Confederations Cup is meaningless, to me. It's just a made-up Cup, just like 2016 Copa America. It has no bearing on anything. I'd rather focus on making sure everything is in line for Russia 2018. Confederations Cup history is lackluster for World Cup success. I'd rather have WC success than Confederations Cup success.
The biggest thing JK did was alienate the entire USSF/MLS "good ol' boys club." He railed against MLS and its system. Guys need to play elsewhere. MLS needs promotion/relegation. Players are too comfortable. They aren't being pushed. Once this happened, he had a huge hole to get himself out of.
JK gets a lot of crap, of which, I'm not sure is deserved. We do not know any pressures he had with keeping players. He let Landycakes sit home Brazil 2014 and look what happened? I'm sure he was forced to take others after that debacle. I still think it was the right decision to leave him home, look at him after and now. Playing people out of position? Any top-level player should be able to adjust at a variety of positions, especially if it's putting the best team out there. The roles and abilities to play multiple positions aren't that different. If they are, then it shows we have A LONG WAY TO GO with player development. Let us not forget, Arena had Bornstein at LB, Beasley got his long run up top that was unsuccessful, and multiple other doings (2006 WC flop).
I watched both matches against Mexico and Costa Rico. I even went back and watched Costa Rico again. Absolutely garbage play. Had nothing to do with coaching...except it is his fault for not having players out there who'll actually play. But, how can a coach predict that? Those goals are laughable and have little to do with tactics OR player selection. High school and college players defend better. High school and college players pass better. Players failed the USMNT, not the coach. Silly to think a coach prevents those goals from happening. It's simple defending.
Only 1-2 players have ever said anything negative about JK in his tenure: Feilhaber, Landycakes, and possibly Bradley (about playing ACM over DCM). Feilhaber and Landy are sourpusses for not getting selected. Other than that, nothing. We've seen many praising him about giving them an opportunity and life with the USMNT (Beckerman is one who can thank JK for salvaging a career there). I'm sure there'll be more coming out about JK in the near future. I hope there is.
But, I go back...what has Arena done to warrant this? MLS/USSF handed him everything at LA and he has failed. He has done nothing to push US Soccer to the forefront in his own backyard. He's only complained about JK...while being hypocritical at the same time. No coach has ever been given the luxuries that Arena has...and failed miserably.