
PETA protesting an animal celebration.

  • SQ_Crazies

    LOL, PETA, this is why you're a joke, no one takes you seriously and everyone considers your supporters to be nut jobs.

    Seriously, what kind of statement do you make to the average person when you protest in favor of animal rights at an event full of people who love animals? Are they really that stupid? (Maybe not as stupid as that question)
  • bucks36
    These people who spend their life thinking up different things to protest must live really fullfilling lives.
  • pepperpot
    Peta people really need to re-focus their cause. Most of their lastest efforts are really stupid and a waste of time.
  • End of Line
    Stupid people.
  • rookie_j70
    Hey I'm a PETA member....

    The protesters made themselves, their group, and their cause look foolish.
  • ts1227
    Those show dogs get treated better than most humans... PETA just makes no sense.
  • darbypitcher22
    seriously...screw these people
  • Devils Advocate
    I can think of a few other places that their attention is needed

  • cbus4life
    rookie_j70 wrote: Hey I'm a PETA member....

  • thavoice
    They just want their name in the news.

    On groundhog day they wanted Punxatawney Phil to be replaced with a robot version
  • QuakerOats
    They suffer a mental illness, not unlike environmental extremists.
  • Scarlet_Fever
    ts1227 wrote: Those show dogs get treated better than most humans... PETA just makes no sense.
    Exactly. Of course dogs in general have it made. All they do is Eat, Sleep, poop and have sex. (sounds like a mans dream) Plus, if you do a good job at any of those someone will rub your belly.
  • Strapping Young Lad
    Their point was not that the show dogs are being mistreated or that the people there don't love animals. It's that BREEDERS KILL SHELTER DOGS CHANCES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (as the sign read).....

    Christ. That's exactly what the sign says. How could you misconstrue that message????

    That event full of people who love animals are supporting selective breeding which the sum total of costs shelter dogs their lives. Those in a shelter are euthanized because they aren't adopted into homes where purebreds are in favor.

    This has zero to do with the Westminster Dog Show dogs being mistreated. I'm behind PETA on this one and many others.....

    Flew right over your head SQ. Get a clue.....
  • Manhattan Buckeye

    i disagree, I don't think anyone could find a group of people that could horribly misrepresent themselves and be as terrible as the PETA folks. They are horrible, horrible people. I'd be harsher if I didn't think they weren't mentally challenged. These people have issues, and they are bad issues.

    I have a shelter dog, I donate heavily ($1,000+ annually) to the local dog shelter and am looking forward to the charity run in a month to donate more money.

    The PETA folks are idiots. The breeders aren't doing anything that wouldn't be done, they are carrying on bloodlines of animals that have centuries of history, PETA is so far off of the scale they don't even measure.
  • Strapping Young Lad
    There's no doubting this protest brings attention to the topic (it's got us talking, so it's had it's intended effect) therefore i like it.

    Hopefully this attention inspires someone who is looking at a purebred to rethink and adopt a shelter dog , instead. I see no harm coming out of this only potential good.....

    My biggest problem is that SQ had to make a thread about it, while the message obviously was too complex for him (despite the sign that spells it out)....

    I get a little more stupid everytime I read one of his posts and I hate it.
  • WebFire
    Strapping Young Lad wrote: Their point was not that the show dogs are being mistreated or that the people there don't love animals. It's that BREEDERS KILL SHELTER DOGS CHANCES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (as the sign read).....

    Christ. That's exactly what the sign says. How could you misconstrue that message????

    That event full of people who love animals are supporting selective breeding which the sum total of costs shelter dogs their lives. Those in a shelter are euthanized because they aren't adopted into homes where purebreds are in favor.

    This has zero to do with the Westminster Dog Show dogs being mistreated. I'm behind PETA on this one and many others.....

    Flew right over your head SQ. Get a clue.....
    This makes no sense. If there were not breeders, all we would have is mutts running around. I don't want a damn mutt, I want a (insert breed here).

    If all breeders stopped, the shelter population would certainly go down as well. So then we would have no dogs.

    Besides, why is it breeders' fault that people don't care for their dogs, and let them run around having puppies?
  • Manhattan Buckeye
    "Hopefully this attention inspires someone who is looking at a purebred to adopt a shelter dog, instead. I see no harm coming out of this only potential good....."

    That's where your hope fails. It is counter-productive. The people at PETA piss people off so much that there is INDEED harm and there is no potential good.

