
Would you rather?

  • End of Line
    ^^^^^^Not really. Now the rest of us can't continue ;)
  • tk421
    Okay, let's forget that nasty one posted by the frosh.

    So, would you rather have sex with this set of twins once a day for a year and that's the only sex you'd get for the rest of your life.


    would you rather have sex with this set of twins once a day for a year if it meant getting all the hot chicks you wanted afterwords.
  • TBone14
    The ugly ones now and hot ones later.

    Would you rather give up TV or the Internet?
  • tk421

    Would you rather be reincarnated as a spider or a fly?
  • Darkon

    Pimp or Politician
  • rookie_j70

    Would you rather go a day without food or a day without water?
  • RedIs4Heart

    Would you rather be Ralph Macchio or Billy Zabka?
  • ernest_t_bass

    Would you rather eat worms or eat moths?
  • mtrulz

    Would you rather be Chuck Norris or Dr. Phil?
  • darbypitcher22
    Chuck Norris.

    Would you rather get hit by a semi or hit by a train?
  • Nate

    Would you rather be Martha Stewart or Roise O'Donnell?
  • derek bomar
    Martha...would you rather have the ability to fly or the zac morris "timeout" power?
  • Nate
    Zac Morris Timeout power

    Would get a lot of gropes in.

    Would you rather eat toenails or boogers?
  • Little Danny

    Would you rather pay $12 for JJHUDDLE or Hook up with Holly Mangold?
  • Nate
    $12 for JJHuddle

    Who would you rather have posting on FreeHuddle : Trooperden or Armed Forces?
  • GoChiefs
    Trooperden..his posts were rare..and when he did post..they weren't 4 pages long!

    Would you rather have the power of invisibility, or be able to control the weather?
  • Nate

    Jessica Simpson or Jessica Alba?
  • derek bomar

    Would you rather have AIDS but win the mega millions be homeless
  • Nate
    AIDS with the Mega Millions

    Peanut Butter : Chunky or Creamy?
  • mtrulz

    Would you rather see NikkiSantoro or Armedforces post here?
  • GoChiefs
    Nikki..I rarely go to the CF wouldn't bother me a bit.

    be able to fortell the future, or have all the money you will every need?
  • ernest_t_bass

    The ability to teleport or the ability to snap your finger and have any "project" finished. (Example, building a house)
  • Nate

    3 arms or 3 legs?
  • mtrulz

    Get kicked by Jackie Chan or Chuck Norris?
  • derek bomar

    Get stung in your weiner hole by a bumble bee or rammed in the shiiter by a horse