Would you rather?
End of Line^^^^^^Not really. Now the rest of us can't continue
tk421Okay, let's forget that nasty one posted by the frosh.
So, would you rather have sex with this set of twins once a day for a year and that's the only sex you'd get for the rest of your life.
would you rather have sex with this set of twins once a day for a year if it meant getting all the hot chicks you wanted afterwords.
TBone14The ugly ones now and hot ones later.
Would you rather give up TV or the Internet? -
Would you rather be reincarnated as a spider or a fly? -
Pimp or Politician -
Would you rather go a day without food or a day without water? -
Would you rather be Ralph Macchio or Billy Zabka? -
Would you rather eat worms or eat moths? -
Would you rather be Chuck Norris or Dr. Phil? -
darbypitcher22Chuck Norris.
Would you rather get hit by a semi or hit by a train? -
Would you rather be Martha Stewart or Roise O'Donnell? -
derek bomarMartha...would you rather have the ability to fly or the zac morris "timeout" power?
NateZac Morris Timeout power
Would get a lot of gropes in.
Would you rather eat toenails or boogers? -
Little Dannytoenails
Would you rather pay $12 for JJHUDDLE or Hook up with Holly Mangold? -
Nate$12 for JJHuddle
Who would you rather have posting on FreeHuddle : Trooperden or Armed Forces? -
GoChiefsTrooperden..his posts were rare..and when he did post..they weren't 4 pages long!
Would you rather have the power of invisibility, or be able to control the weather? -
Jessica Simpson or Jessica Alba? -
derek bomarAlba...
Would you rather have AIDS but win the mega millions be homeless -
NateAIDS with the Mega Millions
Peanut Butter : Chunky or Creamy? -
Would you rather see NikkiSantoro or Armedforces post here? -
GoChiefsNikki..I rarely go to the CF Forums..so wouldn't bother me a bit.
be able to fortell the future, or have all the money you will every need? -
The ability to teleport or the ability to snap your finger and have any "project" finished. (Example, building a house) -
3 arms or 3 legs? -
Get kicked by Jackie Chan or Chuck Norris? -
derek bomarChan
Get stung in your weiner hole by a bumble bee or rammed in the shiiter by a horse