Who else has to log hours for time worked?
fan_from_texasWe bill clients in 6-minute increments. We're salaried, though our bonuses are billable hours-driven.
krambmanI'm salary at one of my jobs so I don't have to keep track of any of my hours. I'm hourly at the other job, but it's essentially the same hours every day. I have to keep track and tell my employer at the end of the month how many hours I worked, but there's not official "punch in" system, I just keep track on my own.
AngelNo time clock, no logging hours.
However, our database does an excellent job of tracking what everyone is doing every minute of the day. -
Must be nice,......Salary here ................and no extra no matter how many hours worked.se-alum wrote: I don't have to punch in, and I'm on salary+. I get paid time and a half for anything over 8hrs/day. -
slingshot4everSalary, don't punch in, can't get OT pay.
Cat Food Flambe'Salaried here -all I have to do is track my vacation days.
BuckeyeBlueI get paid the same amount whether I work 2 hours, or 100 hours in a week. In fact, if you all want you can easily figure out exactly how much I make. Just need to know my paygrade and time in service.
GameoverCome and go as I please being self-employed. Office hours are 8:30-5.
j_crazyif I don't note any changes, all of my time goes to my default cost center. If I work on something outside of that I'll charge to their cost center. don't log hours daily though.
End of LinePunch in.