Mods should be held to a higher standard than...
MANAZEI'm done with this. there is no point in it. No matter what you say or do he just has a response from left field, so I'm out before I get banned again.
Mr. 300I never said you called all cops pigs. I said you called cops pigs. Personal attack rule being enforced - Heretic Not hard to comprehend.
dwccrewEnder Wiggin wrote: I dont think its the same however going from a racial term for a certain group to a more encompassing term about a job. But I do understand what you mean.dwccrew wrote: So one deragotory term is ok, but the other is not?
Actually, you did. In the first post I have quoted here. I even bolded where you said something about it and how you think they are not comparable. So answer the question. Since you feel they are not comparable, do you feel one is worse than the other or will you keep deflecting?Ender Wiggin wrote:
I dont care if you use a derogatory term or not, I dont think they are comparable, but I dont care if you use one. I never said one thing about them. So I ask again where are you going with this?
Ender WigginWell has been whats that phrase "When you assume things you....." something like that, Dont assume, that would solve a lot. I never once said anything about a mod wronging me, that should end that right there. And I used every as a hyperbole, I guess my mistake was overestimating people here. I can find posts of other people using hyperbole as well about things if needed. And you keep saying LJ found this, but I found many of the same. Either way, that still leaves the fact that I told a mod they could change it if they could. And lastly if I was so hung up on race, why did NONE of my posts even insinuate race? It wasnt a big deal to me. I explained why I put black in the title but others wanted to make it into something else, yet when I asked why did none of my posts have anything race related, no one could think of anything to say.
And for your last point, I only think its different due to the general usages of the respective words. I have no problem with you referring to whoever as whatever you want, thats your feelings of them. I could care less how you feel about them, I dont see how that is important or related to anything here. Like, what are you trying to get at with this? The only thing I can say is that anyone can be a pig, but not everyone can be a N***** or a S*** etc, those are related strictly to their race. Thats the only difference I spoke about, not whether its right to use them or not. Please dont try and say I said that.
I used pig because those officers were not being honorable to the badge on their chest.
I still just dont see where youre going with this though, I apologize. -
MANAZEoff topic dwccrew who is the man in your avatar? he looks a lot like a guy I use to work with.
dwccrewpnhasbeen wrote:
How aren't they comparable? They are both derogatory terms towards a group of people.Ender Wiggin wrote:
I dont care if you use a derogatory term or not, I dont think they are comparable, but I dont care if you use one. I never said one thing about them. So I ask again where are you going with this?dwccrew wrote: So one deragotory term is ok, but the other is not?
Ender lives in his/her own fantasy land. No one here is agreeing or seeing the point that is not being made. It's a bunch of rambling that only makes sense to Ender Wiggin. -
See the movie 'The Big Lebowski' and a character named Walter Sobchak.MANAZE wrote: off topic dwccrew who is the man in your avatar? he looks a lot like a guy I use to work with. -
MANAZEI seen that years ago when it first came out but haven't watched it since didn't think it was funny but now that I'm older I might get it more. I'll have to check it out again.
First, Justin's actual comment was "We've been extremely lax in enforcing them (i.e. we haven't)". As the #1 dude in charge here, he is also a mod and has the same powers to deliver justice to the masses as any of us.Ender Wiggin wrote: I cant speak for Justing outright, but he wouldnt have mentioned them and their lack of modding if it wasnt a problem, al beit a small one, however he was still talking about the content, which I brought up as well. What dont you understand about that? And I dont love saying that, its just what people do here. But thanks for thinking about me
Second, us mods do discuss things concerning the rules and their enforcement. And have been a lot recently. There really is a fine line between being lenient and becoming as gestapo as the JJ people wound up...especially since everyone likely has different views on what a cut-off line should be. And since, as a group, we're a lot more personable than the overall JJ group (where some were good people, but others were aloof and/or assholes) and are constantly bantering in our own (if somewhat insane at times) ways with everyone, some of us (definitely including me) do get over-the-top at times. It's hard to legit say "I'm going to mod these guys for stuff when I've said this sort of thing before." without feeling like a hypocrite.
