
Youngstown needs a new conference

  • Al Bundy
    Bluepride13 wrote: In 92 JFK went 7-3 and all 3 losses were in that league. They won it all as an 8 seed. So quit crying that you may not make it with with a few losses.
    Bluepride, I think you might be thinking of the 91 season when JFK won it all. They were a 4 seed (only 4 made it to the playoffs at that time). In 92, they lost in the finals.
  • Paladin
    Whatever you do , Mooney44Cards, don't get on your knees. Please don't beg. Whine, yes. We can tolerate that and laugh at you but don't lose your dignity and beg for a league and games with public schools. Be a man.

    And stop picking on poor old Brungard. Thats not going to get people to repect Mooney. You embarrass Mooney with your comments. Thats not the only public school around that doesn't schedule the University of Mooney.

    IGGY. ED'S. GLORY !!

    Onward !!
  • SQ_Crazies
    Bunch of wimps around here if you ask me. If some of these guys are scared of Mooney and Ursuline then what are you playing for? Clearly not state titles--good message to send to your kids. This could be a GREAT conference IMO.
  • Dean Wormer
    Paladin wrote: Congrats. Since you have two games not with parochials , that leaves you a spot for Iggy & Ed's. Go get 'em boys !! :P
    As 44 has already said Moeller is on the schedule for next year. Mooney already has Iggy and St. Ed's freshmen teams and with wimps like you running the public schools I am sure it will only be a matter of time until Mooney puts their varsity teams on the schedule.
  • SQ_Crazies
    Fat, drunk, and stupid is no way to go through life.
    That is an incredibly bogus statement! ;)
  • SQ_Crazies
    The funniest thing about this to me is the schedule that Mooney plays every year--they clearly aren't afraid to play anyone. The fact that someone from Mooney has proposed this league would lead me to believe that they have major respect for the local programs--they'd rather not travel all around the state and they can still be very battle tested just playing local teams. There are some GREAT programs around here and a lot of great talent--in a conference like this a lot of them would only get better as well. But hey, I get it--they don't think they can beat Mooney in the playoffs, so they'd rather win 7 to 10 regular season games than play in a tough conference. Like I said, great message to send to the kids--if you're afraid to join a league like this then you clearly aren't playing for state titles. If you're afraid to play them in the regular season then you're sending a clear message that you can't beat them after week 10 if the situation presents itself.
  • cmhs_pride
    Sad, really is. I am a public school guy and still amazes me at how we act when trying to get something accomplished. Is there a reason for the smart ass remarks?

    "Nice try. Strike three. Move your undersized brain out of the Mahoning Valley." What exactly do you accomplish here with comments like this? Man, you must have really been smacked around by parochial school kids in your time for cryin out loud. I'd like to see your mouth run like that in a sitting around the table conversation.
  • SQ_Crazies
    Dude Paladin has been a douche since day one on JJHuddle. Don't let him get to you.
  • cmhs_pride
    You know that you and I don't exactly agree all the time, lol. This time I agree with you, lol. I also agree with your other statements that I read. Obviously, week ten and maybe playoffs are good enough.
  • Bluepride13
    SQ_Crazies wrote: Dude Paladin has been a douche since day one on JJHuddle. Don't let him get to you.

    Sort of sums up everything!
  • Gardens35
    He has a tendency to make stuff up...
  • hrspeedmerchant
    I'm long past complaining about what schools play what schools. Sure, it would be great for area fans if comparable schools played each other, but I'm not going to lose any sleep over it.

    I only wish people would understand that most AD's are doing the right thing and trying to contract with schools that are COMPETITIVE with their own. JFK seems to get bashed for not scheduling Ursuline Mooney. Why? Just because they're both parochial schools? C'mon, does anyone really think that JFK would have a decent chance at beating either of those schools? Hell, the Eagles should be playing St. Ignatius is that is the logic.

    The only rule of thumb that I'd adhere to would be that schools play teams that are of a like size and skill level. Who wants to watch a blowout every Friday night?
  • ytownfootball
    How it is that a certain poster gets under your skin is perplexing. The mere fact that he hides out as an "unbiased" observer without divulging where his allegiance lies does nothing for his credibility. Without the basis of perspective, his comments are not only moot, but laughable.

