates to the poll you sited. lO efiing L
  • fish82
    Devils Advocate;1438862 wrote:It was a post quoting a rassmussen poll.
    Where does it say that?
  • Bigdogg
    So how is Kasich signature job creation vehicle been doing in Ohio? Not good. American Greetings and the Diebold deals are two of the biggest scams in the history of Ohio. American Greetings and Diebold – two Ohio companies who received huge incentive packages to simply retain their existing jobs – were two spectacular failures in Governor Kasich’s economic development efforts. Despite that, JobsOhio continues to spend most of its time doling out dollars to Ohio companies for jobs that already exist, instead of creating new jobs.
    BROOKLYN, Ohio -- American Greetings Corp. has quietly been cutting jobs.
    Tucked inside a 218-page annual report filed on Thursday was the news that the greeting card maker had eliminated about 2,100 workers between its 2012 and 2013 fiscal years.
    American Greetings said it employed about 6,700 full-time and 18,700 part-time workers worldwide when its fiscal year closed on Feb. 28.
    That's about 1,500 fewer full-time and 600 fewer part-time workers than the company reported at the end of its 2012 fiscal year.

    GREEN —
    Diebold said it has launched a multi-year realignment plan aimed at trimming up to $150 million from its costs.
    The move includes eliminating 700 jobs from its North American operations, including about 100 locally. Diebold said most of the jobs already were cut.
    The announcement coincided with Diebold reporting a first quarter loss of $13.4 million, or 21 cents per share. That compares with profits of $45.2 million, or 71 cents per share, last year. Revenue was $633.5 million, down 9.3 percent from $698.5 million posted last year.


  • elbuckeye28
    Bigdogg;1442242 wrote:So how is Kasich signature job creation vehicle been doing in Ohio? Not good. American Greetings and the Diebold deals are two of the biggest scams in the history of Ohio. American Greetings and Diebold – two Ohio companies who received huge incentive packages to simply retain their existing jobs – were two spectacular failures in Governor Kasich’s economic development efforts. Despite that, JobsOhio continues to spend most of its time doling out dollars to Ohio companies for jobs that already exist, instead of creating new jobs.
    I haven't followed Ohio politics much the last few years, but that first article specifically states that the job loss is worldwide and it's unclear how many came from their Ohio headquarters. That seems, at least to me, to be an important distinction.
  • Bigdogg
    Jobs report is out. Over the past twelve months, Ohio has ranked 47th in the nation for private sector job growth. Great job Kasich and the Republican controlled state government! Is this what you call “focus like a laser” on jobs? The next election can’t get here soon enough.
  • elbuckeye28
    Bigdogg;1449679 wrote:Jobs report is out. Over the past twelve months, Ohio has ranked 47th in the nation for private sector job growth. Great job Kasich and the Republican controlled state government! Is this what you call “focus like a laser” on jobs? The next election can’t get here soon enough.
    You can't be serious. First of all, Ohio ranked 13th last year so are you going to give credit for last year's successes? Second, if you pull up the 12 month moving average, which would be give a clearer picture of the long-term trend, Ohio is 34th. While still not great, it is much better than your cherry-picking would lead one to believe. Third, since Ohio has ranked in the top 18 the prior 2 years (during Kasich's term as well) and the population growth in Ohio's population has experienced slower growth than the rest of the country, you would expect it to eventually level off.

    But go ahead and continue to show us that you either lack the ability, or refuse, to think critically. Maybe someday you will realize that your extreme partisanship is no better than those you lambast on the other side.
  • Bigdogg
    elbuckeye28;1449697 wrote:You can't be serious. First of all, Ohio ranked 13th last year so are you going to give credit for last year's successes? Second, if you pull up the 12 month moving average, which would be give a clearer picture of the long-term trend, Ohio is 34th. While still not great, it is much better than your cherry-picking would lead one to believe. Third, since Ohio has ranked in the top 18 the prior 2 years (during Kasich's term as well) and the population growth in Ohio's population has experienced slower growth than the rest of the country, you would expect it to eventually level off.

    But go ahead and continue to show us that you either lack the ability, or refuse, to think critically. Maybe someday you will realize that your extreme partisanship is no better than those you lambast on the other side.
    First off I have no idea where you are getting Ohio ranked 13th last year. Where is your source and are you comparing apple to apples? The chart I cited you can put in any time period you want. A 34th is far from 13th. Admit it, Kasich is failing at what he said he would do. He has failed at every objective he campaigned on except shifting massive tax increases to the local governments. You sir are the one with no creditability, and your demonstration of critical thinking and partisan view of his performance speaks volumes of itself.
  • HitsRus
    ^^^Why don't you read and understand what you post. It's right there in the chart from the link YOU posted.
  • jmog
    Bigdogg;1450081 wrote:First off I have no idea where you are getting Ohio ranked 13th last year. Where is your source and are you comparing apple to apples? The chart I cited you can put in any time period you want. A 34th is far from 13th. Admit it, Kasich is failing at what he said he would do. He has failed at every objective he campaigned on except shifting massive tax increases to the local governments. You sir are the one with no creditability, and your demonstration of critical thinking and partisan view of his performance speaks volumes of itself.
    Did you fail math or statistics? Your own site that you posted a link to says EXACTLY what he typed.