
Would you want a jehovah witness coaching your child?

  • Nate
    We also had someone outside of the coaching staff lead in prayer. The team was always fine with it.
  • Gblock
    GoChiefs wrote: If the coach was a Christian and was invited members of the team to church..would you still have started this thread?
    jw's are christians
  • GoChiefs
    Gblock wrote:
    GoChiefs wrote: If the coach was a Christian and was invited members of the team to church..would you still have started this thread?
    jw's are christians
    Yes..I'm aware of that..but you know what I was getting at. LOL Fixed it. :p
  • noreply66
    I didn't know Witnesses coached.

    Most Kingdom Halls stay away from this sort of thing.

    If so they should be aloud or not aloud to do what any other religion does.

    IT sounds like the guy is new at the Kingdom Hall and really hasn't been talked to by and Elder.
  • Con_Alma
    I'd have no problem with it.
  • UA5straightin2008
    noreply66 wrote: I didn't know Witnesses coached.

    Most Kingdom Halls stay away from this sort of thing.

    If so they should be aloud or not aloud to do what any other religion does.

    IT sounds like the guy is new at the Kingdom Hall and really hasn't been talked to by and Elder.
  • Gblock
    noreply66 wrote: I didn't know Witnesses coached.

    Most Kingdom Halls stay away from this sort of thing.

    If so they should be aloud or not aloud to do what any other religion does.

    IT sounds like the guy is new at the Kingdom Hall and really hasn't been talked to by and Elder.

    i agree with this. new members really wouldnt be having meetings at there house. the meetings would be held at the kingdom hall. most likely he would be having someone come to his house and study with him. as far as sports they dont encourage their children to play because of the extendend time you would spend around those who could possibly influence you to bad things. it is not a rule or anything though, they would just rather you spend your free time going door to door spreading the good news.

    if this story is true he is a "rogue" member. it definitly isnt policy or encouraged by JW's.. however its probably just someone's kid not getting pt and someone doesnt like it.
  • pepperpot
    noreply66 wrote: I didn't know Witnesses coached.

    Most Kingdom Halls stay away from this sort of thing.

    If so they should be aloud or not aloud to do what any other religion does.

    IT sounds like the guy is new at the Kingdom Hall and really hasn't been talked to by and Elder.
    I am also surprised that he would be coaching. Most Witnesses that I know donot get involved in any type of activity outside of their church.
  • UA5straightin2008
    pepperpot wrote:
    noreply66 wrote: I didn't know Witnesses coached.

    Most Kingdom Halls stay away from this sort of thing.

    If so they should be aloud or not aloud to do what any other religion does.

    IT sounds like the guy is new at the Kingdom Hall and really hasn't been talked to by and Elder.
    I am also surprised that he would be coaching. Most Witnesses that I know donot get involved in any type of activity outside of their church.

    see this post
    Gblock wrote:

    i agree with this. new members really wouldnt be having meetings at there house. the meetings would be held at the kingdom hall. most likely he would be having someone come to his house and study with him. as far as sports they dont encourage their children to play because of the extendend time you would spend around those who could possibly influence you to bad things. it is not a rule or anything though, they would just rather you spend your free time going door to door spreading the good news.

    if this story is true he is a "rougue" member. it definitly isnt policy or encouraged by JW's.. however its probably just someone's kid not getting pt and someone doesnt like it.
  • Squirmydog
    It depends on the policy of the school board too. IMHO, the coach is considered to be an authority figure, and I can see where a kid could feel pressure to attend, especially at his home. A student led prayer is fine as long as it is considered optional. I am biased though, my kids go to a school where prayer is expected. I would be honored to send my child to the coach's home for a prayer meeting or bible study. The difference is, I know the coach very well and we are on the same page spiritually.
    I know when GCC schedules games with public schools, an offer is extended to gather in prayer after a game. All of the schools last year took advantage of the opportunity to gather in praise, win or lose. It is optional for them of course.
    We live in the United States, where we should be free to worship, or not, as we see fit in our own hearts without fear.
  • cbus4life
    Probably a pedophile.
  • thePITman
    Our basketball team says the Lord's prayer before every game. Then at the end of every varsity game, the team kneels at center court and prays together. Sometimes opposing teams join us, which is great to see. All this is student led and/or optional. I think it's great that the kids continue to do this year after year.
  • j_crazy
    he wouldn't coach my kids (i'm catholic, aka, the whore of babylon).
  • buckeyefalls
    JW's are not "Christians." Just because they say they are doesn't make them one.

