Vote by Mail

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Thu, Aug 20, 2020 11:12 AM

message if masks work we can vote in person sign

Dr Winston O'Boogie

Senior Member

Thu, Aug 20, 2020 11:39 AM
posted by Automatik

You said fraught. Know the meanings of your words. 

I think you just pulled a CC.


Senior Member

Sun, Aug 30, 2020 8:11 PM
posted by gut

Just expand early voting.  Most places already have at least 10-11 days to do that, it seems.  Open polls for 2 weeks straight ahead of Nov. 4....everyone can vote Nov. 4th, or you have 3 days out of the 14 to vote (according to your last name).

I don't know how you can expand early voting any more than it already it.  Not sure if other Ohio counties are different, but Franklin County has 19 straight days of in-person voting Oct 12-30, weekends included.   

In 2008, Dems pushed for early voting as the solution to "rock the vote" - done.  In 2020, it's "we need to vote by mail, not in person!" - and everyone seems to have forgotten about the expanded opportunities already in place.

Here's the disconnect for me - assuming younger (read: liberal) voters are leading the push for vote-by-mail, that's the same demographic that eschews mail in general, especially "important" first-class mail.  Just curious why the younger generation would even consider putting something in the mailbox nowadays.

I trust USPS - I trust the mails.  But here's the thing:  If I'm part of a group of 500,000 voters who all send their votes in by mail, there is always a small percentage of those mailpieces that will be lost or chewed up by machines  It's one thing to have an electric bill payment get lost in the mail.  You can always stop payment on the old check and send them a new one, and it will still count as paid.  But if my vote is one of 5 that don't make it in time to be counted, then I've given up my right to choose for that day.

Assuming the little guy in the statehouse doesn't pull another last-minute shenanigan like he did this spring, I'll be going in person to pull the virtual touch-screen lever.  Better odds for it to actually matter.


Senior Member

Mon, Aug 31, 2020 2:55 AM
posted by Zunardo

I don't know how you can expand early voting any more than it already it.

I don't know, either.  I just know it's guaranteed to illegitimatize the election.