Know your neighbors


Honorable Admin

Thu, Jul 18, 2019 9:42 PM

How well do you know your neighbors? How long have you lived by them?

We don't know our current neighbors very well. We've talked to our next door neighbor to the left more than anyone else, the rest are mostly just a Hello when we're outside at the fake time. We've been at our current house just over two years. 

At our last house we knew our immediate neighbors well. Talked to them a lot while we were outside. Both moved before we did but we still keep in touch. Our backyard neighbor married my wife's brother, so she's family. 


Reppin' the 330/216/843

Thu, Jul 18, 2019 10:01 PM

Lucked out, bought in a new section of a neighborhood, in the front. First 3 houses all in their 30s (we are the 4th). First couple of years we all drank and hung out, then they all had kids. A year later we had a kid, and then they all had their second kid. Now we all throw our kids in the fenced in yard and have happy hours together.

Our neighbor on the next side (5th house in) are 70 year olds who love giving us extra food to eat and watch our cat when we go out of town. Basically nest of both worlds and everyone looks out for everyone else. We do know a lot of the other neighbors too bc it’s so new and people were so friendly. Will suck when we have to move.


Tits McGee

Thu, Jul 18, 2019 10:29 PM

We've lived in our house for 6 years. Our neighbor on the left, who we share a driveway with, is an 89 year old widow who has lived in her home for like 50 years. She's great. Still tries to do most of her own yard work, snow blowing, etc. She has slowed down a bit the last 6-9 months, but she's doing well for being almost 90. She loves my dog, even though she thinks his name is Banner instead of Tanner. She gives him treats every time she sees him outside, so now he just sits on our back deck looking for her. One fun fact is that her son is in prison for murder. Drug deal gone bad, and he shot someone execution style. 

Neighbors on the right are a retired couple in their 60s. The woman actually lived across the street with her parents for the first few years we lived here. After they passed away, she sold their house and bought the one next to us. The guy is super nice but also very chatty. Sometimes it sucks getting stuck outside at the same time as him because he'll talk your ear off. He's a  big dog lover and they got a puppy not long ago because their other dog passed away earlier this year. My dog barks at theirs through the fence daily.

The people who live in the house across the street that our other neighbor sold are fucking idiots. They're a white trash couple in their late 30s I'd guess. The dude is constantly screaming at his kids and the whole neighborhood gets to listen in. So wonderful. But other than them, we really like our street and everyone who lives nearby. 



Fri, Jul 19, 2019 2:13 AM

To our right, very nice family of four. Young boy who never shuts up aged around 8, and an 11 year old daughter who is super shy. But they both love our dog and come into our yard and throw sticks for him. I look at it as free walks. 

To our left is a gay couple. No clue what their jobs are because they are home at more random times than I am...and I have the most random work schedule of anyone I know. The fact they are gay is not interesting until you meet our across the street neighbors...

...who are extremely by the book religious. Put up giant signs around the holidays and a few times have had banners angled towards our gay neighbors about man and woman and blah blah blah. Anyway, the rest of the neighborhood always kinds of laughs about it, but I guess it got pretty heated a few years ago before we moved in and the cops were called. The signs are now taken down in a timely fashion when holidays end and the banners are only up for 24 hours at a time. Must’ve been some sort of “compromise”.

Also, I know like 3 of the names of the 8 people I just mentioned and certainly none of the rest. My wife though, she knows them all, where they went to college, how long in the neighborhood etc. Without her, I’d probably be the neighbor everyone complains about being grumpy and unfriendly lol.


7 gram rocks. how i roll.

Fri, Jul 19, 2019 8:54 AM

There's a few neighbors i know pretty well, I work with one and the other's kids are super tight with our kids. Other than probably 3 sets, I wouldn't know any of the others to pick out of a lineup.


Kosh B'Gosh

Fri, Jul 19, 2019 9:43 AM

Can't wait to move! Not because of the neighbors, but they don't help anything.

To our left is a white trash couple who have a filthy place. Supposedly were getting foreclosed, but somehow that went away. They have a dog that barks non-stop.

Two of the three houses across the street (we live in a cul-de-sac) are quiet and keep to themselves. One has a young daughter that does like to play with our two daughters, so that's nice. The third house is another white trash couple and their 4 kids. Loud. He owns a towing service. She stays at home and is in everyone's business. Kids have issues. They just had their fourth, and they never needed three (or two). 

