
Disgusted with obama administration - Part II

  • Belly35
    Jay Carney the America version of Baghdad Bob
  • IggyPride00
    Medicare to start covering sex change operations for seniors.
  • steubbigred
    By the time Obama leaves office he will have presided over ending 2 wars and the killing of Bin laden. He has tried to get us all medical coverage because he cares about the everyday Joe. Our economy has reversed itself and will continue god willing if Hillary gets into office. Obama has done a fine job. We need to keep the republican whack jobs from reversing our progress. If this guy was white he would have a 98% approval rating and that's a fact.
  • gut
    steubbigred;1621068 wrote: If this guy was white he would have a 98% approval rating and that's a fact.
    He's worse than Bush...and if he were white 98% of black people would realize this.
  • believer
    steubbigred;1621068 wrote:By the time Obama leaves office he will have presided over ending 2 wars and the killing of Bin laden. He has tried to get us all medical coverage because he cares about the everyday Joe. Our economy has reversed itself and will continue god willing if Hillary gets into office. Obama has done a fine job. We need to keep the republican whack jobs from reversing our progress. If this guy was white he would have a 98% approval rating and that's a fact.
    Klassic Kool Aid drinking at its finest. That's a fact.
  • BGFalcons82
    believer;1621130 wrote:Klassic Kool Aid drinking at its finest. That's a fact.
    It's opinions like his that got the WPOAT elected twice. Obama has always been a statist, but people that blindly follow are a far more troubling sign of our times.
  • gut
    BGFalcons82;1621245 wrote:It's opinions like his that got the WPOAT elected twice. Obama has always been a statist, but people that blindly follow are a far more troubling sign of our times.
    The whole "community agitator" thing and lack or experience started out as jokes...But I think it's clear at this point the guy does run from/avoid leadership, both domestically and abroad.

    It's like having your PR guy run your company. That's not going to end well. Obama is a celebrity campaigner who clearly, at this point, has little interest and/or aptitude for governing.
  • Manhattan Buckeye
    " Our economy has reversed itself"

    Our economy sucks. We have a stock bubble due to Bernanke's monkeying around with the interest rate keeping it artificially low. Our young people are burdened with debt and government promises and the job market is awful.
  • believer
  • steubbigred
    believer;1621130 wrote:Klassic Kool Aid drinking at its finest. That's a fact.
    You guys drink your own form of Kool Aid and it's more in the form of stuff that Jim Jones passed out to his people.
  • Manhattan Buckeye
    Questioning our government is the exact opposite of drinking the kool-aid. Blindly following it is what the Jonestown people were all about - and unfortunately our media has done exactly that. The Obama administration has been a complete disaster.
  • gut
    Manhattan Buckeye;1621297 wrote:The Obama administration has been a complete disaster.
    Funny to see the change in Carney's demeanor when the liberal media finally started asking somewhat tough questions.

    And I think this board is mostly libertarians...but it's been liberal reflex to dismiss anyone who dislikes Obama as right-wing nutjobs. Dude's ratings would be in the 20's if the liberal media took off the kid gloves.
  • steubbigred
    Manhattan Buckeye;1621297 wrote:Questioning our government is the exact opposite of drinking the kool-aid. Blindly following it is what the Jonestown people were all about - and unfortunately our media has done exactly that. The Obama administration has been a complete disaster.
    We should question our government . I love how the far right always blame the media. It's just a way to manipulate the masses into thinking the main stream media works for the left. I have never seen a more biased media network than FOX NEWS. Most radio shows are way far right wing and do nothing but scare people. Talk about sheep. Glen Beck and Rush Limbaugh are a few people who do much harm to this country and that's a fact . They are all far right wing media, but you didn't count them did you? How convenient.
  • like_that
    Isn't steub the poster formerly known as thinthick? If so, that's all you need to know about him.

    Also his last post completely just made gut's point.
  • SportsAndLady
    I couldn't read that post without feeling anger.

    And a little bit of humor considering that's the same type of kool aid people here in Chicago drink. Spewing a bunch of bullshit because you're too stupid to look with your own eyes, and blindly follow a man because he grew up 40 miles from here.

    Makes me sick to see people my age not just admit Obama has been a failure and that you were swindled into the whole "Obama is the cool, hip new pres that's gonna bring this country back to prominence" propaganda.
  • like_that
    SportsAndLady;1621310 wrote:I couldn't read that post without feeling anger.

    And a little bit of humor considering that's the same type of kool aid people here in Chicago drink. Spewing a bunch of bullshit because you're too stupid to look with your own eyes, and blindly follow a man because he grew up 40 miles from here.

    Makes me sick to see people my age not just admit Obama has been a failure and that you were swindled into the whole "Obama is the cool, hip new pres that's gonna bring this country back to prominence" propaganda.
    I still have yet to hear one legitimate argument with real facts on how Obama has done a good job. The bests attempts always somehow relate to him doing better than Bush. The same guy who they make out to be the worst president ever. Way to set the bar high for your boy LOL.
  • gut
    like_that;1621311 wrote:The bests attempts always somehow relate to him doing better than Bush. The same guy who they make out to be the worst president ever.
    The really sad part is he's literally put all the failed Bush economic policies on steroids.