It is a weird thing to be a mod of a remotely busy site (my SIG'D video game site has a good deal of content, but very little forum activity, so I do next to nothing as far as work dealing with that aspect). If you take things SERIOUS BUSINESS-ily, you'll get looked at as an asshole. But if you hang loose and do your own thing (mess with others and whatever), you'll have "should be held to a higher standard" threads made about you.
I'm a flexible dude as far as things go. I can be as laid-back or sadistically brutal as people want. It's just a matter of how far you want to delve into the "be careful what you ask for, you might get it" territory. Because if you're going to be strict with the rules, you have to be that way with everyone. That's why I haven't taken any action against Mt more serious than seriously messing with wouldn't be fair to banhammer him for being a nuisance poster when so many of us (including me) love setting him off for the sheer joy of reading his attempts at comebacks.
To the OP: If this was the old Huddle, you'd would be on suspension for a few months or banned for even starting a thread like this (especially adding in the part where you specifically mentioned LJ and myself). That's one thing I think is great about this place: the fact people can question "management" without getting culled immediately. Let's be honest, you've had a PM-war with GoChiefs and have been battling LJ through a few threads. On the old site, the "higher standard" would have involved banning you immediately for daring to question those in power. -
Ender WigginMr 300, thats your opinion that im a doucher. THats fine, Im sorry I just dont have respect for people that arent honorable in their work. I dont know what else to say for you to understand. Ill ask you, the cops that tamper with evidence or falsely arrest people or do something dishonorable like that, what is your opionion of them?
Dwcrew, that last part was in response to the closed topic from a few days ago where people were trying to say I was making it racial, but I asked them to point out in my posts where I said anything racial.
And I havent deflected anything thank you, everythign someone said about me I asnwered straight, please show me where I "deflected" anything please. I will wait.
Now to answer your question, I dont feel one is worse than the other, its apples to oranges, I just feel they arent comparable due to relating to different things. Thats just my feelings on the subject. -
I'm worn out on the other topic. You can say you won if you want.Ender Wiggin wrote: The only thing I can say is that anyone can be a pig, but not everyone can be a N***** or a S*** etc, those are related strictly to their race.
How can anyone be a pig when it's a term used for cops? Using that thinking, anyone can be a nigger or a spic. And, now this is a long time ago, I heard a black man say that niggers are black and white. If you don't take my word for it, it's fine because I really don't think I'll ever be able to find the link. The man went on to say that the n word has evolved over time. It is now in the eyes of many people a term used to degrade PEOPLE in general. He says, yes it originally degraded black people only, but now if anyone is called it, they are offended.
So which is it? Can they all be used for anyone or is it only for the specific groups? You can't cut the cake and choose the piece you want, too. -
MANAZEI like cake, can we have cake, is there cake, I want cake now.
Well you deflected in every post up until this one where you finally answered a question I had to ask you twice (as made evident by the highlighted sentence). Thank you for answering, finally.Ender Wiggin wrote:
And I havent deflected anything thank you, everythign someone said about me I asnwered straight, please show me where I "deflected" anything please. I will wait.
Now to answer your question, I dont feel one is worse than the other, its apples to oranges, I just feel they arent comparable due to relating to different things. Thats just my feelings on the subject. -
Ender WigginIm well aware of how things were on JJ I was there for a loooong time, youd be surpised if I told you who I was on there, Heretic. I dont see how that relates though, I wasnt badmouthing the mod in the sense where im saying "you mod pieces of shit fucking suck, blah blah blah etc" I belive I mentioned about the mods regarding things, IE, like the subject of the topic. Its not my fault this has been railroaded, im not sure how I live in my own fantasy world. Nothing ive said has been bad. I made one comment and it has snowballed
I just dont get all the hostility. And im not the only one that has said something about, people are ignoring that though as usual because it doesnt work with their argument. -
No, it hasn't been bad, it just hasn't been correct either. It's all your opinion, which is fine, but it is an opinion than most on here don't agree with, so just give it up. You have voiced your opinion. Most likely nothing will change, so if you are upset and don't like the way things are being ran from the top (i.e. the mods and the standards they are held to) find another site in which the mods are held to a standard more of your liking.Ender Wiggin wrote: Nothing ive said has been bad. I made one comment and it has snowballed
Be NiceAs I've even stated before.... this site had a lot of potential. I only get on here for amusement now. This part of the site has went down hill and most of the intellect posted leaves a lot to be desired.
Ender WigginIll ask again please point out where I deflected if I did it all up until that last post. I answered your question the first time I saw it which was in your last post.
And I mean any race can be a pig, IE, you can have Black, WHite, Latino, Asian, Indian, Purple, Klingon or Ninja Cops. Not anyone in general, I thought that was obvious, come on man....
Thats why it wasnt linked to race at all. People tried to say I was "hating" on white cops. BUt when I asked them to point out where I said anything about anyones race, they couldnt and didnt have anything to say.
Ive never heard anyone use the N word to anyone other than a black person, maybe its because we may be in different parts of the world etc.
But alas, ill ask this to whoever, what was it that I said in this topic that is so wrong? Just so I know what I did. Just let me know what caused all this angst. Thank you. -
Ender Wiggin
What have I said that wasnt correct? I didnt just pick something and run with it. Its not my opinion when there are antagonizing topics and posts on the board, thats hard facts that I had nothing to do with. How is something that you see in front of you an opinion? :-/dwccrew wrote:
No, it hasn't been bad, it just hasn't been correct either. It's all your opinion, which is fine, but it is an opinion than most on here don't agree with, so just give it up. You have voiced your opinion. Most likely nothing will change, so if you are upset and don't like the way things are being ran from the top (i.e. the mods and the standards they are held to) find another site in which the mods are held to a standard more of your liking.
And I knew it was going to come up again, but I never said I didnt like the place or that its not up to my standards. I never said anything but people are still bringing it up as if THAT was fact. And I dont get upset over anything over the internet, so please, leave the veiled condescending comments at the door -
dwccrewdwccrew wrote:
So one deragotory term is ok, but the other is not?Ender Wiggin wrote:
You can call them anything you want, I have no control over what how you feel about what happened to you. I dont think its the same however going from a racial term for a certain group to a more encompassing term about a job. But I do understand what you mean.pnhasbeen wrote: Serious question: If darker skinned person harasses me can I call them the n word?
Another funny thing is that you can freely say pigs in reference to cops, but if I say "nigger" I bet it gets censored and I'm not even referring it to anyone.
Guess it's not censored. Touche.
But I'm sure some people are going to be like "omgwtfhesaidniggeri'msooffended"
2nd edit: I'm sure I'm going to get shit for this, but is it really much different than saying gyped, jewed, spic, honky, etc. It's merely a word. Just a word that people find sooo offensive.
Where are you going with this?dwccrew wrote:Ender Wiggin wrote: I dont think its the same however going from a racial term for a certain group to a more encompassing term about a job. But I do understand what you mean.dwccrew wrote: So one deragotory term is ok, but the other is not?
Actually, you did. In the first post I have quoted here. I even bolded where you said something about it and how you think they are not comparable. So answer the question. Since you feel they are not comparable, do you feel one is worse than the other or will you keep deflecting?Ender Wiggin wrote:
I dont care if you use a derogatory term or not, I dont think they are comparable, but I dont care if you use one. I never said one thing about them. So I ask again where are you going with this?
Um, I had to ask you twice before you answered if one term was ok but the other was not. The first time you said you didn't care if someone used either term and that they weren't comparable. That is a deflection, you didn't answer if one was ok to be used and one wasn't. They are both deragotory terms.Ender Wiggin wrote: Ill ask again please point out where I deflected if I did it all up until that last post. I answered your question the first time I saw it which was in your last post.
Ender Wiggin wrote:
Again, the idea that the mods here need to be held to a higher standard, as you state in the thread title, is your opinion. It's your opinion that they are not being held at a higher standard.dwccrew wrote:
What have I said that wasnt correct? I didnt just pick something and run with it. Its not my opinion when there are antagonizing topics and posts on the board, thats hard facts that I had nothing to do with. How is something that you see in front of you an opinion? :-/
Ender WigginI answered you the first time man....
<i>I dont care if you use a derogatory term or not, I dont think they are comparable, but I dont care if you use one. I never said one thing about them. So I ask again where are you going with this?</i>
There was no deflection at all, you asked if its right to use one and not the other, I said I dont care if you use them or not. :-/ Stop trying to make something out of nothing man.
And mods need to be held at a higher standard in the sense that if they are trying to "clean up" the place as stated, then they shouldnt be the ones making antagonistic topics and posts. Is there something wrong with that statement? -
dwccrewLOL at you thinking that answered the question. The question was " is one ok and not the other?" and you think that was an answer to it? Even pnhasbeen had to re-ask the question I asked, because you didnt' answer the question. LOL, I'm obviously dealing with someone who doesn't have a concept of logic and therefore am done with this topic. Good night.
Ender WigginRofl, I like how you just totally ignored where I did infact answer pnhasbeen, its not my fault he asked again. Like I said people just want to see what they want.
And I also like how I asked you this question 3 times yet you didnt answer. Dont play this game, you just look silly. When you want to actually NOT ignore everything but what you want to see for your argument then we can discuss thing. GIve me a fucking break.
And mods need to be held at a higher standard in the sense that if they are trying to "clean up" the place as stated, then they shouldnt be the ones making antagonistic topics and posts. Is there something wrong with that statement? -
I know what you mean. As I mentioned once before, that one thread where someone was incensed about how the D2 high school girls' basketball team he/she follows wasn't ranked in some Dispatch poll while a D3 team they beat was provided a lot of hilarious content. The part where the OP on that thread couldn't grasp the concept that a quality D2 team beating a quality D3 one doesn't automatically give them mad props compared to the other good D2 schools was especially amusing. And when that OP turned to insults as soon as other people questioned his poor logic, it was HILARIOUS.Be Nice wrote: As I've even stated before.... this site had a lot of potential. I only get on here for amusement now. This part of the site has went down hill and most of the intellect posted leaves a lot to be desired.
In other words, some people should look in the mirror before insulting the quality of "intellect posted". -
Here is me answering your question on page 6.dwccrew wrote:
No, it hasn't been bad, it just hasn't been correct either. It's all your opinion, which is fine, but it is an opinion than most on here don't agree with, so just give it up. You have voiced your opinion. Most likely nothing will change, so if you are upset and don't like the way things are being ran from the top (i.e. the mods and the standards they are held to) find another site in which the mods are held to a standard more of your liking.Ender Wiggin wrote: Nothing ive said has been bad. I made one comment and it has snowballed
Here is me answering you again.dwccrew wrote: Again, the idea that the mods here need to be held to a higher standard, as you state in the thread title, is your opinion. It's your opinion that they are not being held at a higher standard.
What is wrong is that you are claiming your opinion to be fact. There is nothing wrong with you thinking the mods be held at a higher standard, but you claiming that it is a fact is wrong. Kapeesh? opinions can't be facts. Is that clear enough for you, I didn't know I had to answer you 3 times. Talk about seeing only what you want to......Ender Wiggin wrote: Rofl, I like how you just totally ignored where I did infact answer pnhasbeen, its not my fault he asked again. Like I said people just want to see what they want.
And I also like how I asked you this question 3 times yet you didnt answer. Dont play this game, you just look silly. When you want to actually NOT ignore everything but what you want to see for your argument then we can discuss thing. GIve me a fucking break.
And mods need to be held at a higher standard in the sense that if they are trying to "clean up" the place as stated, then they shouldnt be the ones making antagonistic topics and posts. Is there something wrong with that statement?