ccrunner - ENGLISH MOTHERFUCKER! DO YOU SPEAK IT? You're either the demon seed of Belly35 or he was your fucking English teacher.
snotbubbles - It's gotta be hard on your wife being married to a man with the maturity of a 1 year old and the dick size to match. I feel bad for a man who didn't want to change his sons diapers because it gave him an inferiority complex.
darby - If post counts correlated with penis length you'd be hung like a fucking elephant. Unfortunately for you or any woman ever desperate enough to bed you your dick doesn't even make it past your third knuckle when you grab ahold of it. Poor thing just sits on top of your balls like a tiny hat.
skank - I think its great, honoring your mom with your username.
j_crazy - I know the penis jokes are getting old by now but it's gotta suck having a smaller dick than the hamster that's crawling around in your ass.
coyotes22 - Another pupil of the Belly35 School of Grammar. If your IQ was as high as the number of punctuation marks you used while posting it would be higher than room temperature. Congrats.
MrPoke - It takes guts using your favorite hobby as your username when it involves fucking other guys. I am sure cats_gone_wild is praying for you.
BRF - Congratulations on your win in the "Who's Now" contest. You're wife was telling me how proud you were of that or some bullshit, I couldn't really tell. It's hard to understand her when she tries talking with a mouth full of cock.
ernest_t_bass - Congrats on finally mastering MS Paint. My third grade self is proud of you.
queencitybuckeye - you should've stopped typing after the first five letters when you created your username. You make Liberace look like Chuck fucking Norris.
berry - You've never once made a serious post on here or the old place. Until now. You dickhead.
The rest of you dickheads aren't worth the time or the effort. You guys couldn't roast a fucking marshmallow.