
Question for Guys Regarding Child Birth

  • Fab4Runner this might seem a little weird...but I am sitting here watching A Baby Story on TLC and this woman seriously looks like she wants to die from the pain she is in. So my question is did/do/would you care whether or not the mother of your child wanted an epidural and/or other pain medication during child birth?

    I only ask because I do have a friend whose boyfriend said he wants her to have a natural child birth. FUCK that. If I want pain meds (which I know I will) I am going to get them. I know it's the guys child as well and yeah they may be concerned about the health of the baby but the woman has to push that thing out. I say if she wants it she gets it.
  • se-alum
    It would be up to her to do whatever she wanted. I can't fathom what kind of pain that must be!!
  • LJ
    Congratulations on your pregnancy!!!!!
  • Sage
    as a drug advocate, itd be hypocritical of me to say i didnt want my wife doped up.

    wait, i will never have a wife or a child. so, this doesnt apply to me. :(
  • FatHobbit
    I would say go for the drugs.

    My ex wanted to have a natural child birth but she changed her mind right in the middle of it. They told her it was too late. :D She's had drugs for every kid after that.
  • ytownfootball
    As long as you're back in the kitchen with a couple extra stitches in the vag in two days I don't care.
  • trackandccrunner
    I'd say if she could do a natural birth then go forth but if not give her the drugs!
  • raiderbuck
    Epidural for sure. I can't imaging just beastin' out a baby without some kind of drug.

    Hell, I'd rather be knocked out when I get my teeth filled.
  • imex99
    Just had our first child(a boy) and she wanted natural but a couple hours into labor, heck with that... its the mother and only the mothers choice, PERIOD!!!
  • GoChiefs
    Definitely whatever she wants. She's the one that has to go through the pain. Not me.
  • j_crazy
    My wife went natural for 13 hours before the Dr. said c-section or bust. You will be able to live with the pain, but like I told my wife (who obviously didn't listen), why wouldn't you be as comfortable as possible if there were no adverse effects of the epidural?

    I don't care one way or the other about using it.
  • WebFire
    Fab4Runner wrote: I know it's the guys child as well and yeah they may be concerned about the health of the baby but the woman has to push that thing out. I say if she wants it she gets it.
    What is the concern with an epidural?
  • Fab4Runner
    WebFire wrote:
    Fab4Runner wrote: I know it's the guys child as well and yeah they may be concerned about the health of the baby but the woman has to push that thing out. I say if she wants it she gets it.
    What is the concern with an epidural?
    As far as I know there isn't one....but that was the reasoning my friends dude tried to use. Really I just think he is a control freak and that would just be one more way for him to have all the power in their relationship. I figured most men would agree it's the mothers choice but you just never know.
  • ptangzoot
    My wife went natural on the first....
    She got the epidural on the next two.

    There is a reason she got the epidural...I suggest taking the epidural.
  • Bigdogg
    Well I noticed you said your friend's boyfriend. So I am assuming no marriage. He has appositely no say, and probably even more no say if they were married.
  • Fab1b
    Give her the drugs and give me some too :) LOL
  • vball10set
    it's up to the woman giving childbirth--end of story
  • Nate
    100% the woman's decision.
  • Upper90
    Listen, This is AMERICA.

    With that said, if I am ever in this position (and after last night, I'll probably be in it at least 3 times in 8-9 months or so...), it's up to the woman. Period.

    She doesn't show up at my job and tell me how to hide under my desk when my boss comes to avoid doing any real work....I'm not going to tell her how to have a child.
  • fan_from_texas
    There are some concerns with an epidural. Women who use epidurals have longer labors. They also have much higher intervention rates (C-section, etc.). They also have longer recovery times and more post-pregnancy infections and complications. The epidural does relieve pain, but the pain (though extraordinarily intense) doesn't cause damage--it's temporary (albeit miserable).

    That said, I think it's up to the woman. If Mrs. FFT can go without, she will. But if she wants an epidural, that's her call. I don't have strong feelings either way. But I did want to chime in to say that there are some valid reasons for skipping an epidural.
  • Def Leopard
    Tell the control freak when he sticks a beer can up his ass he may offer an opinion. Until then shut your mouth and provide for your new family.
  • Nate
    Epidurals can cause longer labors but if taken at the right time, labor can still go at a steady pace. My girlfriend waited until 7cm to get an epi. She was trying to go 100% natural but unfortunately, she had horrible back labor and was thrashing uncontrollably and gave it at 7. She ended up having baby only a few hours after the epidural. Total labor was 10 hours.
  • CinciX12
    fan_from_texas wrote: There are some concerns with an epidural. Women who use epidurals have longer labors. They also have much higher intervention rates (C-section, etc.). They also have longer recovery times and more post-pregnancy infections and complications. The epidural does relieve pain, but the pain (though extraordinarily intense) doesn't cause damage--it's temporary (albeit miserable).

    That said, I think it's up to the woman. If Mrs. FFT can go without, she will. But if she wants an epidural, that's her call. I don't have strong feelings either way. But I did want to chime in to say that there are some valid reasons for skipping an epidural.

    During clinical I watched both routes. They still seemed rather painful either way haha.

    Depends on the doctor, how good the guy/lady giving the epi is and whether or not they only numb one side of you.

    I say go for the drugs though, but once you are at 7 to 8 dilated. The people that get the epi at 3 to 4 cm dilated are just plain dumb. That's not the part that hurts, and like FFT said, it will make your labor exponentially longer.
  • power i
    I had drugs during labor but no epidural. Don't remember what they gave me, but it just lets you sleep between contractions. It wore off when I started pushing, so that part was pretty much drug free. So I was drugged during labor (the worst and longest part, IMO) but very much awake and aware during her birth (which you really don't remember the pain during that part). Don't know why I didn't do an epidural. My doc never even mentioned it.
  • sleeper
    Honestly, if a woman has had sex with me, she can handle the pain of shoving something that size out her vag, and you can take that to the bank.