

  • gerb131
    Driving range is only good for 1 or maybe 2 times before you do the real thing. IMO driving ranges are virtually a waste of money. Although if you go to a nice enough place and get range balls before your round than thats solid advice.
  • darbypitcher22
    This is why I love playing private golf... don't have some of the numskulls like these guys playing at our courses....

    most of the members follow proper protocol on the range, except for hogging a whole barrel of 500 balls to themselves and hitting the whole thing before they start a round....

    Now, if we could just get guys to stop dropping 2 balls to play at a time when they're by themselves and there's groups behind them, we could be alright
  • chief_wigam
    Ingnorance to the law is not a viable defense. If you don't know proper ettiquette keep your ass on the courses where all the weekend hacks go, and hit off their artificial turf mats. Leave the good practice tees to the people who give a shit about the other golfers who may follow them.
  • Glory Days
    chief_wigam wrote: Ingnorance to the law is not a viable defense. If you don't know proper ettiquette keep your ass on the courses where all the weekend hacks go, and hit off their artificial turf mats. Leave the good practice tees to the people who give a shit about the other golfers who may follow them.
    maybe it was just me, but it took 10 or 15 websites before i even saw this specific etiquette mentioned. it doesnt seem to be the most well known i guess.
  • Big_Mirg_ZHS