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Tits McGee

Mon, Jan 29, 2018 2:20 PM

I will never understand why this bothers people. Are they going to come to your home and take away all of your Wahoo gear? No. Does this erase all of the memories of your team? The trips to the ballpark? No. 

I'm a fan of the Cleveland baseball team. It doesn't matter what their logo or name is. I'll be a fan for life, period. 


Senior Member

Mon, Jan 29, 2018 2:27 PM
posted by Fab4Runner

I will never understand why this bothers people. Are they going to come to your home and take away all of your Wahoo gear? No. Does this erase all of the memories of your team? The trips to the ballpark? No. 

I'm a fan of the Cleveland baseball team. It doesn't matter what their logo or name is. I'll be a fan for life, period. 

We go to Seneca Allegheny Casino in Salamance, NY, which is on an indian reservation. For some reason, EVERY time we go there I (not intentionally, just dumb luck) wear the same shirt....a blue Tribe jersey with the script "I" and a Chief Wahoo on the sleeve. I've never won anything significant at that casino. I'm jokingly paranoid that they tighten the slots every time they see me wearing Wahoo, because it offends them, and they cut me off. I'll still keep wearing my Wahoo shirt out it public though.


1st Team All-PWN

Mon, Jan 29, 2018 3:16 PM

I don't agree with the decision at all, but I am not going to lose sleep over it.  It's not surprising since people go out of their way to be offended by everything these days.  You can find a reason why to be offended by most team names and mascots if you took the time to think about it.

I am more pissed about them choking in the ALDS. 



Mon, Jan 29, 2018 3:19 PM

Surprised it took this long, but don’t really care. Hopefully we win the WS in Wahoo apparel and that is forever and ever the video we see.


1st Team All-PWN

Mon, Jan 29, 2018 3:23 PM
posted by Laley23

Surprised it took this long, but don’t really care. Hopefully we win the WS in Wahoo apparel and that is forever and ever the video we see.



Senior Member

Mon, Jan 29, 2018 4:03 PM

Up next:  white players on the Browns sue because the team name inflicts emotional distress on players who lack color or are otherwise skin pigment challenged. 





Commander of Awesome

Senior Pwner

Mon, Jan 29, 2018 4:17 PM

Beyond time to make it the change, emabrrassing it took so long. As Fab stated, I root for the Cleveland team, not the logo.


Shold be noted that I used to wear Wahoo gear wiht zero issues until ~2009/2010.



Mon, Jan 29, 2018 4:30 PM
posted by BR1986FB

What's even more glaring, and gives me a reason to believe Omar can get it, is the fact that Alan Trammell is in. Talk about "average."

He was pretty average defensively but going with the times. Vizquel’s highest OPS+ of his career was 111. Trammell was a career 110 and 9x over 113 and 6x over 130



Mon, Jan 29, 2018 4:33 PM

Career WAR

Ozzie 76.5

Trammel 70.4

Omar 45.4


Reppin' the 330/216/843

Mon, Jan 29, 2018 5:02 PM
posted by Commander of Awesome

Beyond time to make it the change, emabrrassing it took so long. As Fab stated, I root for the Cleveland team, not the logo.


Shold be noted that I used to wear Wahoo gear wiht zero issues until ~2009/2010.

I will continue to wear it with zero issues. I don't need white people to tell me it's offensive. Baskin on 92.3 said that native americans when he was in Montana would wear Indians stuff because they liked it. The 3 guys who stand out there on opening day don't speak for everyone. 

That said, I think white dudes dressing up like native americans with red face paint is crossing the line into offensive. 

And I don't really care about this decision one way or another, figured it would be happening sooner than later. I do kind of think the Indians name is pointless now too, though. We're the Indians and our logo is a C. Cool.



Mon, Jan 29, 2018 5:05 PM

Will Cain show said had a report in Washington not a long time ago and interviewed 500 native Americans and 90% had no issue with Redskins or deemed it offensive.


1st Team All-PWN

Mon, Jan 29, 2018 7:08 PM
posted by Ironman92

Will Cain show said had a report in Washington not a long time ago and interviewed 500 native Americans and 90% had no issue with Redskins or deemed it offensive.

I have brought this up numerous times in the last few years. The only people who seem to care enough to be offended, are the people that really have no skin in the game. 

Commander of Awesome

Senior Pwner

Mon, Jan 29, 2018 7:34 PM
posted by like_that

I have brought this up numerous times in the last few years. The only people who seem to care enough to be offended, are the people that really have no skin in the game. 