    Scary part is what the media will make him out to be in 10-20 years and what kind of power and influence that will give him. Clinton, when he left office, was widely viewed as, at best, a guy who stayed out of the way. At the time, widely regarded as a mediocre POTUS with some issues (so much so that Gore was criticized for possibly distancing himself too much from Willy)....and leftist revisionist history has turned him into a hero and great leader. Sadly that would qualify as "competent" leadership today.

    Think about that for a bad as the Left has been, we've had Gore and Biden a heartbeat away.
  • believer
    gut;1621314 bad as the Left has been, we've had Gore and Biden a heartbeat away.
    Gives me warm fuzzy feelings.
  • steubbigred
    like_that;1621311 wrote:I still have yet to hear one legitimate argument with real facts on how Obama has done a good job. The bests attempts always somehow relate to him doing better than Bush. The same guy who they make out to be the worst president ever. Way to set the bar high for your boy LOL.
    Hey dumb dumb did you not read what I said? By the time Obama is done he will have ended 2 wars and gotten Bin Laden . How is that not a great thing? It will be remembered that way in 50 or so years.

    As soon as we cut defense and put that money back into our deficit and the infrastructure our economy will gain ground drastically. Smarten up if it is at all possible.
  • believer
    steubbigred;1621347 wrote:Hey dumb dumb...
    Liberal Rule #3: When you feel like your opponent has dissed your feelings always label, name call, and denigrate.
    steubbigred;1621347 wrote:By the time Obama is done he will have ended 2 wars and gotten Bin Laden. How is that not a great thing?

    Ending the wars and "getting" OBL are a great things. I just tend to give our military personnel more credit for that than our Community Agitator in Chief. But ok....
    steubbigred;1621347 wrote:As soon as we cut defense and put that money back into our deficit and the infrastructure our economy will gain ground drastically.
    Meh. You lefties kill me. Liberals love cutting defense spending as a mechanism for redistribution of wealth to fund more vote garnering social programs. Deficit reduction? LMAO Liberals don't care about balanced budgets. Right Boatshoes?
  • steubbigred
    I used to be a republican at one time. No more. I really don't like either side of the isle but white men of America do nothing but trash this president unless they are staunch union supporters. It is damn time to cut that frigging military budget. We don't need to police the world. We never had any business going into Iraq under false pretenses. King Bush did a number with us on that one. Trillions of dollars and many lives lost and maimed for the king Bush. Obama is for the working man and the poor man. At least he got Bin Laden and ended these wars.
  • gut
    steubbigred;1621366 wrote:Obama is for the working man and the poor man.
    Yes, he's done wonders for them. /sarcafont

    And drop the racist tripe. The original "Disgusted with Obama" thread wasn't started until after nearly 18 months in office. Stop seeing Obama as your great black hope and acknowledge the failure he is to everyone else that doesn't lower the bar because of his skin color.

    If criticism of Obama is racism, then judging by his polling numbers he has had a significant increase on racism in America. Stark contrast to all the "hope and change" and atmosphere when he won a huge % of the popular vote in 2008.
  • steubbigred
    gut;1621368 wrote:Yes, he's done wonders for them. /sarcafont

    And drop the racist tripe. The original "Disgusted with Obama" thread wasn't started until after nearly 18 months in office. Stop seeing Obama as your great black hope and acknowledge the failure he is to everyone else that doesn't lower the bar because of his skin color.

    If criticism of Obama is racism, then judging by his polling numbers he has had a significant increase on racism in America. Stark contrast to all the "hope and change" and atmosphere when he won a huge % of the popular vote in 2008.
    I'm not black. That's why I hear all the true racists rants in all the mill bars when no black people are around. It gets old. The way I see it is if Obama were some cracker from Texas he would be the next in line to get a monument in Washington DC. The man has done a good job period.
  • Manhattan Buckeye
    I'm not black either, and I haven't heard a racist comment in over 20 years. And no, I don't lie and I'm not full of crap. We've had an administration that has failed economically that's trying to deflect the real problems in our country (its the economy stupid - James Carville, a DEMOCRAT!) into stupid divisive social issues that never existed in the first place, just to deflect from the scandals and just absolute shitshow that is the Obama administration.

    Note, the supermajority of people aren't racist, sexist or homophobic. The supermajority of people aren't powerful enough to make a difference even if they were such, in each instance. Yet according to the Obama administration we've gone back decades in history. It simply isn't true. It has been one scandal, one lie, one incompetent instance after another to hide that our economy is godawful and we've lost at least one generation with the millennials.
  • Manhattan Buckeye
    "Think about that for a bad as the Left has been, we've had Gore and Biden a heartbeat away."

    This +1,000.

    I'm not the biggest fan of GHWB, Clinton, GWB and certainly Obama....but Gore and Biden are in a different sport altogether. As much as people hated GWB we dodged the proverbial bullet in not electing Gore who I've met, and I think he's clinically insane. He was a disaster at the Columbia School of Journalism, his wife divorced him and he's been off the radar for the last few years (my guess - psychiatric help). The one time I met him was with his attorney, Charles Burson and he gave a rambling talk that made absolutely no sense, and avoided all questions after the speech. That guy is so unhinged Tipper left him.

    As for Biden, I just think he's really dumb, like sub-100 IQ level dumb.