
Do you mind going to a restaurant by yourself?

  • ~zoom~
    I live about 15 minutes from all of my friends... if I dont feel like driving to them or meeting half way and I dont feel like cooking I have no problem taking homework, a good book, or just myself to a local restaurant and getting some food. Or sometimes if it's been a long day and I want some alone time and a good meal I'll treat myself and just have some alone time.
    I have a friend who freaks out if she hears I went to dinner alone... lol, I make sure to text her everytime I do it to hear her freak out about it :)
  • sleeper
    I don't mind doing your mom by myself, so no.
  • raiderbuck
    Was just talking to a female friend about this. She says that if it's a girl it's lame...but it's cool for guys. I've only done it a handful of times, and I'll often just go to the bar and eat.
  • Cat Food Flambe'
    Do it often on the road - as Mr. 300 mentioned, when you travel, you often don't have much of a choice.

    There are several restaurants near the hotels at which I usually stay in Hartford and Seattle that have "Captain's Tables", where upon request the staff will seat single diners who want to talk with others. I've met a lot of interesting people this way, and have actually made a couple of long-term professional contacts as well. (AHEM - not that kind of profession - THEY usually hang out in the bar, which I avoid like the plague).
  • pmoney25
    Fast Food Places-Yes
    Sit Down Restaurants-No, that is kinda creepy
  • BRF
    Somehow, I think I have read all this a time.........long ago, now.

    It must be "deja vu".
  • darbypitcher22
    Cat Food,

    I may have to remember that tip for networking down the line
  • Go_Fast_Sports
    I'm with v_falcons... I go lots of places to eat by myself. But I will never go to a movie alone. I'd rather rent one and take it home.

    If you are stressed at work or just need to get away, nothing is better then going to a local place, sit down, have your own space and relax.

    If I don't have anything to read, I usually whip out the ol Blackberry and surf the web. I find that waiters/waitresses treat you 10 times better alone, as they usually get tipped correctly or more.
  • sej
    I have no problem eating alone, whether it is fast food or a sit down restaurant. I also have no problem going to movies alone, shopping alone, snowboarding alone...I don't feel I should miss out on stuff I want to do just because my friends don't want to do it. They all think I'm nuts, but I thoroughly enjoy it.
  • Heretic
    Doesn't bother me to eat by myself. Part of that's probably due to work, as I do a bit of traveling with my job and, well, I'd rather eat by myself in a restaurant than be really hungry all day.
  • June18
    I eat alone alot. I'd prefer to have a paper or something so I'm not just staring off into space but sometimes there's nothin.

    Also have gone to the movies by myself. It's ok unless a total stranger comes up and sits right beside you in an empty theatre.
  • TBone14
    I usually will sit at the bar and I have no problem. I enjoy being by myself. If you can't stand to be with yourself then I don't know what to tell you.
  • ptown_trojans_1
    Nope, not at all.
  • Sonofanump
    Mr. 300 wrote: Do it all the time. When you're in sales and on the road all day, you don't have much choice.
    I concur. I only eat alone when traveling for business.
  • zambrown
    I go to lunch alone a lot. Just bring a good book and I'm fine. Now, the only time I've done this at a fine dining establishment is when I'm traveling for work, but mid-range restaurants (Bob Evans, Big Boy, etc. I have no problem). Plus, I go to the movies by myself all the time. Doesn't bother me in the least. Would I prefer to have company? Sure. But if son isn't up to what I'm choosing and hubby doesn't do ANY kind of chick flicks, then alone is perfectly fine with me.
  • End of Line
    I do it all the time. I like my space from others sometimes, because there are some of friends that turn into dicks when I'm trying to eat a meal.
  • I Wear Pants
    I eat alone a lot on my way home from school (50 minute commute to YSU). Most times I'll just get some fast food but I occasionally will eat at someplace nicer. I don't see a problem with it, sure it's usually better to eat with friends but I'm not so self conscience that I can't enjoy a meal alone.
  • slide22
    Something like Bob Evans, iHop, etc. I'll stop in by myself and get some coffee and grub. Never really done it at a nicer sit-down place though.
  • hasbeen
    I have no problem eating alone or going to a movie alone. My friends and I all work different schedules and I don't like cooking and sometimes damn it I want good food or a good movie.
  • Fab1b
    Fast food places or BW's I don't mind going by myself too but sit down waited on type restaraunts not a big fan of going by myself. Movies either I'd rather go with someone.
  • Tiernan
    Since I contracted leprosy a few years ago in Panama I eat out alot by myself. Not a big deal.
  • Nate
    When I worked midnights, I use to eat breakfast after work a lot by myself at Star Diner. (hot waitresses)
  • krambman
    I do it all the time. Usually if I'm by myself I'll sit at the bar so I don't take up an entire table by myself (I used to be a server and waiting on singles sucked because you only get a tip for one person sitting at a 4 person table). Every now and then I'll sit at a table to eat by myself if I'm celebrating something or treating myself. Sometimes I end up by myself because everyone else is busy and there's no one to go with, or sometimes I just need to get away from people and enjoy the solitude.
  • Fly4Fun
    sej wrote: I have no problem eating alone, whether it is fast food or a sit down restaurant. I also have no problem going to movies alone, shopping alone, snowboarding alone...I don't feel I should miss out on stuff I want to do just because my friends don't want to do it. They all think I'm nuts, but I thoroughly enjoy it.
    Don't lie, you snowboard alone because another person can't fit on the lift with you!

    I went skiing yesterday... I forgot how pathetic places around Ohio were. Makes me miss New Hampshire/Vermont even with the not as cold conditions.
  • believer
    I've been eating alone in restaurants for years especially when traveling on business.