House to our right is a gay man. He is more moody than any teenage girl I've met. Everything makes him grumpy. He'll get mad at anyone, for anything, and hold onto it forever. He's probably 55+. We constantly have people at our house and he thinks we have orgy parties. Everyone knows I coach and it's all soccer players. He's still mad at me from Thanksgiving 2018 when I was setting up my deep-fryer around 11:30am for an early afternoon meal. I had music in my garage that wasn't even loud enough for my wife to hear inside the house. He came out grumpy as can be. I tried to be neighborly and tell him Happy Thanksgiving, hope he's doing well, etc. He went on to tell me how the music was so loud and thumping against his house, he'd been up until 4:30am working. And, come to find out, he hates the deep-fryer (literally found out this week)!

kizer permanente

Senior Member

Fri, Jul 19, 2019 1:49 PM
posted by iclfan2

Lucked out, bought in a new section of a neighborhood, in the front. First 3 houses all in their 30s (we are the 4th). First couple of years we all drank and hung out, then they all had kids. A year later we had a kid, and then they all had their second kid. Now we all throw our kids in the fenced in yard and have happy hours together.

Our neighbor on the next side (5th house in) are 70 year olds who love giving us extra food to eat and watch our cat when we go out of town. Basically nest of both worlds and everyone looks out for everyone else. We do know a lot of the other neighbors too bc it’s so new and people were so friendly. Will suck when we have to move.

We have a similar situation to you although it didn’t work out as well lol. 

When we were buying the house we had an inspection and that day we brought the kids along and they played outside. The neighbors have kids the same age and they’re both around the same age as my wife and I. Well the neighbors were really excited to see us and came out and told us how excited they were that we were moving in. Once we moved in we invited them over for dinner     Our kids played along together ... we talked all night... my wife thought everything was great. They ended the night with a “we’ll have to have you over next “.... that was the end of it lol. They barely talk to us. Just an occasional wave when we’re both outside. It’s just strange since the kids played all night and we stayed out on the deck drinking and talking til it was bed time for the kids. My wife and I finally just gave up trying to figure out what exactly happened lol


An exceptional poster.

Fri, Jul 19, 2019 10:08 PM

We moved to Denver and bought something cheap, nearer to our workplaces, that we're hoping to turn into a rental for residents/students in a year or two when we figure out where we actually want to live.

On one side is a retired vet in his 50s, who I assume must be living off some form of disability; he's home every day. I watched him drive home drunk and hit his 2nd vehicle while trying to parallel park a few days ago. He's friendly, though, so at least there's that.

On the other side is a racist veteran woman in her 70s who is receiving chemo for metastatic breast cancer. I mow her lawn for her and have to hear her talk about how the Mexicans are ruining our country each time she inevitably comes out to try to pay me $5 for my labor. We put up a privacy fence and try not to interact with them more than we need.


Senior Member

Fri, Jul 19, 2019 10:15 PM
posted by OSH

House to our right is a gay man....We constantly have people at our house and he thinks we have orgy parties. ...

The gay guy thinks YOU have orgies....LOL, he probably voted for Trump.


Senior Member

Sat, Jul 20, 2019 7:41 AM

Related by marriage to three neighbors, who in turn are related to several others in close proximity.


Senior Member

Sat, Jul 20, 2019 12:00 PM

  I know most of the folks on my street, either personally or by name (many of the seniors have been there since the homes were built).  On a first-name basis with our next-door neighbors on either side, and in the two closest homes across the street.

Lived in my neighborhood since 1962, one street from where I grew up, so I remember most of the families who lived there back then.  Taking a walk around here is like having my my own personal time machine.

I'm not saying the folks here are nosy or keep track of what's going on, but my wife was laughing when I bought my first riding mower a few months ago, because 3 or 4 retirees came out to watch me mow for the first  time.  Then one of them came over later and just started explaining to me what I was doing wrong.  Good neighbors around here.




333 - I'm only half evil

Sat, Jul 20, 2019 7:55 PM

I'm lucky in the fact that I don't live in a town. I live on an old country road. I can see my neighbors houses in the winter when the trees are bare but they're nowhere "close" to me. I've known them all my life, actually. The guy (family) up the road from me is almost family. His brother married my dad's sister. He has horses too so we just let our horses run together and rotate the fields. He also helps me lay down/bale/barn hay for part of it. The woman down the road is the sister-in-law of the guy up the road. She minds her own business but is nice enough.
The road past all of us is closed due to a landslide so there is no longer any through-traffic so lots and lots of privacy and quiet.


