
is this inhumane?

  • Pick6
    Find a way to get rid of it. I would rep 4ringz and se-alum but just did yesterday and today.
  • DeadliestWarrior34
    Find a way to get rid of it.
  • HitsRus
    He's fine if we leave and he's not penned up.. he freaks out in a box.
    Then why put him in a box? I wouldn't want to be in a box. I never understood this cage shit. I never had an animal that I had to put in a cage. I concur with Belly and his earlier posts, ...that the key is really trust and praise, not negative shocks and cages.
    I always say my animals are like family members,because that is exactly how I treat them....I treat my animals like my kids....and that is what they respond favorably to, especially dogs. Dogs are descendant from wolves, and wolves in the wild travel in family units, contrary to the popular incorrect notion that they are pack animals led by an alpha male and a constant struggle for dominance. It is only when they are forced into a hostile or non-family situation do they exhibit that kind of behavior. Hence, if you put your dog(s) in a hostile environment you are doomed to constant struggle....or you end up with a scared submissive, repressed dog that takes off and runs and soon as he breaks free.

    I'm going to agree with some of the other posters above. What is your fiancee doing rescuing a dog but bringing him into a situation where you don't have adequate time to housebreak him? Are you really doing the animal that much of a favor? Hopefully, this will be a lesson learned.
  • Mr Miyagi and the dog will get much needed sleep