

333 - I'm only half evil

Thu, Nov 7, 2019 6:17 AM

Have you had surgeries or procedures done? Did you have any bad experiences with them? 

I had a hysterectomy. Before the surgery I told my doctor that I can't take narcotics because they make me violently ill. So after the surgery when I first came to they give me a narcotic for pain. Five minutes later I'm heaving which isn't a good thing when you're being held together by some sutures and glue lol.  Then they had to give me something else to take away the nausea. Before I konked out again I told them that I didn't want anymore narcotics for pain and the nurses give me a confused look. So we struggled and went back and forth on this for a full 24 hours before I finally told my doctor that I was going to get up and walk out of the hospital before I'd take anymore. Finally they decide that I might take 800mg motrin. Jeez, couldn't this have been done before all the heaving and pain was gone through?

I've had procedures done before but this is what I would call my first actual "big" surgery. Not impressed, glad it's over! Hopefully, if in the future I have to have another surgery, whatever doctor will actually *listen* to me when I tell them "no narcotics!".


Senior Member

Thu, Nov 7, 2019 7:56 AM
posted by CenterBHSFan

Before the surgery I told my doctor that I can't take narcotics because they make me violently ill. So after the surgery when I first came to they give me a narcotic for pain. Five minutes later I'm heaving which isn't a good thing when you're being held together by some sutures and glue lol.  Then they had to give me something else to take away the nausea. Before I konked out again I told them that I didn't want anymore narcotics for pain and the nurses give me a confused look. So we struggled and went back and forth on this for a full 24 hours before I finally told my doctor that I was going to get up and walk out of the hospital before I'd take anymore. Finally they decide that I might take 800mg motrin. Jeez, couldn't this have been done before all the heaving and pain was gone through?


Wow, sorry to hear that.  How long ago was this?

I had six teeth pulled when I was 18 (five - yes, five wisdom teeth and an incisor).  Spent three days in the hospital.  They gave me codeine and  Demerol, and I got sick on both.  Spent the first night in pain, wide awake while taking aspirin, which did nothing.

Besides the teeth, an  achilles tendon rupture repair and a right toe joint rebuild have been my biggest procedures.  No issues with pain or pain meds from those procedures, they always double-checked when I reported the previous problems and gave me more modern stuff which works.

Preparing for a hip replacement in the February.  Getting (hopefully) my last cortisone shot today to get me thru the holidays.  Wish me luck, I know the rehab will be the hard part.


Kosh B'Gosh

Thu, Nov 7, 2019 9:19 AM

Had lower back surgery in March 2017 and tonsillectomy/UV3 in December 2015. No issues with either. I still get a little stiffness in the back, but overall it's okay.


Reppin' the 330/216/843

Thu, Nov 7, 2019 9:26 AM

No major surgeries as an adult, but when I was six months old I almost died as my intestines were twisted and blocked. Have a nice scar around my belly button and down a few inches.


333 - I'm only half evil

Thu, Nov 7, 2019 10:48 AM
posted by Zunardo

Wow, sorry to hear that.  How long ago was this?


Just recently and I'm still not allowed to do much of anything (like taking out garbage, lifting, laundry, driving, winter cleaning, etc.) except walk around. 


Senior Member

Thu, Nov 7, 2019 11:20 AM

Anytime I have a procedure or surgery, the pain killers make me constipated.  

Worst surgery: had my uvula removed to help my snoring/apnea.  It did not work. 

Some of you may recall the thread about my knee replacement in July. Things are going very well with that. 


Senior Member

Thu, Nov 7, 2019 11:26 AM

I ruptured my SL ligament (wrist) in late 2010. Fell at a pool party, drunk af, Put N Bay. Terrible surgery, exposed pins in my wrist, recovery, PT. Thousands of dollars in med bills. I was in a cast that bent at the elbow for weeks. I wouldn't wish that on anyone.

Fast forward to 3 years later. I had a ganglion cyst on the top of my other wrist. Eventually causing a slight tear in THAT SL ligament. I think jetskiing in the beautiful Ohio River resulted in this...not sure. I was unaware if the tear. After several attempts to aspirate the cyst, it kept coming back. So I went in for a "minor" surgery to remove it.

