
Animal Cruelty

  • Midstate01
    My dog would not hurt someone if they actually came in the house. I don't think any way. But first bang on the door or any noise at a door and he goes crazy. And it absolutely would make someone think twice before trying to come on in.
  • se-alum
    Midstate01;1590634 wrote:My dog would not hurt someone if they actually came in the house. I don't think any way. But first bang on the door or any noise at a door and he goes crazy. And it absolutely would make someone think twice before trying to come on in.
    Unless that person had opposable thumbs holding a weapon and really wanted in your house.
  • majorspark
    When the owner is home a dog's bark alerts him that something is up. Dog's hear and smell shit we can't. If someone attempted to enter my house at 3 am my dogs would go off like an alarm. I would wake up immediately and be in defense mode. I have young adult children so sometimes they come home pretty late when they are at the house and the dogs bark until they recognize them. But most times I do know when they are the likely source of the barking.

    Unless an intruder knows a dog or dogs are alone in the house their barking will be alerting others to the intruders presence. Even if armed an intruder likely does not know if the owner is armed. He will have to think twice about taking the chance.
  • Manhattan Buckeye
    Apologies if this has already been posted, but more evidence about the problem:

    Very sad
  • hang_loose
    Use common sense for your animals. You're the one they depend on and the happiest to see you when you get home!

    I can't remember where I read this little joke at but "if you lock your wife and dog in the trunk of your car for a hour, who's going to be happier to see you when you open it up"?:RpS_w00t: