Lost 2/9 "What Kate Does"
ohiotiger33Hopefully the answer to the episode title is, take her top off.
But seriously, anyone else pumped? -
Fab1byep, have to wait till midnight to catch it though
pinstriperI just want to see Sayid up and running around the jungle getting all Ninja on some people again.
dwccrewThis episode is gonna be sweet
OUgradThis show is just awesome and any episode with Kate is just icing on the cake!
dwccrewThis show is the GOAT
baseballstud24Very confused after this episode. Is Claire now Russo?
UANygweak episode, very weak imo
dwccrew^^^^^I agree. Nothing answered really. How the hell are they going to wrap this show up in one season?
bigdaddy2003Yeah, it was a very weak episode. I still can't believe they introduced a new set of characters in the last season.
Laley23Weak episode (by LOST standards) sets up an episode that will answer a lot next week. At least, imo, that has seemed to be the trend. In seasons past a weak episode was followed by a great one (which introduced more questions). But this season I think the great ones will be questions answered.
ohiotiger33Not weak, they basically are coming up with a new way to explain things. They showed that claire was "claimed." This has to be the same thing that happened to Christian Shepherd. Also, the episode contained Sawyer's best acting in the series, very well done.
Obviously not as good as the premiere, but good nonetheless. -
pinstriperThis Season is going to be tough for a lot of us because of episodes like last night. The producers have said the series will come full circle - it has always been about the characters, and will come back to that, just like the first season. Last night was about the characters, not the Island mythology. Next week they'll answer the Island stuff, but the scene where Sawyer and Kate were sitting on the pier was classic Season One stuff. They just brought Sawyer's character full circle and set him up to be an all out badass out-for-blood vengfull a-hole for the rest of the series...kinda how he began the whole thing. And Kate, they kept her running, just as she started in Season One.
If it were up to me, I wish they'd focus on the crazy Island stuff...that's what gets me going. I want to see Richard sail up on the Black Rock, Jacob and The Man in Black as friends and when it went bad hundreds of years ago, and how the hell the Alt times come together. -
Fab4Runnerdwccrew wrote: This episode is gonna be sweetdwccrew wrote: This show is the GOAT
Just thought this was funny.dwccrew wrote: ^^^^^I agree. Nothing answered really. How the hell are they going to wrap this show up in one season? -
I thought Claire looked to be "alive", Christian I always thought was a "ghost".ohiotiger33 wrote:They showed that claire was "claimed." This has to be the same thing that happened to Christian Shepherd.
I was thinking Claire was like the new Rousseau (sp?). -
ohiotiger33^^ But that doesn't really make much sense. Rousseau wasn't sick, she didn't go down into the hole where the rest of her team got sick.
KnightXC1Claire never died or anything so it should be assumed that she is alive and has been alive on the island. We really don't know what it means to be "claimed" by the island but I'm sure it will get explained. They have to have a couple of filler shows to set up other things which I'm sure this episode did.
thisohiotiger33 wrote: Hopefully the answer to the episode title is, take her top off.
Laley23Yeah, my guess was Claire was still alive. She seemed to have that rugged look about her and the "other" who was shot didnt want Kate and Jin to know she was "alive" at all by the way he was acting about all the traps that were set in the woods.
Agree 100%. Definitely not a bad episode and we are getting answers about this sickness and clues to what has happened with Claire.ohiotiger33 wrote: Not weak, they basically are coming up with a new way to explain things. They showed that claire was "claimed." This has to be the same thing that happened to Christian Shepherd. Also, the episode contained Sawyer's best acting in the series, very well done.
Obviously not as good as the premiere, but good nonetheless.
I love the alternate realities thing as well.
And, like you said, I was very surprised at how well Josh Holloway acted in this episode. -
ptown_trojans_1I liked it for the reasons already stated.
I also think it is very interesting to see the fall of Jack. The "failure" of the detonation seemed to be the last straw as he can't be sure of anything anymore. His leadership, that has been eroding, seemed to be finally gone. (Hurley the leader at the Temple and Jack having no control over saving Sayyid) It seems that Jack is slowly accepting the fact that he has no control over anything. -
OUgradVery interesting theories, but someone tell me if Sayid is still somebody else and who that would be?
But the question is, how and who was she claimed by.ohiotiger33 wrote: Not weak, they basically are coming up with a new way to explain things. They showed that claire was "claimed." This has to be the same thing that happened to Christian Shepherd. Also, the episode contained Sawyer's best acting in the series, very well done.
Obviously not as good as the premiere, but good nonetheless.
I have to agree, it is funny. Before and after thoughts of the episode. The show is still the GOAT though.Fab4Runner wrote:dwccrew wrote: This episode is gonna be sweetdwccrew wrote: This show is the GOAT
Just thought this was funny.dwccrew wrote: ^^^^^I agree. Nothing answered really. How the hell are they going to wrap this show up in one season?
I think Claire is definitely the Rosseua character now. When the 2 "others" were talking, the one was about to say they're not Rosseua's they're -----, but the other guy stopped him. I think he was going to say Claire.
Anyone notice that the other that was shot and killed was Mac from 'It's always Sunny in Philadelphia'? If not it was his clone. -
killer_ewokI thought it was a decent episode but I was definitely confused afterwards.