    Get with the progam ya bunch of neophytes.
  • Bluepride13
    Al Bundy wrote:
    Bluepride13 wrote: In 92 JFK went 7-3 and all 3 losses were in that league. They won it all as an 8 seed. So quit crying that you may not make it with with a few losses.
    Bluepride, I think you might be thinking of the 91 season when JFK won it all. They were a 4 seed (only 4 made it to the playoffs at that time). In 92, they lost in the finals.

    My bad! Thanks. I should have known as my son played on that team. I do remember Poland beating us in week 10 and we just barely got the last spot.
  • cmhs_pride
    Ytownfootball, you are exactly let it go and follow your own advice.
  • ytownfootball
    cmhs_pride wrote: Ytownfootball, you are exactly let it go and follow your own advice.
    Lol...not my style to "advise" anyone on a message board pride, certainly not intentionally anyway.
  • Viking
    Youngstown needs jobs.
  • cmhs_pride
    ytownfootball wrote:
    cmhs_pride wrote: Ytownfootball, you are exactly let it go and follow your own advice.
    Lol...not my style to "advise" anyone on a message board pride, certainly not intentionally anyway.
    I know, lol. I agree with you, trust me. Some people get on my nerves on sites...but for the most part, the majority are entertaining to talk to. Glad to see another jjhuddler aboard.
  • Fly
    Paladin wrote: Ain't going to happen. If Mooney & Ursuline want a league ,call Iggy & Ed's. Thats a place to start. I'd bet money it will be a cold day in he11 when public schools willing agree to add them in a public league. If you really want a league, do what many of the Cleveland or Cincinnati parochials do -- make one of yourselves. Play like minded schools for league competition. Or stop whining -- the deck is stacked for state titles, so leave the league championships to the rest of the kids to compete for. :p
    Mooney and Ursuline already have a football league. It is not official in name, but what do call playing the best D-2 thru D-4 catholic schools in NEO and Columbus every year for 6 or 7 games? I'll simply call it "The Unofficial Parochial Ohio State d-2 thru d-4 League"...........and Mooney has won it just about every year for the last 6 years.
  • Paladin
    In fact, Mooney & Ursuline are still members of the Steel Valley League and play a one game championship annually. Since they control what is left of the league, they should send out invitations to other schools to join their league. Expand the league if you like.

    May I suggest Iggy, Ed's..............................

  • KnightRyder
    that proposal is hysterical ,LOL
  • Paladin
    I agree. Its funny. Who would have thought that Mooney & Ursuline would be afraid to form a league of parochial schools and risk losing games with like-minded competition ?? :P

    And think how easy it would be to only have to find maybe 3 non-league games ( DeSales, Watterson,Pittsburgh C.C. , Moeller, Elder, etc.) while playing the "holy war" games with Iggy , Eds, SVSM and Walsh for a league title ?? :D Playing for a real title. Of course, it carries risk -- like losing.;)
  • Dean Wormer
    Paladin wrote: I agree. Its funny. Who would have thought that Mooney & Ursuline would be afraid to form a league of parochial schools and risk losing games with like-minded competition ?? :P

    And think how easy it would be to only have to find maybe 3 non-league games ( DeSales, Watterson,Pittsburgh C.C. , Moeller, Elder, etc.) while playing the "holy war" games with Iggy , Eds, SVSM and Walsh for a league title ?? :D Playing for a real title. Of course, it carries risk -- like losing.;)
    So you're saying that the only way for Mooney and Ursuline to lose is to play other parochial schools? You sure are selling the public schools short aren't you? You continue to amaze me with your stupidity.
  • Paladin
    No one is selling the public schools short. Its clear that they should organize a parochial league and look at non-league games with parochials as well. The publics won't be playing them until the play-offs. If they get beat in their 10 game schedule, it will be by one of the 10 parochials they scheduled.

    Go Cards -- Beat Iggy, Eds,etc. :p
  • genghis dong
    Paladin wrote: I agree. Its funny. Who would have thought that Mooney & Ursuline would be afraid to form a league of parochial schools and risk losing games with like-minded competition ?? :P

    And think how easy it would be to only have to find maybe 3 non-league games ( DeSales, Watterson,Pittsburgh C.C. , Moeller, Elder, etc.) while playing the "holy war" games with Iggy , Eds, SVSM and Walsh for a league title ?? :D Playing for a real title. Of course, it carries risk -- like losing.;)
    We played Desales this year twice. We play Watterson and SVSM every year. Walsh dropped us, and we have Moeller and Ed's next year. So I guess Mooney would be affriad to play these teams.