
Facebook question

  • bcubed
    I did the Macarena with my science teacher under your bed because i'm sexy and I do what I want!

    Which is fine because my science teacher in high school was a Milf and still is!
  • Tiger2003
    I karate chopped a monster in a elevator because I am sexy and do what I want.....
  • sleeper
    I had sex with your mom, at least once, and I do what I want.
  • NNN
    jmog wrote: My wife asked me the other day "So did you even wonder why all the girls were posting colors as their status?"

    I replied, "I saw it, didn't care and moved on."

    She laughed, "I knew you wouldn't care, and probably most guys. It was supposed to be for B.C. awareness and to 'mess with men' make them wonder why women are posting colors."

    She said that in the end most of the people that got annoyed and wanted to know why statuses were colors, were women who didn't get the "memo". Hardly any men even cared or noticed.

    Too funny if you ask me.
    So....why were you in the kitchen?
  • NNN
    Glory Days wrote: i saw that too and just did some research. not sure how it got started but this is how it works.
    I'd wholeheartedly support something more like this.

    Pick the month you were born:
    January------- My boyfriend/fiance/husband
    February------My boyfriend/fiance/husband
    March--------My boyfriend/fiance/husband
    April----------My boyfriend/fiance/husband
    May----------My boyfriend/fiance/husband
    June----------My boyfriend/fiance/husband
    July-----------My boyfriend/fiance/husband
    August--------My boyfriend/fiance/husband
    September----My boyfriend/fiance/husband
    October-------My boyfriend/fiance/husband
    November----My boyfriend/fiance/husband
    December----My boyfriend/fiance/husband

    Pick the day (number) you were born on:
    1-------came in my mouth, then put his junk in my ass
    2-------came in my mouth, then put his junk in my ass
    3-------came in my mouth, then put his junk in my ass
    4-------came in my mouth, then put his junk in my ass
    5-------came in my mouth, then put his junk in my ass
    6-------came in my mouth, then put his junk in my ass
    7-------came in my mouth, then put his junk in my ass
    8-------came in my mouth, then put his junk in my ass
    9- ------came in my mouth, then put his junk in my ass
    10-------came in my mouth, then put his junk in my ass
    11-------came in my mouth, then put his junk in my ass
    12-------came in my mouth, then put his junk in my ass
    13-------came in my mouth, then put his junk in my ass
    14-------came in my mouth, then put his junk in my ass
    15-------came in my mouth, then put his junk in my ass
    16-------came in my mouth, then put his junk in my ass
    17-------came in my mouth, then put his junk in my ass
    18-------came in my mouth, then put his junk in my ass
    19------ -came in my mouth, then put his junk in my ass
    20-------came in my mouth, then put his junk in my ass
    21-------came in my mouth, then put his junk in my ass
    22-------came in my mouth, then put his junk in my ass
    23-------came in my mouth, then put his junk in my ass
    24-------came in my mouth, then put his junk in my ass
    25-------came in my mouth, then put his junk in my ass
    26-------came in my mouth, then put his junk in my ass
    27-------came in my mouth, then put his junk in my ass
    28-------came in my mouth, then put his junk in my ass
    29-------came in my mouth, then put his junk in my ass
    30-------came in my mouth, then put his junk in my ass
    31-------came in my mouth, then put his junk in my ass

    What is the last number of the year you were born:
    1--------- without warning me
    2 ---------without warning me
    3 ----------- without warning me
    4 ----------- without warning me
    5 ----------- without warning me
    6 --------- without warning me
    7 --------- without warning me
    8---------- without warning me
    9 -------- without warning me
    0 -------- without warning me

    Pick the color of shirt you are wearing:
    White---------because he knows what's best for me more than I do
    Black---------because he knows what's best for me more than I do
    Pink-----------because he knows what's best for me more than I do
    Red-----------because he knows what's best for me more than I do
    Blue-----------because he knows what's best for me more than I do
    Green---------because he knows what's best for me more than I do
    Purple---------because he knows what's best for me more than I do
    Gray----------because he knows what's best for me more than I do
    Yellow--------because he knows what's best for me more than I do
    Orange--------because he knows what's best for me more than I do
    Brown---------because he knows what's best for me more than I do
    Other----------because he knows what's best for me more than I do
    None----------because he knows what's best for me more than I do