Woke up in recovery with the same fucking cast on, same pins, in my other wrist. The doc explained that they also repaired my SL ligament. I lost my fucking mind in that recovery room. Terrible deja vu feeling. Luckily I had better insurance at the time and didn't have to pay as much, but still had to go through the entire thing again. 

So I now have two gnarly scars and surgically repaired wrists.


Also had basic hernia surgery when I was 13. The end.


7 gram rocks. how i roll.

Thu, Nov 7, 2019 11:48 AM

I had a root canal when i was like 16 and they gave me some liquid painkiller and that shit sent me to jupiter for like 3 days off of 1 dose. Other than that i've only had my wisdom teeth out and that went without any incident, just motrin for a week.


Senior Member

Thu, Nov 7, 2019 12:00 PM

I had a button activated morphine drip after my first wrist surgery. One of the best 8 hour stretches of my life.


Senior Member

Thu, Nov 7, 2019 12:19 PM

When I was three I had surgery that repaired a narrowing in my ureter (that I was likely born with) that had become blocked.  I became very ill and doctors had no idea what was.  So back in the 70's they just gutted me like a deer. I still have both kidneys but have a 10" scar on my left abdomen.  Today this could have been repaired with a barely visible scar.

When I was in my early 40's I had heart surgery to repair my mitral valve.  It was done non invasive.  You can barely see my scar (maybe 4-5 inches).  It's under my right breast in the natural crease.  There are a couple of dent scars below it from the chest tubes (these things suck and not just blood).  I had surgery Tuesday morning and was home on Saturday back to work in 3 weeks.


Senior Member

Thu, Nov 7, 2019 1:36 PM

Have had three surgeries....Lasik (no biggie), a cyst removed from my tailbone and a kidney stone.

On the cyst, the doc did a spinal and kind of botched in in that he kept missing my spine with the needle. Hurt like a mofo.

The kidney stone was about the size of a peanut M&M and the doc went straight up through the old "moneymaker" with something that looked like the claw from that crane game you play at the arcade trying to latch onto a stuffed animal. I affectionately dubbed it the "Jaws of Life." Made me drink a ton of water after and pee before I left. I won't go into detail but let's just say the aftermath looked like the prom scene in "Carrie." Pain galore when the meds wore off.


Senior Member

Thu, Nov 7, 2019 2:01 PM

"The kidney stone was about the size of a peanut M&M"........yikes BR!  I had a stone one time in my life....hurt like came out on it's own and was the size of a tiny pebble but was sharp.  I was given Adderall in the ER.  I said that the doctor could have cut off my leg and I wouldn't have cared.


How do we know that the man's pain from a kidney stone is more than the pain of childbirth?

After about a year, a woman may say "ya know, I think I'd like to have another baby".

But you will never hear a man say "ya know, I think I'd like to have another stone".

kizer permanente

Senior Member

Thu, Nov 7, 2019 2:46 PM

I had surgery to make my penis smaller. It scared women. It's a blessing and a curse. 


7 gram rocks. how i roll.

Thu, Nov 7, 2019 2:51 PM
posted by kizer permanente

I had surgery to make my penis smaller. It scared women. It's a blessing and a curse. 

your dick is so small it looks like a bloody purple angry hemorrhoid shooting out your asshole

kizer permanente

Senior Member

Thu, Nov 7, 2019 2:57 PM
posted by j_crazy

your dick is so small it looks like a bloody purple angry hemorrhoid shooting out your asshole

Well it is now I had the surgery. 


Senior Member

Thu, Nov 7, 2019 3:03 PM
posted by BRF

"The kidney stone was about the size of a peanut M&M"........yikes BR!  I had a stone one time in my life....hurt like came out on it's own and was the size of a tiny pebble but was sharp.  I was given Adderall in the ER.  I said that the doctor could have cut off my leg and I wouldn't have cared.


How do we know that the man's pain from a kidney stone is more than the pain of childbirth?

After about a year, a woman may say "ya know, I think I'd like to have another baby".

But you will never hear a man say "ya know, I think I'd like to have another stone".