"The Washington Post poll was conducted exclusively by telephone. And just as most of us have warned our children, and even reminded ourselves, that people on the internet might not be who they claim to be, the very same thing is true of the telephone. The only thing you can be sure of from a telephone survey — and even this is sketchy with improvements in voice automation — is that the person on the other end is, well, a person.

So unless there is some Native American Yellow Pages that I am not aware of, the result of the Washington Post poll is not that 9 out of 10 Native Americans aren’t offended by the name. The result of the poll is that 9 out of 10 people who claimed to be Native Americans over the telephone aren’t offended by the name “Redskins”. There’s a big difference."


"So, instead of relying on an anonymous telephone survey, let’s look at some other information? There’s this resolution from 2001, signed by the Chiefs (and one governor) of what’s known as the “Five Civilized Tribes,” which includes the Muscogee, Chickasaw, Choctaw, Oklahoma Seminole, and, naturally, the Cherokee Nations, opposing all American Indian sports mascots and nicknames. According to the group, these leaders now represent more than 500,000 Native American people (The Washington Post anonymous telephone survey, by comparison, had just over 500 respondents.) And that resolution was followed up by this one in 2013 that specifically called for the end of the Washington Redskins nickname.

While these resolutions don’t guarantee that every member of the tribes is in agreement, what is beyond question is the authority of the signers to speak as Native American representatives of those nations. These are certainly not anonymous telephone responders.

The same is true of this resolution, from 2014, from the Council of the Navajo Nation, the largest Native American tribe with a population of just over 300,000, who joined in opposition of Native American mascots and nicknames.

And finally, the same is true of the many, many resolutions adopted over the past several decades by the National Congress of American Indians opposing Native American sports mascots and nicknames. In order to be voting member of the organization, one has to be able to prove his or her Native American heritage. Again, there are no anonymous voters.

There are many, many other such documents and resolutions from Native American nations and organizations, but I think I’ve made my point. While no one, least of all me, can say with total certainty what percentage of Native Americans approve of the Washington Redskins nickname, whose opinions do you want to believe: those of Native American leaders who can prove their identities, or those of 500 anonymous people who spoke by telephone to the Washington Post?"


1st Team All-PWN

Mon, Jan 29, 2018 7:57 PM
posted by Commander of Awesome

"The Washington Post poll was conducted exclusively by telephone. And just as most of us have warned our children, and even reminded ourselves, that people on the internet might not be who they claim to be, the very same thing is true of the telephone. The only thing you can be sure of from a telephone survey — and even this is sketchy with improvements in voice automation — is that the person on the other end is, well, a person.

So unless there is some Native American Yellow Pages that I am not aware of, the result of the Washington Post poll is not that 9 out of 10 Native Americans aren’t offended by the name. The result of the poll is that 9 out of 10 people who claimed to be Native Americans over the telephone aren’t offended by the name “Redskins”. There’s a big difference."


"So, instead of relying on an anonymous telephone survey, let’s look at some other information? There’s this resolution from 2001, signed by the Chiefs (and one governor) of what’s known as the “Five Civilized Tribes,” which includes the Muscogee, Chickasaw, Choctaw, Oklahoma Seminole, and, naturally, the Cherokee Nations, opposing all American Indian sports mascots and nicknames. According to the group, these leaders now represent more than 500,000 Native American people (The Washington Post anonymous telephone survey, by comparison, had just over 500 respondents.) And that resolution was followed up by this one in 2013 that specifically called for the end of the Washington Redskins nickname.

While these resolutions don’t guarantee that every member of the tribes is in agreement, what is beyond question is the authority of the signers to speak as Native American representatives of those nations. These are certainly not anonymous telephone responders.

The same is true of this resolution, from 2014, from the Council of the Navajo Nation, the largest Native American tribe with a population of just over 300,000, who joined in opposition of Native American mascots and nicknames.

And finally, the same is true of the many, many resolutions adopted over the past several decades by the National Congress of American Indians opposing Native American sports mascots and nicknames. In order to be voting member of the organization, one has to be able to prove his or her Native American heritage. Again, there are no anonymous voters.

There are many, many other such documents and resolutions from Native American nations and organizations, but I think I’ve made my point. While no one, least of all me, can say with total certainty what percentage of Native Americans approve of the Washington Redskins nickname, whose opinions do you want to believe: those of Native American leaders who can prove their identities, or those of 500 anonymous people who spoke by telephone to the Washington Post?"

