
Game 2: Cards vs. Reds

  • mhs95_06
    Stubbs ahead 2-1 swings at a bad ball up to make it 2-2 instead of 3-1, then is set-up for the K on another big swing!
  • CinciX12
    6-3 Cards

    Got a run off a Cabrera double down the 3rd base line.
  • CinciX12
    All of them are just trying to piss you off now mhs!
  • mhs95_06
    Hernandez lead-off double was big in that it took away the force for a DP, allowing the next two hitters to take controlled swings at only strikes and walks or try to punch it thru the infield. But als Nix and Stubbs are very bad situational hitters and failed miserably! Cabrerra at least got a run in for the inning with the possibility of another with just a single.
  • jordo212000
    Cabrera has showed up tonight. Can't really say the same for everybody else
  • jordo212000
    mhs95_06 wrote: Hernandez lead-off double was big in that it took away the force for a DP, allowing the next two hitters to take controlled swings at only strikes and walks or try to punch it thru the infield. But als Nix and Stubbs are very bad situational hitters and failed miserably! Cabrerra at least got a run in for the inning with the possibility of another with just a single.
    Granted both guys screwed the pooch... but I think it is a little premature to declare Stubbs a bad situational hitter
  • CinciX12
    At least they didn't f'ing fall down like Votto did on his first pitch failure.
  • mhs95_06
    Votto taking lessons from the others bad approaches. Three runs down, runner in scoring position, a homer and you are still behind. Just plink that 1-1 fastball on the outside edge into LF for an RBI and bring the tying run to the plate!
  • mhs95_06
    Badly need a baserunner to start the 9th, down 3 against a shaky closer, and Phillips hits it in the SS/3B hole, a tough play and dogs it down the line not putting any pressure on the throw frow Ryan!
  • mhs95_06
    Looks to me like Rolen's back is bothering him after he ran hard to 1B.
  • mhs95_06
    Now Bruce, a HR or EBH is NOT on the needs list!
  • mhs95_06
    Neither is a homer or EBH needed from Gomes!