The kicker? They didn't find it so I went through all of that crap for nothing. Before the surgery they said it was that size. They went in and found nothing. I've had another since which was worse. I finally passed it at home after puking. That somehow allowed me to pass that fine dark brown urine.


Tits McGee

Thu, Nov 7, 2019 3:16 PM

I've never had any surgeries unless you count two root canals. 


Senior Member

Thu, Nov 7, 2019 7:44 PM
posted by BR1986FB

n the cyst, the doc did a spinal and kind of botched in in that he kept missing my spine with the needle. Hurt like a mofo.


I had that surgery also, almost 40 years ago.  You're right, that lower spinal block is not fun when they start it.  With me, I had a large orderly locking me down in a bear hug so I couldn't move, the doctor is grunting because he cant get that needle in, I'm almost in tears from the pain... finally he said, "Mr. Zunardo, your back muscles are incredibly dense.  Do you lift weights?" 

Of course I stopped crying long enough to say in a deep manly voice, "Why, yes - yes, I do!"

I had that same anesthesia for a varicocele removal 25 years ago (look it up, it's fun!).  After the pain of putting the needle in, it's great because you just sit there and stare at the lights (or the floor), and you don't notice the passage of time.  And it's a lot easier to recover from the brain fuzzies.  BUT your bladder muscles are locked up for a couple of days, very uncomfortable to take a whiz.


Senior Member

Thu, Nov 7, 2019 9:00 PM
posted by Zunardo

I had that surgery also, almost 40 years ago.  You're right, that lower spinal block is not fun when they start it.  With me, I had a large orderly locking me down in a bear hug so I couldn't move, the doctor is grunting because he cant get that needle in, I'm almost in tears from the pain... finally he said, "Mr. Zunardo, your back muscles are incredibly dense.  Do you lift weights?" 

Of course I stopped crying long enough to say in a deep manly voice, "Why, yes - yes, I do!"

I had that same anesthesia for a varicocele removal 25 years ago (look it up, it's fun!).  After the pain of putting the needle in, it's great because you just sit there and stare at the lights (or the floor), and you don't notice the passage of time.  And it's a lot easier to recover from the brain fuzzies.  BUT your bladder muscles are locked up for a couple of days, very uncomfortable to take a whiz.

The "do you lift weights" part all makes sense to me now as it was a bitch of a time for them to do that.



Thu, Nov 7, 2019 11:01 PM

Just wisdom teeth.



Thu, Nov 7, 2019 11:07 PM

Adenoids age 3 and wisdom teeth age 21

Hopefully won’t have to have surgery on my neck.

Curly J

Self Pwner in Training.

Sat, Nov 9, 2019 5:36 PM

I had chest surgery as a 9 year old. I was born with a concave sternum and as I got older it grew inward. That took 6 hours to complete. 

I broke my collar bone in 3 places and destroyed all the soft tissues back in 2010. I have a cadaver Achilles tendon holding it all together. That tendon was $8000.00. Still bothers me to this day...pain and numbness.


Senior Member

Thu, May 28, 2020 11:53 PM

I broke my arm a few weeks ago. I was admitted to the hospital and they put plate and screws in.

Below average experience, would opt to not break my arm again.


Elderly Intellectual

Fri, May 29, 2020 9:48 AM


Stab wound

Shrapnel Facial Wound 

Colon Cancer 

All when as best as could be expected ... 




Senior Member

Fri, May 29, 2020 12:30 PM

Hernia last June. Had a consult with the surgeon a few weeks prior, who had a resident working with him who was a very pleasant looking young woman. She got to break a 30+ year streak of no woman not my wife touching my junk. I'm sure she was thrilled.


Senior Member

Fri, Jul 2, 2021 6:27 PM


Diagnosed with umbilical hernia yesterday, surgery scheduled for July 27. I didn’t go back and look through everything but anyone went through this? Mine must not be too bad. I was able to push it back several weeks til after our vacation, and surgeon said I should only miss a couple weeks of work.

Edit: I wasn’t completely lazy. I see queencity had one also, although his in a different spot. I didn’t have anyone touching my groin.