Thank you for copying and pasting an article from the unslanted, unbiased, and no agenda huffpo.  You could have at least provided the link. 

This isn't the first time wapo has done the poll.  If the huffpo is claiming it's bullshit, it should be really simple for them to conduct a scientific poll of native americans to see how they really feel.  Based on mostly just white people protesting the name, something tells me the native americans have other things they give a fuck more about such as their poverty rate or the fact settlers took over their land and killed their ancestors. 

Take it up with John Cox.   He goes into some detail with his surveying.  


At the end of the day if you truly find it offensive, you shouldn't follow the Indians.  


1st Team All-PWN

Mon, Jan 29, 2018 8:17 PM

This breaks down any relevant polling done on this issue. You can cry about one poll or the other, but overall the data from the mass majority of these polls (general public and targeted natives) are in line with the “not offended” group.


Senior Member

Mon, Jan 29, 2018 8:28 PM
posted by Verbal Kint

I've not liked the logo or name for a long time, I've tried to call them Tribe as much as possible, not even sure if that is less racist. 

This half way “cave” to progressive political correctness is not going to make it go away. Political activists will continue to hound the team because that’s how they secure power within their community .

Either don’t give in, or preemptively     take away their argument...

Think outside the box.... Change the name to the Cleveland Tribe and keep Wahoo as the logo sans the feather. The color of his face can rotate between the team’s color of red white and blue.

Problem solved.... Cleveland fans still have Wahoo (not an ‘Indian’ term)... and they still have their “Tribe” which by definition is a “closely knit clan”.... a perfect description of Cleveland fans.



Mon, Jan 29, 2018 8:47 PM

Will the Braves have to forfeit the game if their fans do their tomahawk chop chant?


Senior Member

Mon, Jan 29, 2018 9:40 PM

 Reading COA and Verbal.


BRF does the face palm. 



Mon, Jan 29, 2018 10:43 PM
posted by like_that

I don't agree with the decision at all, but I am not going to lose sleep over it.  It's not surprising since people go out of their way to be offended by everything these days.  You can find a reason why to be offended by most team names and mascots if you took the time to think about it.

I am more pissed about them choking in the ALDS. 


Verbal Kint

Senior Member

Mon, Jan 29, 2018 11:15 PM

Fun Fact: Neither Robbie Benson nor Espera Oscar de Corti are Native Americans.


Senior Member

Tue, Jan 30, 2018 7:25 AM

Fun fact # 2.... neither is Lizzy Warren! :)

Commander of Awesome

Senior Pwner

Tue, Jan 30, 2018 11:23 AM
posted by like_that

This breaks down any relevant polling done on this issue. You can cry about one poll or the other, but overall the data from the mass majority of these polls (general public and targeted natives) are in line with the “not offended” group.

From your link,

"CORNISH: Reaction from the team owner Dan Snyder in a statement - he said, we're gratified by this overwhelming support from the Native American community, and the team will proudly carry the Redskins name. What do you make of that read of this poll?

COX: I think that's a stretch. We didn't ask people if they supported the name."




Using this as a chest thumpering for "THEY SUPPORT IT" is not a great arguement. Funny how upset you get about it despite having "no skin in the game".


1st Team All-PWN

Tue, Jan 30, 2018 11:33 AM
posted by Commander of Awesome

From your link,

"CORNISH: Reaction from the team owner Dan Snyder in a statement - he said, we're gratified by this overwhelming support from the Native American community, and the team will proudly carry the Redskins name. What do you make of that read of this poll?

COX: I think that's a stretch. We didn't ask people if they supported the name."




Using this as a chest thumpering for "THEY SUPPORT IT" is not a great arguement. Funny how upset you get about it despite having "no skin in the game".

Not upset at all, but go ahead and try to act smug to make your point.  I don't deny this has been an ongoing debate, but the mass majority of those polls support my opinion.  Not sure what to tell you if you don't believe in data.  I have my other response in the other thread.  Accidentally deleted it, but the convo should be moved to there anyway.


Edit:  I think you misquoted my post.   

Verbal Kint

Senior Member

Tue, Jan 30, 2018 1:01 PM
posted by HitsRus

Fun fact # 2.... neither is Lizzy Warren! :)

I don't know who that is or when they acted naive american


Senior Member

Tue, Jan 30, 2018 4:31 PM

I would not be heartbroken if the Tribe deals Kipnis ............looks like they have been discussing it w the Spankees