    I love dogs. Every life is precious. I have a 14 year old pure Lab that is a sweetheart, and I have a 1 year old shelter guy that is equally a sweetheart. They are both my guys....PETA does infinitely more harm than good with their acts. Their protest was ridiculous, and they are ridiculous. They are barely worth posting about it.
  • Strapping Young Lad
    You have no data supporting your idea that hate for PETA causes people to be malicious toward animals welfare via their counter productivness.......

    Or do you??? I'd like to see it. I see alot of celebs in ads (just saw a new one with Tony Gonzalez), I've seen PETA collecting many signatures on petitions at events, i know people who've become more conscious of the way they treat animals due directly to PETA's reps flyers, etc.

    I don't think anyones going to go beat their dog because they're pissed at PETA for protesting. No one's going to start eating meat to spite PETA.....
  • Manhattan Buckeye
    "I don't think anyones going to go beat their dog because they're pissed at PETA for protesting"

    I agree.

    But regular (read: sane) people aren't going to volunteer to do real, helpful work as a result of PETA.

    I work with dogs and the local SPCA despite PETA, again they are a terrible group.
  • SQ_Crazies
    Flew right over my head? HAHA, you're a fucking RETARD then.

    Yeah, I get the message. Did you read my fucking post you small minded fuck? I don't how many times I've done this over and over with you and your biggest problem every time is only reading what you care to read. I totally understand their protest, probably better than most. I personally know a lot of breeders and even though I also disagree with their stance on breeders, I understand it. The problem is they group everyone together, and there are bad breeders but they want you to believe it's all of them. But, my point about this being a stupid protest was that to the average person, protesting at the Westminster dog show is going to totally backfire. Remeber A-V-E-R-A-G-E person. It isn't about the message you're sending, it's about how it's received you jackass. Most people don't have a clue about what they're talking about--all they'll take away from this is exactly what I said--PETA is flat out stupid, they protest at an event that is a celebration for animals. Full of people who care more about their dogs than themselves (seriously). No one watches the dog show and thinks about animal cruelty and they aren't going to understand PETA's message. Wrong scene. Protests are about getting the support of people who aren't part of your cause--when they protest something that the average person looks at as a good thing for animals they're making themselves look stupid to 99.9% of the people who aren't part of their cause. I have no problem with their stance on this, other than what I said earlier--they want you to believe it's all breeders and it isn't. But this was the wrong place to do it. Understand, or does that fly right over your head?

    I suggest reading this multiple times, it's like a movie you know? You'll probably pick up on parts you missed because after I called you a fuck you're probably too fired up to pay attention to what I said.
  • ts1227
    QuakerOats wrote: They suffer a mental illness, not unlike environmental extremists.
    So if you believe the exact opposite of these people because your party line tells you to (even though most solutions are going to fall somewhere in the middle), does that mean that you also have a mental illness? :D

    I'm not saying you were not correct in your statement, but you may be whipping stones from a glass house.
  • Strapping Young Lad
    It's not even about the quality of the breeder, dipshit. It's the idea that every dog bought from a breeder (good breeder or bad breeder) is a dog that is not rescued from a shelter. So, the message still managed to evade your feeble mind.....

    How do we know that people aren't going to volunteer at a shelter b/c of PETA????? People who care about the welfare of animals, IMO, aren't going to suddenly say, "you know what, I was gonna volunteer at the shelter, but I'm not helpin' these fuckin' dogs, because I saw those PETA assholes protesting on TV"....

    I don't agree with everything PETA says and I've been a supporter of animal's rights long before I'd ever heard of PETA. They have no effect on my veiws toward animal's rights.

    PETA's target with these protests is probably not 18-35 y.o. midwestern males. So although no one here likes it and PETA "looks stupid to 99.9 %" of this demographic, I'd bet that at least someone who'd never thought of how breeders hurt the chances of shelter dogs got the message via all the press this recieved. Mission accomplished.......
  • queencitybuckeye
    Strapping Young Lad wrote: It's not even about the quality of the breeder, dipshit. It's the idea that every dog bought from a breeder (good breeder or bad breeder) is a dog that is not rescued from a shelter.
    Which would be a huge factual inaccuracy. The question would be whether it was intentional or unintentional on their part (IOW, are they stupid or dishonest).
  • Strapping Young Lad
    Ok. So, every dog that's bought from a breeder IS a dog that's rescued from a shelter. You're right that makes much more sense.