    Therefore, if I say I am a football star, does that make me one?

    Anyways, to the original subject, I agree with the postings of many. If he is not forcing or "preaching" his thoughts during practices, okay.

    If he invites his students, their families, etc. to his house for Bible Study, he has that right as long as it isn't on "school/sporting time."
  • I Wear Pants
    My wrestling team always said the lords prayer before matches. Never was a problem.

    As long as this man doesn't pressure the kids to come to his prayer meetings then it isn't an issue at all.
  • lhslep134
    We did the Lord's Prayer before games and I just refused to do it because I'm Jewish. Coaches didn't mind.
  • said_aouita
    Heretic wrote: Wouldn't be worse than any other Christian-type cult member.
    This. /\
  • Fab4Runner
    johngrizzly wrote: I've never been involved with any team that didn't pray before a game. We prayed for God's blessing that we were lucky enough to play a game on a great day that we are playing on, then we prayed for safety for our players and opposing players. Sometimes, depending on how bad our ass was going to get kicked, we prayed for a miracle.

    Then during the game we went out and Mother F'ed the opposing team, sometimes played dirty and sometimes we would get into a fight. Our coach would cuss us out, parents would cuss the coach out, then parents would sometimes fight each other.

    Then after the game, win or lose, we would go out and get drunk. We would also try to have unprotected sex with females who were also intoxicated, most would drive their vehicles way over the limit of DUI.

    Now that it's over, I think we should have prayed for many more things. Lord have mercy.
  • onedawgpain
    sleeper wrote: I don't think that's proper, but I also think churches should be burned to the ground.
    WOW, aren't you a tough guy. I gotta a family member that would certainly make you pray to some god. Takes alot of balls to say that from a keyboard......
  • september63
    I recognize sarcasm. Perhaps onedawgpain you need too also. It was a dumb post he made about burning churches, but your reply wasnt very Christian like either.
  • j_crazy
    onedawgpain wrote:
    sleeper wrote: I don't think that's proper, but I also think churches should be burned to the ground.
    WOW, aren't you a tough guy. I gotta a family member that would certainly make you pray to some god. Takes alot of balls to say that from a keyboard......
    if they don't pay taxes, they shouldn't exist. I'm with Sleeper on that one.
  • homefield
    Gblock wrote:
    noreply66 wrote: I didn't know Witnesses coached.

    Most Kingdom Halls stay away from this sort of thing.

    If so they should be aloud or not aloud to do what any other religion does.

    IT sounds like the guy is new at the Kingdom Hall and really hasn't been talked to by and Elder.
    i agree with this. new members really wouldnt be having meetings at there house. the meetings would be held at the kingdom hall. most likely he would be having someone come to his house and study with him. as far as sports they dont encourage their children to play because of the extendend time you would spend around those who could possibly influence you to bad things. it is not a rule or anything though, they would just rather you spend your free time going door to door spreading the good news.

    if this story is true he is a "rogue" member. it definitly isnt policy or encouraged by JW's.. however its probably just someone's kid not getting pt and someone doesnt like it.
    The story is true and i don't have kids at that school but i am told that he switched his religion about a year ago and has been coaching for many years before that.I just don't thnk it is proper to invite kids to your house for any meeting about religion.
  • Fab1b
    onedawgpain wrote:
    sleeper wrote: I don't think that's proper, but I also think churches should be burned to the ground.
    WOW, aren't you a tough guy. I gotta a family member that would certainly make you pray to some god. Takes alot of balls to say that from a keyboard......
    Why a family member, can't do it yourself? :)
  • homefield
    GoChiefs wrote: If the coach was of the same faith as you and was inviting members of the team to church..would you still have started this thread?
    I don't think the coach being the same faith as me has anything to do with this thread but i do not think you should discuss religion with kids during school hours unless you are at a catholic school and i just think that you are using your influence with the kids to try and make them follow your beliefs when you have them come to your house without their parents for prayer meetings.
  • buckeyefalls
    september63 - sarcasm is sarcasm but that guy always has comments like that and unfortunately, I am sure he means most of them.

    Why should churches pay taxes? Heck, the government doesn't want church and state to mingle at all so why should the church have to pay taxes to a government that wants nothing to do with them?

    Anyways, in a way, churches do pay taxes. The employees still pay taxes to the government.

    Additionally, as I see it, most churches support local government agencies and programs (i.e. food pantries and related ministries) with their money. Maybe if the "government" would do more the church wouldn't have to....oh, but wait, that's the church's responsibility anyways. ;)