Honorable Admin

Sat, Jul 20, 2019 8:50 PM
posted by CenterBHSFan

I'm lucky in the fact that I don't live in a town. I live on an old country road. I can see my neighbors houses in the winter when the trees are bare but they're nowhere "close" to me. I've known them all my life, actually. The guy (family) up the road from me is almost family. His brother married my dad's sister. He has horses too so we just let our horses run together and rotate the fields. He also helps me lay down/bale/barn hay for part of it. The woman down the road is the sister-in-law of the guy up the road. She minds her own business but is nice enough.
The road past all of us is closed due to a landslide so there is no longer any through-traffic so lots and lots of privacy and quiet.

Sounds fantastic. Seriously. 


Senior Member

Sun, Jul 21, 2019 11:59 AM

moved in almost a yr ago. family on left is quiet but nice. people on the right are noisy and have lots of vehicles but the kid who is 20 helps me out with minor fixing around house etc 


Chief Shenanigans Officer

Tue, Jul 30, 2019 5:13 PM

The neighbors on one side (the ones whose porch roof was destroyed earlier this year) have been there for about 25 years ... a good 18 years longer than we've been in ours.  Given the circumstances of said porch, we're not really on very good terms right now (though the husband and I still get along and chat when the wives aren't around).  Up until then, however, we knew each other cordially and got along.

The other side has had no fewer than five tenants since we moved in, all but one of which were there less than a year.  It's an absolute shit hole, and the landlord is a slumlord.  Most of the people he leases to don't pay, further wreck the place, and he evicts them.  It's a cycle.  The current tenant is subletting to her nephew who was hospitalized a couple weeks ago when he was involved in an altercation.

I'm contemplating going in with my brother-in-law to buy him out of it and just level the property and use it as a big side yard.  The house is such a dumb that I could probably offer him cash in the high four figures for it.


Senior Member

Wed, Jul 31, 2019 2:36 PM

We moved just over a year ago.

Most of the people around us are just weekenders and I have gotten to know a few but for the most part the day to day life there isn a whole lot of people in our neighborhood.


Senior Member

Wed, Jul 31, 2019 3:16 PM

I have 7 abutting neighbors on my 3.5 acres and I get along with only one of them.  The other six have all encroached on my land in one way or another. Most of it is over mowing, trying to make their property appear bigger. One of the most asshole of them filed a civil complaint against us for adverse possession (squatter’s rights).  We settled that by forcing them to pay us. 


Chief Shenanigans Officer

Wed, Jul 31, 2019 3:31 PM
posted by BRF

I have 7 abutting neighbors on my 3.5 acres and I get along with only one of them.  The other six have all encroached on my land in one way or another. Most of it is over mowing, trying to make their property appear bigger. One of the most asshole of them filed a civil complaint against us for adverse possession (squatter’s rights).  We settled that by forcing them to pay us. 

WTF?  Is this in Orrville?


Senior Member

Wed, Jul 31, 2019 3:34 PM
posted by O-Trap

WTF?  Is this in Orrville?



Chief Shenanigans Officer

Wed, Jul 31, 2019 3:44 PM
posted by BRF


Was the squatter Dennis?  😂😂😂


Senior Member

Wed, Jul 31, 2019 3:46 PM
posted by O-Trap

Was the squatter Dennis?  😂😂😂

Hahaha!   No. 

But he is actually living down the street from me!


Chief Shenanigans Officer

Wed, Jul 31, 2019 3:56 PM
posted by BRF

Hahaha!   No. 

But he is actually living down the street from me!

Tent, or does he have an actual house now?


Senior Member

Wed, Jul 31, 2019 4:03 PM
posted by O-Trap

Tent, or does he have an actual house now?

An actual house


Chief Shenanigans Officer

Wed, Jul 31, 2019 4:40 PM
posted by BRF

An actual house

Damn!  Moving up in the world after his little cult-leader-like experience.  lol


Senior Member

Wed, Jul 31, 2019 4:45 PM
posted by O-Trap

Damn!  Moving up in the world after his little cult-leader-like experience.  lol

I’m going to pm you. 


Senior Member

Wed, Jul 31, 2019 5:18 PM

I moved to my current house back in March and have not seen or talked to my neighbors on the right. All I know is they have a large white dog. The left side neighbors I only know their names and that they have at least 1 kid. They came by once to ask if we got a package that should have gone to them when we first moved in but that was the only time I've talk to them... Delivery drivers can't seem to figure out houses and we get a package of theirs at least once a month. Then the people across the street are an older couple. And I've only talked to them once when they gave us spare keys that the old owners had given them for emergencies/check on things.