
Who else has to log hours for time worked?

    In your job, do you punch in and work 8 hours, not punch in at all and just be on your salary, or not punch in but enter hours your worked on specific jobs?

    I'm salary and don't punch in, but I have to log hours charged to certain jobs. So if you need me for your project for programming purposes, all my hours spent doing work on your project is charged against your project. If I spend 6 hours designing and programming and 4 hours in meetings/travel, only 6 hours is charged that day to whatever job I was working on.

    How does it work for u?
  • lhslep134
    Punch in
  • LJ
    ZWICK 4 PREZ wrote: In your job, do you punch in and work 8 hours, not punch in at all and just be on your salary, or not punch in but enter hours your worked on specific jobs?

    I'm salary and don't punch in, but I have to log hours charged to certain jobs. So if you need me for your project for programming purposes, all my hours spent doing work on your project is charged against your project. If I spend 6 hours designing and programming and 4 hours in meetings/travel, only 6 hours is charged that day to whatever job I was working on.

    How does it work for u?
    I had to do this when I worked at DFAS. Since I was the internal controls manager I had to log hours for every DoD agency. It sucked and my timesheet was like 40 lines long. Luckily I used to just copy my timesheet forward, but they liked changing the codes on your randomly because agencies would run out of money on certain appropriations.
  • se-alum
    I don't have to punch in, and I'm on salary+. I get paid time and a half for anything over 8hrs/day.
  • iclfan2
    I am scheduled on a client for 40 a week (55 right now) and then I have to fill out a form online to a charge code for each client I work on. At the client, I have to budget even more on each area worked. So if I spend 30 minutes on something it needs to be documented. It is kinda lame. Oh and I am salary.
    LJ wrote:
    I had to do this when I worked at DFAS. Since I was the internal controls manager I had to log hours for every DoD agency. It sucked and my timesheet was like 40 lines long. Luckily I used to just copy my timesheet forward, but they liked changing the codes on your randomly because agencies would run out of money on certain appropriations.
    Luckily the system in place is all electronic, and to get my services you have to give me an internal order number first. So at the end of the day (or whenever I get to it), I charge hours against the IO#'s I was given for various jobs.
  • wkfan
    On salary....have to account for all time spent to be billed to various projects.
  • ytownfootball
    Log it all and bill accordingly.
  • Nate
    When I worked IT at UPS, I punched in like everyone else but I also had to fill in another time card showing what tasks we worked on during the day. We also had a RETARDED system where we had to plan our work for the next day and were held accountable to meey 75% of the schedule and not work more than 25% off schedule. Sounds easy if all you did was work on projects all day, but we were also first line troubleshooting hardware in the building. A lot of stuff breaks in a 100,000sqft facility with 100's of computers.
  • gorocks99
    On salary, have to bill time to each of my projects (of which I'm technically on four right now). So, if I spend 2.75 hours working for one of my projects, 3 for another, and 4.5 for another in a day, they each get billed separately through our online timesheet.
  • OneBuckeye
    Come and go as I please.
  • Con_Alma
    The only hours I log are the ones I bill clients.
    OneBuckeye wrote: Come and go as I please.
    Bastard.. come up to Research lol
  • raiderbuck
    I log in, get OT for anything above my regular shift, 1.5 for anything over 40 hours a week.
  • Curly J
    Punch in and out. Get 1.5 for anything over 40 hours and automatic Double Time on Sundays.

    But my last job was salary and too much logs/paperwork including time on every job, mileage, and the like . Glad I don't have to deal with that anymore.
  • OneBuckeye
    ZWICK 4 PREZ wrote:
    OneBuckeye wrote: Come and go as I please.
    Bastard.. come up to Research lol
    No thanks, I like being trailer trash.
  • jmog
    Don't clock in, but I'm in the same boat as Z4P.

    The only difference is that I do log travel/meeting times to whatever job they are for.
  • Thunder70
    on the clock...
  • wildcats20
    We don't have a time clock or anything that counts our hours for us, but we have to hand write on a time sheet our hours.
    jmog wrote: Don't clock in, but I'm in the same boat as Z4P.

    The only difference is that I do log travel/meeting times to whatever job they are for.
    They had us quit charging time for travel and meetings as a "creative accounting" measure as I like to call it. If you only charged for hours worked, the cost looks much lower and you're able to say "look at the bargain you're getting with us". You're not saving the company any money though.
  • Bigred1995
    Same as you zwick. I don't punch a clock, but I do have to charge time to different departments.
  • coyotes22
    Punch in,,,

    Also log hours per jobs I work on during the day.

    The time we work, gets billed to those companies.

    So, I clock in for 8 hours, but, that 8 hours may get split up among three diff companies.
  • BCBulldog
    No time clock, log hours based on what project I am working on.
  • cbus4life
    Log hours based on the project/activity i'm working on at the time.
  • darbypitcher22
    I do for student employment. Supposed to only be like 7 a week but since part of how I get paid is through coaching after office and practice hours I'm to at least 12 by Wednesday most weeks